Review Sheet

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World History II

Comparative Revolutions Review Sheet

Readings/Study Materials:
- Textbook Sections:
o 22.4, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3. 23.5 (23.4 notes from class); 24.1 page 603
- All notes and handouts from the Revolutions unit, including
o Enlightenment/American Rev chart
o French Rev movie questions
o Haitian Rev comic
- SSS questions

Essential Questions:
- How did the Enlightenment lead to the American Revolution?
o Where do we see Enlightenment ideals in the United States today?
- What were the main causes of the French Revolution?
o How did the social structure of France (The Ancien Regime – Three
Estates) lead to Revolution?
- What were the major symbols of the French Revolution? Know the significance
of the following:
o Storming of the Bastille
o Declaration of the Rights of Man
o The Guillotine
- How do the events of the French Revolution illustrate Jefferson’s quote:
“Revolutions consume their own children.”
- What were Napoleon’s three most costly errors? How did they lead to his demise?
- What were the most significant events of the Haitian Revolution? How was it
connected to Napoleon and the French Rev?

Stages of the French Revolution

- Know the chronological order of the different governments of France (Estates
General through Directory) and the major events we have studied (French Rev
and the age of Napoleon)

Important People
- Enlightenment philsophes and their influence on the U.S.
- Louis XVI
- Marie Antoinette
- Jacques Necker
- Abbe Sieyes
- Robespierre
- Georges Danton
- Jean Paul Marat
- Charlotte Corday
- Olympe de Gouges
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Horatio Nelson
- Duke of Wellington
- Czar Alexander I
- Clemens von Metternich
- Touissant L’Ouverture

Important Terms
- Bourgeoisie
- Seven Years War
- “Madame Deficit”
- Estates General
- Bastille
- National Assembly
- Legislative Assembly
- Tennis Court Oath
- Declaration of the Rights of Man
- Declaration of the Rights of Women
- Sans-Culottes
- Jacobins
- National Guard
- Committee of Public Safety
- The “Great Fear”
- Tricolor
- Guillotine
- Émigré
- The Directory
- Consulate
- Concordat of 1801
- Napoleonic Code
- Battle of Trafalgar
- Continental System
- Plebiscite
- Annex
- Congress of Vienna
- Waterloo
- Guerrilla Warfare
- Legitimacy
- Gens Du Couleur

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