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1. Find an equation of the tangent plane to the surface ×    at the point (2,0,2).
Use Maple to graph the surface and the tangent plane.

2. Consider ×  | Ô  Ô p | at the point (1,1,5). Graph the surface and the tangent
plane at the given point. Produce two prints of your graphs in Maple. The 1st
being a reasonable perspective to see both the surface and the tangent plane,
the 2nd after zooming in to the point that the surface is indistinguishable from
the tangent plane. This will not be perfect graphs, just do the best you can.

3. Explain why the function d J   Ô   is differentiable at the point (3,0)

then find the linearization ÑJ  of the function at (3,0).

4. Suppose you need to know an equation of the tangent plane to a surface V at the
point P(2, 1, 3). You don͛t have an equation for V but you know that the curves
Y J   | Ô p Y - p p -  Ô | | J  YÔ  | | p - Y | Ô Y are both on V. Find
an equation of the tangent plane at P.

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