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1. would/do you mind...?

a) used to politely ask someone's permission

would you mind if
Would you mind if I opened the window?
Would you mind if I came with you?
I'll have to leave early, do you mind?
b) used to politely ask someone to do something
would you mind doing something?
Would you mind waiting outside?
'Do you want me to carry this bag for you?' 'Would you mind?'
c) used to angrily ask or tell someone to do something
would you mind doing something?
Would you mind telling me what you're doing in here?
Would you mind shutting up for a minute?

2. The big house

Jail; prison

3. Make believe (verb)

to pretend or imagine that something is true when it is not:
I tried to make believe she was happy, but knew deep down it wasn't true.

Make-believe [noun; uncountable]

when you imagine or pretend that something is real or true:
He seems to be living in a world of make-believe.
children in the middle of a make-believe adventure

4. I/I'll tell you what

also tell you what
a) used when you are suggesting or offering something:
I tell you what - let's have a picnic in the park.
b) American English used in order to emphasize what you are really saying:
I tell you what, I'm not looking forward to standing up in court tomorrow.
5. (Would you) care for a . . . . ?
Would you like a . . . . ?

Care for some coffee?

Care for another piece of pie?

6. Knack informal
1 [singular] a natural skill or ability [↪ talent]
knack for doing something
Some people seem to have a knack for making money.

7. You never know

spoken used to say that something which seems unlikely may happen:
Try it! You never know, you might be lucky.
8. Sure
American English informal
used to emphasize a statement:
It sure is hot out here.
I sure hope they get there all right.

9. Be on your toes
or He’s on his toes
to make sure that someone is ready for anything that might happen:
They do random checks to keep workers on their toes.

10. Right off the bat

American English (=immediately, without having to think carefully)

Kay answered right off the bat.

He said yes right off the bat.

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