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Sreemohan K.S
Market Research Panel
 Market research panels are comprised
of people meeting certain demographic
criterion. They are commonly used for
obtaining business information about
product sales and are sometimes
mistakenly referred to as focus groups.
Two Forms of Panels
 For the consumer market

 For collecting business-to-business

(B2B) purchasing information
Selection of panel
Panels can be chosen from :

 A target audience segment.

 Current customers.

 Potential customers.

 Any other particular group the originator of the study wants

to include
The consumer panel group
 Usually is a good cross-section of the population.
 They may be asked to keep a diary, answer
questions online, or attend a focus group
 There may be a visit to their actual homes for
research of buying habits.
 Investigate behavioral factors that influence
buying decisions.
 Investigate emotions.
 Investigate subjective factors.
Panel for B2B purchasing information
 Focuses on products sold in the business-to-
business arena.
 More specifically oriented towards the world of
 There would be more questions or discussions about:
1. Competition.
2. Government legislation.
3. The market.
4. Impact of the economy.
5. Other factors that are related to that type
of business

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