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Freak the Mighty

1. The title of this book is Freak the Mighty

2. The author of this book is Rodman Philbrick, Yes he
has written more books, and some titles are Taken, The
Young Man and the Sea, The Last Book in the
Universe, Torn, and The Mostly true Adventures of
Homer P. Figg.
3. The publication date is 1933
4. I would rate the cover at a 3. The reason is because
there’s nothing on the cover to make me want to read
the book.
5. The plot of this story is how Freak and Max go
through all these challenges some they overcome some
they don’t. Freak and mighty start off on the wrong but
end up being friends. Max thinks freak is the smartest
kid in the world because he knows a lot of words. Freak
and Max have gone through rough times like fighting
off a gang. Max becomes Freaks mighty stead as they
go on quest. Freak and Max go through different
neighbor hoods but calls them secret kingdoms. Max
learns more and more words with Freak.
6. The main character, He thinks crutches are cool, and
he likes fighting.
7. One great line in the book is, were Freak the Mighty
that’s who we are. Pg: 39-40
8. My rating of the book is a 5 because it wasn’t that
eye catching
Freak the Mighty
9. A teen would in enjoy this book because it teaches a
lot of word and it teaches of friendship.
10. The setting of this book is a small town. Yes the
settings make a difference in the book. If it were in a big
city they might not have a pond to go look at fireworks.
11. If I changed the setting of the book I would make it a
town out in the county. I would change Max’s backyard
from a clump of chain meal to a nice backyard with
grass and flowers.
12. The conflict in this story in Man vs. Man, and Man
vs. Mind. Max faces Man vs. Man conflict when Tony
D. (Blade) starts calling him names at the pond on the
forth of July. Freak helps him get away from him by
steering Max like a horse. Then Freak helps him get
away when Tony(Blade) chases him with a knife. Freak
get Max to jump in the pond on the shallow end because
he is tall but Blade trys to jump in after him but gets
stuck. Blade and his gang start throwing rock but the
cops come just in time.

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