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5:30 AM – Wakes up and takes a wizard shower

6:15 AM – Meets his group of campaign managers at a local tavern or in the lobby of his hotel.

6:45AM - Makes his appearance in public in notable places such as Gringots bank and other
places of important commerce.

8:00 AM – Breakfast with members of different departments of the Ministry of Magic at their

9:30AM - Sends post owls off to various districts asking for campaign support and or

11:30 AM – Talks to the Ministry of Magic officers

12:30 PM – Luncheon with the heads of the School board for the wizarding world to discuss
plans for the upcoming academic year

2:00 PM – Daily Prophet interview with Rita Skeeter

3:00 PM – Makes appearance at the tri-wizard tournament and gives game opening speech

4:30 PM – Rests for a short period time in levitation

6:00 PM – Dinner @ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

8:00 PM – Rally at The Room of Requirement

10 PM - Fundraising Owl Posts

11PM – On talk show with Tom Riddle

12:00 –Sleep

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