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Marketing Strategic


1. Introduction to Marketing Strategic.

2. Process of strategy formulation.

3. Product Strategy.

4. Promo Strategy.

5. Place Strategy.

6. Price Strategy.

7. Internet Market.

8. Portfolio Analysis: (It is very important it forms 80% of exam)

a) BCG Matrix.

b) GE .

c) Ansof Model.

d) Porters Five Force.

e) Value Chain.

f) Generic Strategy

Paper Pattern

3 Hours
60 Marks

Section I

Case Study ( 1 Page) would consist of 3-4 Question .

20 Marks

Section II
Would consist of 6 Question attempt any 4 explain as below:
40 Marks

5 Question & 1 Short Notes(2 out of 4)

Last year Question given as an example:

i. What is the relationship between Market Segmentation, Target Marketing &

Positing? Give min 5 eg: to prove combined strategy successful in Indian
Market ?

ii. “Consumer r prepared to pay more than perceived value of product” Critically
examine the question & elaborate ur answer ?

iii. “Elaborate on Ansoff Model” whath strategy would u refer ?

a) Declining Market.

b) High Brand concentrated ratio market with very marginal market share
& profit for each of the player

iv. Follower get attracted to rapidly growing market ? what are the risk &
opportunities in growth market ?


For 10 marks u have to write atleast 10 page( which include front as 1st pg n back
as 2nd page)

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