Installing XAMPP

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Installing XAMPP

On Windows / PC
1. Download the XAMPP package from
2. Run the XAMPP installation. If you are unsure about adjusting any of the
settings, keep all default options.
3. A command prompt window should open asking:
◦ Should I add shortcuts to the startmenu / desktop
▪ Select whichever option you prefer and hit enter.
◦ Should I locate the XAMPP paths correctly?
▪ Select "Y".
◦ Should I make a portable XAMPP without drive letters?
▪ Select "N"
◦ At the end of this, hit the "Enter" key to continue.
◦ A timezone advisory should now appear
▪ Hit "Enter" to continue.
◦ A list of options should then appear
▪ Select 'X' and hit "enter" to close the command prompt
4. XAMPP should now be located in C://XAMPP
5. Double-click xampp-control.exe inside the XAMPP directory to open up the
XAMPP control panel
6. In the control panel that opens up, click start for:
◦ Apache
▪ if Windows messages appear requesting access to computer
resources, grant access
7. To verify XAMPP is working, go to http://localhost in your web browser and
make sure you can see the XAMPP landing page
8. To use XAMPP for your projects, all of your web projects (such as WordPress)
should be placed in the C://xampp/htdocs directory

On Mac
1. Download the XAMPP package from
2. Install the XAMPP package
3. Place the XAMPP folder in the Applications directory
4. To start XAMPP, double click on XAMPP Control inside the XAMPP directory
5. 2 panels should open up
◦ Getting Started panel will direct you the XAMPP landing page
◦ XAMPP Controls panel will open up
6. In the XAMPP Controls panel, start:
◦ Apache
7. To verify XAMPP is working, go to http://localhost in your web browser and
make sure you can see the XAMPP landing page
8. To use XAMPP for your projects, all of your web projects (such as WordPress)
should be placed in the Applications/xampp/htdocs directory

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