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Shahien Nasiripour

Shahien Nasiripour | HuffPost Reporting

Financial Crisis Panel In Turmoil As Republicans

Defect; Plan To Blame Government For Crisis

First Posted: 12-15-10 12:11 AM | Updated: 12-15-10 12:17 AM

The four Republicans appointed to the commission investigating the root causes of the financial crisis
plan to bypass the bipartisan panel and release their own report Wednesday, according to people
familiar with the commission's work.

The Republicans, led by the commission's vice chairman, former congressman and chair of the House
Ways and Means Committee Bill Thomas, will likely focus their report on the explosive growth of
subprime mortgages and the heavy role played by the federal government in pushing mortgage giants
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to purchase and insure them. They'll also likely focus on the Community
Reinvestment Act, a 1977 law that encourages banks to lend to underserved communities, these people

The Republicans' report is expected to conclude that government policy helped inflate the housing
bubble and that prices weren't expected to crash because the government pushed homeownership so
aggressively. They say that the report will note that once the bubble burst, a financial panic followed
because firms weren't adequately prepared.

Frustrated in part by the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission's chairman, Phil Angelides, and the tenor of
the panel's preliminary findings, the Republicans are choosing to ignore the five Democrats and lone
independent and issue their document ahead of the commission's Jan. 15 release. Angelides is described
as a demanding boss who's said to be difficult to work for. Both Thomas and Angelides pledged in
January that they'd strive to reach bipartisan consensus.

The Republicans' move indicates that the highly-partisan nature of Washington has infiltrated the
commission's work and threatens to derail it. With four commissioners now essentially going around the
panel to describe their thoughts on the roots of the financial crisis, the public may not get the full
picture when it comes to understanding how the actions of a few led to the worst economic downturn
since the Great Depression.
Instead, the public will receive a report that could be discredited as being partisan, and another that is
expected to largely conform with a Wall Street-friendly view that blames government for the crisis.

During a private commission meeting last week, all four Republicans voted in favor of banning the
phrases "Wall Street" and "shadow banking" and the words "interconnection" and "deregulation" from
the panel's final report, according to a person familiar with the matter and confirmed by Brooksley E.
Born, one of the six commissioners who voted against the proposal.

"I think a number of us had really pulled for" bipartisan consensus, said Born, a Democratic
commissioner who famously tried to regulate certain derivatives as head of the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission. "But this action by the Republicans indicates they have decided to go their own

Born said the Republicans had not informed the commission of their plans, nor had they shared their
report. She said she was "disappointed" because the views of her Republican colleagues would have
been "useful."

The other Republicans on the panel are Peter Wallison, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a
conservative Washington research organization, who once served as general counsel at the Treasury
Department; Keith Hennessey, who formerly served as George W. Bush's senior economic adviser while
heading the National Economic Council and now works as a fellow at the Hoover Institution, another
conservative research organization; and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who formerly led the Congressional
Budget Office and now heads the American Action Forum, a policy institute in Washington.

The shadow banking system refers to the part of the financial system in which investors and other
nonbanks like hedge funds and investment firms provide credit to borrowers, as opposed to more
traditional banks. Interconnection refers to the links that bind financial institutions to one another, like
derivatives, borrowings, and investments.

"I certainly felt, and I think the majority of the commission felt, that deleting those phrases would impair
the commissioners' ability to give a full and fair and understandable report to the American people
about the causes of the financial crisis," Born said.

"Certainly, it's hard to imagine Wall Street wasn't involved," she added.

Born said that the Republicans wanted to ban two other phrases "of the same ilk," but she said she
couldn't remember what they were.

Thomas and Wallison didn't immediately respond to e-mails sent after regular business hours.
Hennessey and Holtz-Eakin declined to comment.

The Republicans' move puzzled some observers.

Thomas displayed populist outrage during public forums at the excessive compensation paid to top
bankers. Holtz-Eakin is a respected economist who asked probing questions during the commission's

Born said that the commission only recently experienced such partisanship.

"There was a lot of consensus on the nature of the investigation," Born said. "All 10 [commissioners]
participated in discussions about subjects we should investigate, what our hearings should be about.
They all were involved in planning the hearings."

Wallison, though, was expected to dissent. He exhibited sympathy for Wall Street during the panel's
public hearings, declining to grill some executives, an activity some commissioners appeared to relish,
and focused instead on the role played by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

According to Wallison, as many as half of all home mortgages were given to borrowers with poor credit
or who didn't provide proper documentation, like tax forms and income statements, he said during an
April 7 hearing. He attributes this to Fannie and Freddie's insatiable demand for subprime mortgages,
something he blames on the federal government and its desire to stimulate lending to the poor.

Experts agree that while Fannie and Freddie and the federal government's push to encourage
homeownership played a significant role in causing the crisis, actions by Wall Street magnified the
fallout and caused a crisis that led to the Great Recession. Economists from the Federal Reserve, as well
as bank regulators first appointed by Republicans, agree that the Community Reinvestment Act played
virtually no role in causing the financial crisis.

But the Republicans' report will largely focus on the role played by the federal government. It will note
that a crisis was averted after the government bailed out Bear Stearns and facilitated its absorption by
JPMorgan Chase, according to people familiar with the matter. The crisis roared back after the
government allowed Lehman Brothers to fail, scaring nervous investors. A bigger and more protracted
downturn was avoided when policy makers essentially bailed out the entire financial system.

Yet while the commissioners knew of Wallison's views, the final report would have benefitted from
input by the Republicans, Born said.

Other than Thomas, the Republicans slowly began limiting their participation in the panel's activities
starting in early August.

Hennessey and Holtz-Eakin, for example, have missed about half of the commission's meetings since
then, according to a person familiar with the panel's activities.

And other than Thomas, the Republicans have provided only limited feedback on drafts of the final
report's sections that have been circulated by the panel's staff, this person said.
"All of the commissioners have had the opportunity to review and provide feedback," said Tucker
Warren, the crisis panel's spokesman. He said he wasn't aware of any commissioners complaining about
a lack of opportunity to address draft findings.

The Republicans are expected to complain that the Democrats on the panel are not giving them
sufficient options to air their views. Each commissioner is allotted nine pages in the book version to
express alternative or dissenting views, should there be any, Warren said.

That's part of the reason why the Republicans are angry, according to people familiar with the matter.

However, commissioners will have unlimited space on the panel's Web site and in the government-
printed version of the report that will be delivered to Congress and President Barack Obama, said

Thomas is expected to hold a news conference tomorrow.


Shahien Nasiripour is a business reporter for The Huffington Post. You can send him an e-mail;
bookmark his page; subscribe to his RSS feed; follow him on Twitter; friend him on Facebook; become a
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