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TEEE COPYRIGHT AND CONSENT FORM “To exe ula of ramet sang l contr, her ores a ot be sab ofr er ay ay wording of hf change Ti rm iene ter egal mer sue he BBE od recon an sun nate peed yt EEE. Pease om cly od eop opr tyre ‘TITLE OF PAPER/ARTICLEMREPORT, INCLUDING ALL CONTENT IN ANY FORM, FORMAT, OR MEDIA (hereinafter, “the Work’): STRATEGY POR MINING UTILITY BASED TEMPORAL ASSOCIATION RULES COMPLETE st oF uTiORS: aan Ri HAM: Go J . TREE PUBL AO THe ne ae KM, Proccodt Of the Infainational Conppance — Copyright Transfer OF “Trend ine lnbpmaation Scednte 4 Gro =TISC golo 1. The niersgne herby assigns to The asin of lero ad Elecronic Engiaer Inororted (the “IEEE” al sighs under coptigh it may exis in 0 (the shove Werk, incising any revise ot expanded rvave works smite oh IEEE Uy te desig ied On he Work a (2) any aes atd writen ‘nuked components ete eniancementarcorpanying he Work Consent and Release, 2. ne even he ndesigoed males 9 presentation oid yon de Wook cones hose or sand kn whee inp by he TEE he nde, a ‘onsrain er tse priate nthe conference, eeby Bans he IEEE he ned, word swoaepermason wie, db, bis ese oe ‘ecard dita, boson erect and rive, in ay faa ot aed, whet whoo erator Cevaped (Nes peseaen an cones he ey wate ric ey es norco a er pein (0) eas mene of nr ca “reson The pemison parted nies te vanserplon ad reproduc othe Presenaon for nchton I rods sel odie by (EEE a eo ‘code rods othe Presemtaton ring rer he conference, oe 2 Incuanacion vi ie pesion pra Secon, he undersigned hereby eri IEEE the ulimed, woe, neal ig owe Nena, ctr, likens; rc and Hogapial informa ns peo re adverinemen roa dsl of rods nerporaig he Wonk Pesan, nd esses EE No {oy latosed on igh of privacy o pubic. 41 The undersigned bry waa atthe Work and Preseaain(oecvey the "Meri ae gna that eth aor of he Mails. T the extent tbe Nanri erer tet erge, igre oa eee aera om te wero eh, ho ndesgaed hx Souned ny recesny misao, Wine ecco {be urdiged for see a td pany pemislns sn come rt the Hees sve std has roid cases of Sch pens ad aes EEE 1 Plesé heck histor yo 6 ot wish have vdelaulo ecardings nao your conferece presentation ‘See reverses for ReunedRighu/Tenns and Condos, and Auer Responses. General Terms “The undersigned represen al else has ihe ower 2nd sual to make and execute he eigament “The udersned ates demi and hol rss ibe IEE rn ay dager expense im tse dhe evento beach of any of ve wanes forth stove In he evar he above works ot accepted ad published bythe IEEE ors withrown bythe aos) before acceptance bythe VECE he oremnng copyright nse shall ‘come land void pdall rateriais embodying the Work subeted tothe IEE wil be desroyed jon ebongoke onset ok pronto oe saad gee ers qa Ghee to} 12|eoto ‘Ta ast a ao im « 7 cine “This cerita al authors of he Work are US. governs employees an repre ihe Wark on abject within the cope ofthc ofc dates. As uh, he Wark ‘snot suteco US. eapyr peecdon, a Tasker Sige ae (shor wh are US. government employees shoud as ig signature ine (1) ave tenable he TEE‘ claim ane pres opi in neal erisicos) eat pate i ‘Tis wl cerita all ators of Ue Work are erployees of the Bish or Brsh Comenanweah Government ad prepared che Work nconacion with he ofa des. As ach, de Work sbjct io Cown Copyright and is nt asin othe IEEE ast fo the sete of toe Copia enter Seon above. Toe ‘designed adwledges, however, hat he IEEE hs trig opel see and wine Wak all os a edi 0. “haaraal gears tae (autos who ate Bish Bits Commorweath Govern’ employees shoul aio sia lin() above nee ter ccepanceo al tems eter thae the py arate) re O62205 IEEE COPYRIGHT FORM (continued) RETAINED RIGHTS/TERMS AND CONDITIONS

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