Congressman Brian Baird Criticizes Israel's Targeting of Palestinian Children in Gaza

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‘COMMEFTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CCOMMEFTEE ON TRANSPORTATION (ain 3536 Varcosrer Ofte ‘acy wos. BRIAN BAIRD no gee se 10s CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Bays 38 DISTRICT, WASHINGTON ‘WEBSITE: tev sve November 3, 2010 ‘The Honorable Michael Posner Assistant Secretary Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Dear Assistant Secretary Posner, I write to express my deep concem regarding the Israeli shooting of civilians, particularly children, along the Gaza Strip-Israel border. Although I recognize the very real security concerns of Israeli forces operating along the Gaza border, I believe that civilian children posing no evident seeurity threat have been deliberately targeted, which is illegal under international law. Turge you to focus attention on this matter and promote strict adherence to intemational human rights law in all conflicts involving United States personnel, equipment, or funds. As you know, in May 2009 Israeli aircraft dropped Arab-language pamphlets over Gaza warning the population that anyone who ventured within 300 meters of the Israeli border risked being shot, This doubled the previous restricted zone, and according to IDF officials, was meant to mitigate hostile terrorist activity in the region. When questioned by press about the shooting of civilians near the restricted zone, some resulting in death, Israeli military officials have stated, “IDF act in order to prevent harm to civilian populations in its operations and any complaint expressed regarding its soldiers’ conduct will be... examined according to the existing policy.” Despite these assurances, shootings of civilians in the border region continues, including outside the 300 meter restricted zone. ‘Several human rights entities have reported on these shootings. From May 2010 to October 14, 2010, the nongovernmental organization Defense for Children International (DCD) documented 12 cases of children shot at ranges 50 to 800 meters from the border. These children were collecting rubble to be sold as building gravel. Additionally, an August 2010 United Nations Report cites 22 deaths and 146 injuries of civilians in or approaching the restricted area since the January 2009 end of Operation Cast Lead. Both the UN Office for the Coordination of OE gemetenmneed Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and DCI report extreme danger to civilians with 1,500 meters of the border. It is also important to note the economic and humanitarian conditions which force civilian children into and near the restricted zone, despite the danger. ‘The 2007 blockade implementation and the severe destruction of 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead, jeopardized the livelihood of Gazans. The people’s access to education, food, shelter, and basic human rights are ina dismal state. Deteriorating conditions forced Gazans to search for innovative survival techniques. Children collect rubble along the border because there is a high demand for building material, caused by the blockade, and they can collect as much as $13 dollars a day selling this rubble. Although seemingly a meager sum, this can be a significant contribution toward the survival of family in the Gaza Strip. Ihave personally witnessed children engaged in this precise activity during trips to Gaza. ‘The deliberate targeting of civilian children posing no imminent threat is wholly unacceptable by United States and international standards. Our special relationship with Israel requires that we hold our ally to the same humanitarian standards. The youth of Gaza are the next generation in this time-worn conflict, The commitment of Israe! and her allies to protecting the safety of those children, guaranteeing them access to education, and allowing a livelihood for their families will determine how they engage in this conflict — whether as combatants, or as peacemakers, Task that in your capacity as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights, you examine this critical issue on the Gazan Border, and encourage our Israeli allies to act in full compliance with international law and work toward improving humanitarian conditions of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. I would also appreciate being informed of what tangible measures Israel commits to taking to prevent future shooting of civilian children and investigate those incidences which have already occurred, Sincerely, uc 5 1/ Brian Baird Member of Congress

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