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Spoiled Brat
Spoiled Rat
I feel soiled in that
I'm soiling innocence
I'm soiling time
And making it mine when
My name was never stamped on it.
This spoiled brat's
Plot’s been foiled by
Greed gives way to responsibility.
Wherefore shalt I envy time?
For slipping away when time's not mine.
It's a crime
And i cry and i whine
Screaming because i want what I can't have.
Like a baby tied up in its blankets
Screaming for attention at bed time.
It’s a fine line between greed and sacrifice
I can say i gave up my time for Samaritan reasons
When I’m really just trying to force more time into my own possession
A fucking cretin.
Stealing from those unaware
Those who really DO care
And think I’m fair.
It’s so unfair.
This spoiled brat
A soiled rat
Living in the darkened sewers of hope
For no other reason than to rope
Others into the same sinking snare
That it’s been trying to escape for years.
In tears.
From fears.
Afraid to open my eyes and see the light
And see time as it really is.
No one's to own.
Especially a brat like me.

Part 2
Why can't i see the possibilities?
Of a life lived free from greed?
Free from desires, sexual or otherwise
That trick and beguile
Young love all the while
Destroying innocent morality.
Oh the desire to be free from the need
For sexual immorality
Which could lead to immortality
For young love.
Reverse the decimation of the soul
Recomplete the whole
And reinvent society
For some peace of mind and piety.
O God, what a dream.
As weird as it seems for a teen to dream
Of a life sex free.
It's a rarity
Nonsense it be, to imagine a world surviving
Imagine how many battles unfought
How many lives unkilled
How many souls unborn.
An immortal world would kill itself.
All for the whims of a spoiled brat
Who can't keep time on a leash.

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