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July 10, 2008 Sydney Camden Scott Issue 1 Volume 1

I am ready to teach…are you ready to learn!!!

A re you ready?
Wel c ome t o
Tea c her Sydney’ s
class! I have ma ny
Room 5 Rules:
 Be Respectful, kind, and share
 Raise your hand to speak
activities planned for
us t his yea r like
 Keep our classroom clean
participa ting in t he  No throwing objects
“wax m use um” wher e  Laugh WITH everyone but never at
student s of eve ry t hi rd gr ade class will c reate anyone
he r o rep or ts in whic h y ou will be able t o d res s  Follow Directions
up a s y ou r her o for t he y ou nger grades t o
come and vie w t he y ou and y ou r work . Wit hi n
ou r standa rd cu rri culu m we will be takin g on
the adv entu re of cursive writing as well as
revie win g mat h skills fr om sec ond grade and If rules are broken you will take a trip
learnin g t he c on cept of fra cti ons! But it will taken to the behavior chart…and
not al ways be work ; we will get our b odies change your card!
moving by playing inte racti ve ga mes du ring
P.E . I can n ot wait until t he sc hool y ear be gins!
See y ou all in t he fall . Green Card: Good behavior and decisions made!
Yellow Card: First Warning
Orange Card: Loss of privilege
Surf Technology while you learn! W e will b e Red Card: Phone call home
using c omput ers daily d urin g our s c hedule t o
better ou r k n owled ge es pecially whe n it c om es I look forward to
to re sea rc h. I als o hav e m any
educati on al a ctivities and games at a
seeing all of your faces
ran ge of le vels for all st udents t o in the fall!!!
acce ss and b ec om e indep endent
learne rs . -Teacher Sydney

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