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Councillor Séamus Morris,

Co. Tipperary.

Mobile: (087)2859125.


Mayor Of Nenagh.
“Morris accuses Hoctor and Lowry of economic treason”

Today was a dark day for the people of the country when both Michael Lowry and
Maura Hoctor put foreign bondholders profits ahead of their constituents. Today’s
decision and the decisions in the last number of budgets has resulted in what’s left of
the workers in North Tipperary working for a new absentee Landlord only this time the
landlord resides somewhere in Europe. Michael Lowry has used his P.R machine to tell
us in the last few weeks the he was “putting the country first” but Michael has sold his
constituents into economic bondage and at the same time he has dipped his hands into
their pockets to put into Foreign Bondholders accounts. The only people who Michael
and Maura have put first are their elitist friends in far off places. Our so called
European friends have fleeced us and made an example of us with their loan shark
interest rates.
We were told that we need to do this to send a signal to the International Financial
Markets but time and time again the International Financial Markets have shown no
mercy for this country despite the general population having suffered severe austerity
cuts since this new government came to power. This problem lies in the decision by
the Government to nationalise bank debt on top of sovereign debt. We were told that
the decision was the right policy if the banks were facing a liquidity crisis but in fact
the banks were insolvent and the decision therefore was made on a false premise with
disastrous consequences. Michael and Maura have refused to hold their hands up and
admit their mistake instead they have constantly put the bondholders rights ahead of
the rights of their constituents and today they crossed the line they sold the country
out, shame on them! Yours sincerely Cllr. Séamie Morris 15/12/10

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