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SAP PM DOA/Workflow Functional Specification Document

SAP Module Affected: Plant Maintenance
Change Initiator: Martin Wagner
OD Impacted: TFR
Production System to be affected: SAP - 002
Reference No: 12035
Document Control

Date Author Nature of changes

01.10.2009 Martin Wagner Creation
17.11.2009 Martin Wagner Updated
14.12.2009 Martin Wagner Update
09.02.2010 Martin Wagner Workflow update
11.02.2010 Andrew Motseta Workflow escalation update
16.02.2010 Martin Wagner DOA update

Document Signoff

Name Role Signature Date

Andrew Motseta SAP PM Team Lead
Matthys Lundall Project Director
Gerhard Wessels ABAP_Workflow Team
Jonas Mahlangu INFRA PM SAP Super

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 2
Table of Content
1. The Goal of the DOA .......................................................4
2. Scope of Work .................................................................4
3. Impact on Business..........................................................6
4. Testing scenarios...........................................................14
5. Programs affected ........................................................15
6. Estimated Timelines and Priority ..................................17
7. Users required for testing .............................................17
8. Current Issue – “AS IS”..................................................17
9. Details of “AS IS”...........................................................17
10. Details of “TO BE”........................................................17
11. Technical Details.........................................................18
1. The Goal of the DOA
The goal of the DOA is to improve the current non-compliance to the budget
management of TFR depots. The DOA does not mean the financial authority
of controlling funds expenditure but is based on the value of the orders and
the logical levels for their approval ensuring the following goals:

1. Approval to check budget availability and ensure no over expenditure.

2. Check for Quality of the PM Orders to improve the standards of data
captured in SAP.
3. Highlight expenditure and expenditure changes from the original budget to
management and senior management.

2. Scope of Work
2.1 DOA Approval
The new solution will ensure that the process of DOA approval is
implemented when a Maintenance order is created but require material
activation as part of the approval process for all maintenance order. The
activation of Work Orders is Standard SAP functionality and will be enhanced
to ensure that when an order requires activation the original requirement for
the planned value is approved. The Labour portion of the approval is
excluded from the total value. Also any changes made after the initial DOA
approval for the material reservations or/and purchases for material and
services get the necessary re-approval if the value overrides the original
approved value by plus or minus 10 %. This means that the PM order
planned value can increase or decrease by 10% which then require the DOA
process to start again. This solution will be implemented across all current
infra work Order types in table 1 below.

Type Order Description
I001 Infra - Electrical Equipment
I002 Infra - Signal Equipment
I003 Infra - Track Equipment
I004 Infra - Capital Projects
I005 Infra - Potential Claims
I006 Infra - Services to external parties
I007 Infra - Non-Network Activities
I008 Infra - Technical Support
I009 Infra - Mechanical Maintenance
I010 Infra - Transnet Telecoms

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 4
2.2 Workflow

Workflow will be used to manage the status changes as designed using

the user status function of SAP. When a Work Order user status is moved
from one level to the next and the Order is saved workflow would read the
table that defines the user list for approval and then send the work Order
using the standard workflow functionality to the user’s inbox in SAP. If the
outlook table is maintained with the email address a reminder is sent to
user’s outlook inbox asking user to approve the work order. This is
especially important for management not always at their desks. The
Workflow must be based on the current P2P workflow solution as used by
the business for procurement approvals for PR’s and PO’s.

The workflow for planned DOA approval should include escalation to

the higher level in the defined tables if the item is not actioned for at
least four hours. For emergency/Unplanned order type I005 escalation
time should be one hour.

2.3 Substitution

The development must include the ability to do substitution. Substitution

should be controlled by profile whereby the person being substituted will only
be allowed to receive PM order specific approval.

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 5
3. Impact on Business
Picture 1

The requirement has a major impact on the plant maintenance process and
will result in some delays during the maintenance process because of human
factors like people not available for approval.

Planned Orders (All except I005)

As per picture 1 the Order has been created and the requirements like Stock
material, Purchases and Services have been created. The business has
approved the budget expenditure for the order and the new budget period is
starting. (In some cases the activation is needed before budget approval
especially items with a long lead-time items which has the highest priority).
The Order now needs to be activated for material requirement.

Table 2 for User defined profile for Planned Orders:

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Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 6
As soon as any of the “Levels from MCSU to BUPO” is selected and saved
the Workflow for approval according to the value defined is started. The Order
total planned values are used to identify which level in the organisation need
to approve the PM Order as reflected in a Z table (Table 3 below) in SAP.


Table 3: Relationship for the approval responsible person(s) per Cost Centre

Cost Centre Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Lower Value R - R2,001 R10,001 R200,001 R 600,001 R 1,000,001 R5,000,001
Upper Level R1,000,00
R2,000 R10,000 R200,000 R600,000 0 R 5,000,000 >R 5 000 001

Table 4: Profile relationship to value per level for Planned Orders.

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Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 7
DOA User Profile Code Grade R – Value % Tolerance

Level 1 MCTR Maintenance Controller 0 - 2K 10%

Level 2 MCSU Maintenance Control Supervisor 2K – 10K 10%
Level 3 MMAN Maintenance Manager 10K – 200K 10%
Level 4 DENG Depot Engineer 200K – 600K 10%
Level 5 INFM INFRA Manager 600K – 1M 10%
Level 6 REGE Regional Chief Engineer 1M – 5M 10%
Level 7 BUPO Business Process Owner >5M 10%

The initial process of approval for the MCTR user profile will default and the
maintenance controller will be able to approve the PM Order if it falls within
his level (0 to R2000) of approval. As soon as the Level is higher than the
Maintenance Controllers level the full DOA process will kick-in. As soon as
the program has identified the amount and the next Level for approval the
program must identify the approver(s) in the Table. The workflow will then
root the PM order to the inbox of the identified user ID of the approver and be
reflected as an outstanding item for him to approve. If the approver is a
Purchase Order or Purchase Requisition approver the PM orders will be
included in his total list of approvals. Once the item is opened for approval
and on acceptance of the PM Order the user status will be updated and move
to the net level of approval. The next Level of approval will be the same as
the previous described steps. When the last (this could also be the first)
approver has approved the PM Order Planned value the system must now
change the status of the user to ‘Approved’ which will now allow activation of
the material requirements for the specific PM Order. This means that the
order is now approved and the business can commence with release and
execution of the work according to the requirement of the PM Order.

If one of the DOA approvers decline the approval at any point in the process
the PM orders user status will move to the “Rejected” user status. This means
that the program will ignore any previous approval and move the user status
to “rejected” and let the originator to move from the “created” to “Awaiting
Maintenance Controller” now that his order has been rejected. He can change
the order to suite the requirements of the approver. This requirement will be
part of the reasons that the approver need to give for the rejection of the PM
order to continue back to the originator.

Planned Changes after last approval:

The Order can be changed after approval as long as the system status of the
Order is created with activation, rejected and/or release. If the Status of the
PM Order is Technical complete (TECO) no opportunity for approval will be

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 8
When a Planned change (See Picture 2) is done to a PM order after the
activation of the material requirement the tolerance rule for planned value of
the order will drive any re-approval using the DOA tables. The plan changes
will create the DOA activation as soon as the order increases or de-creases
with more than 10% of original planned value at last DOA approval.

Picture 2

Approval Criteria:

The program must look at 2 options to determine the approval hierarchy. The
Main Work Centre must be entered in the PM Order and the Planner Group
need to be available on the header data of the PM Order

This means that the DOA table must have 2 criteria that will drive the
approval hierarch. Only 1 of the criteria needs to be prevalent to identify the
approver(s). The Planned value for all expenses on the order will be used to
calculate the value for approval


PM Order I001 with a Reservation, Purchase Requisition for service and

material and a contract item for material will result in a planned cost of R1 000
000. The Main Work Centre is ZZ and its Cost Centre is Y within the defined
Cost centre field of the main work centre. The planner group from the PM
order is AA and has been completed by the maintenance controller or has
defaulted from the Functional Location or the Equipment.

Table 5
Criteria for
any one of
Objects 3 Koos Piet Johan Stephen
Below < R Below Above R
Below < 10,001 <R500 001 1,000,001
R R R R 5,000,000

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 9
10,000 500,000 1,000,000
group AA

Piet and Koos is seen as DOA approvers and will now have to approve the
PM order to allow for further processing of the order. Workflow will take the
user Id’s of Koos and Piet and will then move the PM Order to the inbox of
Koos for approval. The workflow for Piet can only happen when Koos has
approved his DOA then the PM order is moved to the next level.

Within the approval process the user cannot approve a level that is not his
DOA level which makes the responsibility of each PM Order for approval to
follow the hierarchy level as defined in the Z- table.

Unplanned Orders (I005)

The big difference when approving the DOA approvals for Emergency
PM Orders is that the Orders is created after the fact and must only be
approved by the maintenance controller for the first DOA approval if the value
is less or equal to TWP thousand rand OR Deport Engineer for the first DOA
approval if the value is above two thousand rand.

For any changes made to total material costs above or less than 10% the
DOA must follow the full approval as used with the planned orders.

The User defined profile for the order type I005 will be the same as the other
order types .

Table 6 for User defined profile for Planned Orders:

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 10
Table 7: Unplanned Orders profile relationship per value per level

First round of approval for emergency orders – before activation and

Release of order.

DOA User Profile Code Grade R – Value % Tolerance


Level 1 MCTR Maintenance Controller 0 - 2K 10%

Level 2 DENG Depot Engineer >2K 10%

Second round of approval: for emergency orders – after activation and

release when additional requirements is needed and more than 10% of initial
approved reached.

DOA User Profile Grade R – Value % Tolerance

Levels Code

Level 1 MCTR Maintenance Controller 0 - 2K 10%

Level 2 MCSU Maintenance Control Supervisor 2K– 10K 10%
Level 3 MMAN Maintenance Manager 10K – 200K 10%
Level 4 DENG Depot Engineer 200K – 600K 10%
Level 5 INFM INFRA Manager 600K – 1M 10%
Level 6 REGE Regional Chief Engineer 1M – 5M 10%
Level 7 BUPO Business Process Owner >5M 10%
Reporting for DOA

A list report for all approvers should be available to view all outstanding
approvals for a User Id, Planner group, PM order or group of PM Orders. This
would allow the person to run the report to get access to a list of approved,

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 11
unapproved or rejected PM Orders. Selection criteria like date, Cost Centre
and plant must be available.

The normal work order list edit/display report will be used with selection by
user status.

BW Report

A Business warehouse report must be developed to combine at a cost centre

level the Plant Maintenance planned, committed and actual cost to the Cost
Centre planned budget, committed and actual cost at a GL levels for CO
orders, Cost Centres and PM orders. This report would help all approvers to
be able to define the total available cost per cost centre which in turn will help
the approvers to make a call on what orders to approve or reject.

Workflow DOA solution

The workflow design for DOA must be structure is such away that at all levels
of approval the standard SAP workflow as based on the current TFR P2P
design and using the same function within the procurement design. The steps
during workflow must be bases on the save of the PM order.

Step 1: Order is opened and a user status is selected by the creator or

changer of the order.

Step 2: Order is saved and the workflow will now kick-in. The workflow must
now identify the user as the approver for the cost centre, planner group, the
value and as per his approval group.

Step 3: The workflow will move a message to the inbox of the specific user to
allow user to approve the specific order. If Outlook solution is set-up for the
P2P solution this must be implemented.

Step4: Once order is open the user now can select the next level of approval
or reject/approve the user status and save the order.
a. If reject is selected the order originator need to receive a message
within SAP inbox to tell him the order need re-evaluation.
b. If approved is selected the order originator need to receive a
message within SAP inbox to tell him the order ready for release.
c. If next level of approval has been selected the inbox message will
be sent to user’s inbox and process will continue as above

The workflow need to have the option to allow substitutions for users to
approval work but only in an upwards level and not down or sideways.

Workflow administration must be implemented to monitor workflow across all

steps within the workflow process.

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Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 12
A report is required that will show a view of workflow changes and steps

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 13
4. Testing scenarios
1. Full testing of workflow with relationship to the DOA solution.

• Process based and need to be with authorisations

• The complete table for levels of DOA approval resources

• The Planned and Unplanned process for Maintenance including the

workflow of the processes.

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Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 14
5. Programs affected
New Program will have to be developing within the Bapi(s) of PM orders; and a table
with the resource and approval levels with a relationship of Cost Centres and planner
group need to be established.

The business processes will look as follows.

Picture 3

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Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 15
Work Order Approval Process

Related Maintenance Maintenance Related

WAR Room System
Process Controller Supervisor Process
Work Order User
Workflow to
States “Put in
approval level
Approval until Status =
Work Order
Scheduling & 30
Levelling Yes Was Order

Work Order
Process 40
Was this a


List Work
Orders for
( IW38 )

Schedule Work
Orders for
Was it a Call-out
Order? ( IW38 )


80 30
List of Work Work Order
Order(s) Approved Release
for printing if ( IW32 )
( IW38 )

90 2.50
Print Work Order(s) Work Order
Released for Confirmation
scheduled period (IW41 )
( IW38 )

100 110 2.40

All Work Order Issue Job Unplanned
Documentation Cards to the Maintenance
Managers Execution

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Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 16
6. Estimated Timelines and Priority
Table 4

Task Resource Days

Complete the functional specification Martin Wagner 1
Business Signoff functional specification Change Agent 1
Estimate of Developers time Stanley Tsimba 1
ABAP & Workflow
resource - Stanley
Technical Changes Tsimba 3
Project Team Member Martin Wagner
Transport to Quality Assurance Andrew Motseta 2
Testing at SAP CC Elphaas Mgiba 4
Elphaas Mgiba,
Andrew Motseta,
Martin Wagner and
Testing with super user Change Agent 1
Move to Production Elphaas Mgiba 1
7. Users required for testing
• Matodzi Muthavhatsindi (Business Analyst)
• Jonas Mahlangu (INFRA PM SAP Superuser)

8. Current Issue – “AS IS”

Audit Finding for PM Order which allow resources to add cost to orders
without having the necessary approval from management and creating new
planned orders without the correct approval or validation of funds available in
the budget by management.

9. Details of “AS IS”

No DOA approval process exist in the As Is

10. Details of “TO BE”

Program according to section 4 as define.

SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 17
11. Technical Details
Implementation Name : ZPMORDER
Implementation Short Text: PM Order validation
Definition Name : WORKORDER_UPDATE
Interface : AT_SAVE

Technical details of the unplanned order to be updated

after the program have been developed.





SAP COE - Functional Specification Document

Plant Maintenance Standardisation Project
Author: Martin Wagner
Page 18

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