Faculty of Business and Management: BDAW2103 Basics of Financial Accounting

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1) This assignment has a ONE (1) question only. You may write in English or in Malay.
Tugasan ini mengandungi SATU (1 ) soalan sahaja. Anda boleh menjawab sama ada menggunakan Bahasa
Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu.

2) Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12 pt Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing.
Tugasan anda perlu ditaip atas kertas A4 dengan menggunakan saiz font 12 dan langkau baris 1.5.

3) You are to submit your assignment on-line through the myVLE. Please refer to the instructions in the portal for
more information on how to submit your assignment on-line.
Anda perlu menghantar tugasan secara on-line melalui myVLE. Sila rujuk kepada arahan dalam portal untuk
mendapatkan maklumat lanjut berkenaan penghantaran tugasan secara on-line.

4) Your assignment must be submitted between 28 November – 19 December 2010. Submissions after 19
December 2010 are not acceptable. Detailed instruction on submission procedure will be further
Tugasan anda hendaklah diserahkan antar 28 November – 19 Disember 2010. Serahan selepas 19 Disember
2010 tidak akan diterima. Arahan terperinci tentang penghantaran akan dimaklumkan.

5) The length of assignment will be between 2000-2500 words or about 5-6 pages excluding references.
Tugasan anda hendaklah antara 2000-2500 patah perkataan atau 5-6 muka surat tidak termasuk rujukan.

6) Your assignment will be assessed according to the specification contained in the rubric accompanying the
assignment question.
Tugasan anda akan dinilai berdasarkan kepada spesifikasi yang terdapat dalam rubrik yang disertakan
bersama-sama dengan soalan tugasan.

7) Plagiarism in all forms will not be tolerated. Assignment submitted will automatically be subjected to a
similarity check.
 Assignments with 10 – 30% overlap with others will be subjected to a 20% deduction from the total gross
marks scored.

 Assignments with more than 30% overlap with others will earn zero mark on the assignment. In such cases,
the course grade will be determined solely on the basis of marks obtained in the remaining components of
the course assessment.

The purpose of this assignment is to enhance learners’ understanding in assessing the
internal control of a company.

AlSalam Sdn. Bhd. (AlSalam) has decided to diversify its business operations by
selling beverages through vending machines. AlSalam plans to purchase 312 vending
machines which will be situated at 78 different locations within a town. The company also
needs to consider the rental of a warehouse for storing of merchandise. AlSalam intends to
sell only canned beverages at standard price.
The management of AlSalam has hired an inventory control clerk to oversee the
warehousing functions, and two truck drivers who will periodically fill the vending machines
with the merchandise as well as deposit cash collected at a designated bank. The drivers will
be required to report to the warehouse on daily basis.

Evaluate the internal controls of the company that should be maintained to ensure integrity
and reliability of the warehousing functions and cash receipts.


Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk mempertingkatkan kefahaman pelajar-pelajar dalam
menilai kawalan dalaman sesebuah syarikat.

AlSalam Sdn. Bhd. (AlSalam) membuat keputusan untuk mempelbagaikan operasi
perniagaannya dengan menjual minuman melalui mesin jualan runcit. AlSalam merancang
untuk membeli 312 mesin jualan runcit yang akan diletakkan di 78 lokasi berlainan sekitar
dalam sebuah bandar. Syarikat juga perlu mempertimbangkan penyewaan gudang untuk
penyimpanan barangannya. AlSalam bercadang untuk menjual hanya minuman bertin pada
harga yang standard.
Pihak pengurusan AlSalam telah mengupah seorang kerani kawalan inventori untuk
menyelia fungsi-fungsi gudang dan dua pemandu trak yang akan mengisikan mesin-mesin
jualan runcit berkenaan dengan barangan serta mendepositkan tunai yang dikumpulkan di
bank yang ditetapkan. Pemandu-pemandu berkenaan akan dikehendaki melaporkan kepada
gudang setiap hari.

Menilai kawalan-kawalan dalaman syarikat yang harus dikekalkan bagi memastikan integriti
dan kebolehpercayaan fungsi-fungsi gudang dan penerimaan tunai.

      Low Fair Above average Excellent  
Criteria Marks Ma
1 2 3 4
  Weight Mark
1 Introduction 1 Brief explanation or Fairly clear explanation or Good explanation or Detailed explanation or 4
definition of internal control definition of internal control definition of internal control definition of internal control
and its components and its components

2 Evaluation of internal 3 Poor coverage and unclear Fair coverage and clear Good coverage and clear Excellent coverage and 12
control: warehousing explanation on physical access explanation on physical access to explanation on physical access concrete explanation on
functions to warehouse and warehouse and authorisation to warehouse and physical access to
authorisation authorisation warehouse and
Errors are still made in Highlight the authorisation of authorisation
Unable to demonstrate demonstrating understanding clerk and drivers respectively. Clearly highlight the
understanding and no attempts and some attempts are made to authorisation of clerk and
made to provide insights on provide insights on updating the Some degree of understanding, drivers respectively.
updating the record record reconciliation comprehension and insights
reconciliation are provided to discuss on High degree of
Fair evaluation on accountability updating the record understanding, in depth
Poor evaluation on and segregation of duties of reconciliation comprehension and
accountability and segregation drivers and clerk. rationale insights is
of duties of drivers and clerk Fairly clear explanation of daily provided to discuss on
stock update and reconciliation updating the record
with physical stock and other reconciliation
records by clerk
Clear and detailed
Good evaluation on explanation of daily stock
accountability and segregation update and reconciliation
of duties of drivers and clerk. with physical stock and
other records by clerk

In depth evaluation on
accountability and
segregation of duties of
drivers and clerk.

3 Evaluation of internal 2.5 Brief explanation on Fairly clear explanation on Clear explanation on Clear and detailed 10
control: cash receipts periodic independent surprise periodic independent surprise periodic independent surprise explanation on periodic
check of vending machines and check of vending machines but check of vending machines and independent surprise check
poor analytical review lack of analytical review fairly good analytical review of vending machines and
thorough analytical review
Brief explanation on Fair explanation on Clear explanation on
segregation of duties and cash segregation of duties and cash segregation of duties and cash Detailed explanation on
deposit deposit deposit segregation of duties and
cash deposit

4 Conclusion 1 Poor conclusion and A fairly good conclusion A good and clear A conclusion that takes 4
irrelevant points but lack of relevant points conclusion that covers into account all the
some relevant points relevant points. Provide
constructive and
concrete reasoning
Total points 7.5 30

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