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SHORTER ENGLISH-NEPALI DICTIONARY aaa setae Wea SHORTER ENGLISH-NEPALI DICTIONARY aaa atihet-Aureht Wee MAJOR T. WARREN ASIAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NEW DELHI % MADRAS % 1991 ASIAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. * C-2/15, SDA. NEW DELHI-110016 * 5 SRIPURAM FIRST STREET, MADRAS-600014. “RES_ Fist rupnsne: 1794 Anbottabad First AES Reprint: 1988 ‘Second AES Reprint: 1990 Third AES Reprint: 1991 ISBN: 81-206-0304-4 Published by J Jevey for ASIAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES C-25,SDANew Dethi-110016. Processed by APEX PUBLICATION SERVICES New Deini-110016 Printed at Nice Printing Press Dethi-110092 ein consonant the different tense and personal val ts this root, ‘This has been shown in the Nagri by the tase of the ‘halant” thus:—€tq g on the preceding consonant. FOREWORD. 1. Note on the Roman and Nagri spelling used = (@) Roman Vowel sounds : ‘...prononneed as in Hun, hut, aught ete. pronounced ae in hard, past ete. “"pronouneed as in seen, lean ete. t_pronouneed as in wood (the Nagri uses two ‘a Frands, one short as shown here, and the other long: a2 in ‘school, pool’ ete. A reference to the Nagri will Ww whieh sound is used even by those unfamiliar ‘vith the script, if it is remembered that the short V is written |, and the long, . > e...pronounced as in pay, say, ete. Fpronouneed as in my, sigh ete. (Where the ‘a’ i Mot marked as long, it must be pronouneed short : where the long, ‘Ai’ appears, both vowels must be clearly sounded.) 0...pronouneed as in boat, poke ete. au...pronouneed as in cow, now, how ete. (With veference to the use of long and short ‘a’, see note above on ‘ai”.) (b) Nasais: ‘Wherever a nasal sound is used, this has been shown by the use of the italic ‘x’. This should not be pro- neunced as an ‘1’: its ase is simply to indicate a nasalication of the preceding vowel. LL, [have endeavoured us far as possible when printing the ‘yerb infinitives to follow a usage that will help the Sadent in the forwation of the tenses. ‘This requires some explan: Where the infinitive ending, ‘—no’, is preceded by 2 dings are simply (ii) Whore the “—nu’ is preceded by an ‘—aw’, this ‘u’ is always + This has been shown in both ti Roman and the Whenever, in the formation of u tense, a ‘d’ or Kled "to the root, this ‘un? remains.” Where, however, a ‘y’ or a vowel is added, the ‘ux’ is dropped and the ending added to the ‘x’. eg. Infinitive Aumu—to come Root auu— Present Tense auvchha, (N.B. ‘ebh? added) Present Participle aunda Bur Conjunetive Partieiple aera Past ‘Tense ayo Perfect Participle aeko (N.B. ‘y’ or vowel added) This rule holds also where the Infinitive ‘—nu’ is preceded by any vase] vowel, except that in this case the uasal only is dropped before a ‘y’ or a vowel. Where before the Infinitive ‘—uu’ there appears a short fan’ this ‘n’ appears before a “d’ or ‘ehh’, but the ‘a’ short is also dropped before a ‘y’ or a vowel. eg. Infinitive pakrawno - to catch Root pakran— Present Pense —_pakranebha Past Tense pakryo I hope that the greuter ease and confidence in the use of the dictionary which this spelling gives will enable purists to forgive me the slight changes which I have sometimes made in the usual Roman and Nagri foria of the spelling of some verbs, I am-aware that many words have been omitted ; but hope that what have been included will enable the student to enlarge his working vocabulary : fox the rest_he is advised to learn the script and refer to Professor Lilley Turner's ‘Dictionary of the Nepali Language’. Abbottabad Avgust, 1944. ability (skill) able, to be about (numbers) (time) (concerning) to be above (upwards) (more) absent. abuse accident account (money) accoutrements, equipment acousation (complaint) to accuse ache, to (pain) aeross (on the other side of) add, to, (part. vefill plate) yota, euta gun, shakti TR sip bhiyauana jatiko tira (ko) bara ma fntua marthi umbbo wi masti esi, jyasti ate, ons gairbazir; gailhazir Fee hae Aerie amet gali ghatand seat hiss fa ashab aT dosh a phirat fear dosh Jagan ae amg dukhnit zag pari at jornn a3, jamina garnu SEAT Te, insiavan Rrarég thopnu wy addvess, an (letter etc.) pata (speech) adhere, to (stiok to) admit to, (e.g. fault) adornment (ornament) advance to advice afraid to be after (prep.) thekana upades tanson manou gaband aghi baron aghi carn allah daraunnu jbasange hunno (ko) pachbi (ko) pachhari (adv.) same as above withont ‘ko’ afternoon dopahari pachhi sanjha again pheri against (versus) (ko) biraddhma biraddba (opposite to) (ko) s&nmu age umer agile; alert phurtilo tAto, clianakho ago agari bhayb agony pire agree, to milou ek man ko haxna raj huzue spss 6 sis agreeable (pleasant) agreement agriealture ague ahead aim at, to aspire, to air (wind) alacrity alight, to alike alive all (every one) (the whole) alley alligator allet, to allow, to allowanos (of money) ality 3 manpardo ruchdo bach kheti kistn gribasti jaro kémjaro aghi téknu, shist liana dagnu hawa batas pharti atrinna ekai ekainase jiundo sab sabai singai galli gubi banrgo bhag luna diznu khuréki bhatta sathi gobare wart we art adi fear aeet set Sue aft aed, Rarer Faz aig seeaans i sae S44 are guage almond alms alone along (sith) (via) aloud already (previously) (before) also alter, to (trans) (jntrane) alteration although altogether (wholly) (all together) always amazement to be amazed ambush 4 badam dén bhik eklai sanga, samet ato baro baro shabdagari siro ailenai pabilei paile pani badalnu phernu satnu arko himu begl: pherdi hone bhanye pani, t& pani bhusukkai ekai choti sadhain udek achambiia udek ghat, chipau ay Segtadaaag saa (place) to ambush amend, to amid, amidst, among ammunition amuse, to amusement: ancient (old) and anger angry th be angry angle animal ankle annoy, to ghat garne thénn eq at ore lukne thaun aa oe gha ma dhakna (ko) majh ma (@) are at (ko) bieh ma @®) ae a madhye me goli barnd, airett area, goli gattha ate gear ramaunnu waa Khushi parnu at a khel aa purano gerat burho ras bd z ani aia aru a ris Ra krodh era ristha tere krodhit aetftrer riséugau Rearig krodbit howun settee ea kun jant =a jantn 3 pasha a goli gavth’ ate atist satan Farsg another (more) (second) answer, an answer, to to answer back ant (white) antelope, deer antler anyil anxiety (olicitade) to be anxious > May one thing apiece (cach) apologise, to apparatus apparent 6 kbijamna, khijyaumu arko ara dosro utter uttar dinno mnukb lagna Kamila dhamiro ming sing + Ki surta, shok phikri surtdnunu phikri gana koi kyei Kunai thénn kabin pani kastai gavikana janange maph méngau sardam pragato agiady a4 aa gb74 23234 appeal ‘appear, to appearence (of person) apple apply, to appoint, to apprehend, to (understand) (seize) approach, to approval sto approve appricot area argue, to argument arise,.to (to stand up) (of sun or moon) arm. (fore) (whole) (uyper) binti dohai debkinua rup anuwahr sow darkhést garnu manga khataunna bujhna samatnu pakranan pugna gnn éntnu manjuri manjar garon Aburmfni néipo bibad garnu bibsd + uthnu . jbolkanou hath béhu pakhura fafa + aang Reng + FEE 4479 gata me arg aja 4 HE Ag sizg a aie al, & al d ae aa (bent arm) armpit arms armourer army around arouse, to arrange, to arrangement arreare arrive, to arrow artful artillery as (like) ~ (size) (many as) ascend, to angio seat kékhi anf hatiyar eftu kami, mistri paltan we wari pari afta charai tira ait ac chérai patti at off jogaumn ada uthaunnu wong thik thék parnu = Steere wt sajdunnu, aareg, thekan Rum aig bandabast, thekan qeqaret, Sort banki aife pugon v3 ai pugnn aE TLE kan aig ban are sipala fare ehalakh ware topkbans aan jasto wet jhain & jatro wat yeti at charhnu "3 ascent ashamed to be ashes ask, to (a question) (@ favour) asleep ass (donkey) assault, to assemble, to (intr.) (tr) (things) assit, to assistanco astonish, to astride at at once 9 uklaznu see ukalo Sereat charhéi age lajjit afer lajaunnu wary kharani eae sodhnu arg méngou ang sutyeko aaa gadaha mae (mathi)jhamtanna (RE) sR ai gnu ard ay bhela huxnu Fen ad » garkuanu thupryaunnu gohardivnu or atgre fq, ma garnu gobar ate upakar — chbakka parma ag arg! amurebhé pairnu ae ghugra dhasera dat gord pasdri ma am nire Rc ebheu as ae jhwattai attach, to (fasten) attack, to 10 wreg chhopna ong (wanthi) j6i Magna (wife) arg WHS dhiwé aat attend to (pay attention) dhy4n lagéuma; Sqr ware, (be present) auction : it ternal) s Shee elder sister) thuliama (mother’s younger sister) authority (permission) avenge, to average (on the) await, to awake, to (intr.) ter Horna a ang béjir rebamna eft aed » humo gd eémel rahaena Met 3 mihanat gana fagae jaten gama wed TS, bal gama amg, liam fear phupa a xen kénchhi émé Siesta or chhemé at adhikar afereae sanad — badala linna weet fag (ko) sito dinnu ($Y) aTeT (ko) niya gurow (at) Fat eala-khala, aet-Se gatikana ater (ko) bétohernu (eet) aTaY BG (ko agi) parkannu (at aft) wag jagnu; biuajhaunu arty, faeetel, Bt biunjhi rahownn (tr) ingausna away (at adistamee) taro, dur (absent) gayel awkward (clumsy) lothro (difficult) aptharo axe bancharo axle dandé B baby, ghild noi back (of body) pith; pithiun kando backward (notelever) hilo (lazy) alebhi bad naramro najati badge (distinctive matk) chinnu (of rank) bine bag thailo (small) thaili (e.g. hussif) bisa (sack) bors baggage séinén; mél sirdam bait (food) chéro bake, to (before fire) selenu ‘tin fire) polnu as 4 4 4 aH z aasageassaziqgsasa 12 balance (scale) talo ar taréju way baleony sikuwa fren - inti ae bald Khuilo at = ‘tala kbuile théplo arg gee, erat khulke ko RES bale kumlo a ball (small) goli ate (e.g. foot ball) bhakunde; gin, weet, Fry gerd ig bamboo bans mre banana kerd a band (of persons, group) dal wT gatthé gr bandege patti a bangle a x (anklet) pairi a bank (of river) tir ar (slope) pékba wet (edge) ehheun, as banker mahéjan; TEnry, (village) au; seth ae, 8 bar (rod) ~ ghéra ART (ood bolt) &glo sire (fence) bar aK barbed kénre ais barber bare-hended bark (of a tree) bark, to (dog) barley barn barrel (of gun) barren (of ground) (woman) barrier basement basin (made of earth) bask, to (in sun) basket (general) (small) *(large) bat (animal) bateh bathe, to (ceremonial) batter, to (knook down battle : bayonet be, to bean .. 18 aga héjam murlo bokré bhukow jan dhukuti nfl rukho, banjo banjhi tagéro, bér bhuintala kopré chilimohi ghém tépnu tokri délo, thumee, doko korka ehamero toli nuhauany ssno garnu bhatkaumnn lardin sangin huvnw simi a*aiays g44 bs 4 3 agfasenans i bear bear, to (carry) {endare) (children) (fruit) beard beat, to (win) beantifal because beckon, to bed (stream) (to make a) bedding bee beetle before (time) (place) (ong ago) 14 bhélu we, bokna Reg sahanna aed janmanenn wag, phalno wg dabri or déri wet, av katnn; thoknu Ey aes hirkauznu i pitna ted, ‘ hannu a jitou aaa rémro, sundar TR, TT kinaki feat kinabhanye ears ko kéran le Bt req & Pope ang kéth, palang WIS, THF Kholsé FEE bichaumnn ochebhy4n, bistard Steger, Rrent ae manuri guhe-kiré« arr gobére-kiré sentra aghi, agéri safe, ane pahile ae siamo, simne Bia, TAR ae uile beg, to bogin to behaviour behind behold, to belief believe, to bell bellows belly (stomach) (abdomen) below (lower level) (beneath) belt bend, to (tr.) (initr) (down) dent (stooping) benefit berry beside bet to 18 bhik méxgnu afte ating Vegnu, thélon arg, Tay ohélchalan Ta Te belioré pachhi, pacbhéri qs, gente s hernu te biswés fea, Patyéuma, biewés garg, firare a garnu ghanta we Dhénti, khalénti aif, eaif bhunri i n a8 tala wat (ko) mani (@) a peti, patuké aA, cen nughéinn ‘ piunramnn Rg ghopto at béngo, kupro ait, gat néphé, aren gers, dang Fret gat ko chheu, nira at 8, FR hor, bji fe, wih » ay thApmu oa, or lagéuama garég betel (Jeaf) (nut) better (health) between beyond, big bind, to bird birth bit (small piece) (horse) bite, to (of snake) (of insects) bitter black blacksmith blade (grass) (knife) (of khukri) blame to blanket (Nepalese) blaze, to (burn) 16 pan supéri nike (ko) bichmé (ko) maxjhma para (ke) pallo patti thulo ‘béxdhou, kason chard, panshi janma tukré, chokto kareli toknu dasna ehilna tito kélo kénmi, lohar birawé ahér, bér dosh dosh lagéunu kambal rari, pakhi balou, dankanu am; “ae ag, wat ate; fa TAT; TZ bleed, to blessing blind (in oneeye) blingfold, to blink, to blister to block, to blockade, to blood blot blotting-paper blow, to (nose) (out) (wind) blue blunt boast, to boat bodice body bog uy ragat babaunu fisik andb& kénné wre wey sites aT ara fakhé thuni divna stir ght fey chimehim garnu phoké » uthéumnu thunno, ehhekna ghernu ragat dag, thoplo, kalank sosny’ kégat phoknu Prafry md ret aa; Bg ag oT ary, ate aie ‘area AT aT ars singh phenkna — férera, m_g nibbéusinu bahazno, chalnu nilo bodhes gapha'garnu néu, dungé cholo jiu, sharir dhép, sims&r, sim fears aes AIS boil, to (tr.) (water) (in water) (intr.) a bold bolster (pillow) bombard, to bone book boot maker booty border (boundry) (field) (garment) bore, to be bosom (chest) both bottle bottom (of hill) boundary vv, to 18 umélnu usinna unlizna pilo, khatira sirgni golibéri garou hér kitdp, tehats, pustak sarki lat siméng, séndh pari, jhumké ghochnu, chhennu vin lien chhéti duwai shishi, botal ‘pind phendi sarad, latthé siméng SATA; sire saetig iat; water séhasi, dutilo, bit orga; sitet We feat aed ey aia a; aR arg: ag aa ferg bow (for arrows) (for bullets) to (knee) bowl (small) bor boy brace up, to (be taut,) (er) braces bracelet: brabmin Drain * (ur phorie) brap bianch (tree) (zy branch) brass bread break, to 19 dhana guleli niuranna, dhok dixnu or garna ghunra teknu batako katoré madush, kandi, sampat, békas kets tankavnu tankéunno glis, gélich, galis churé béhan gidi buddhi, mati chokar, blus, dhuto, héngé lle thur pital roti phutéwena, phorna bhéwehuu in 44a 244g dade fee a 6 breast (of women) (udder) breath breathe, to (in) (out) breeches bribe to brick bride bride-groom bridge bright bring, to brimful (liquide) brisk brittle broad broken brook broom brother (elder) (younger) 20 chhéti arat tem Sr) a _ ara ue, BARS Sa suruwél, jangiyé apeqret sivitat -ghus ] » dienw » fe int “ae byéali, dulhi, babu sarseht; gee; aE byéulé, dulbé saree; GaET pul,singu, julangs get; aig; gett chamkilo,jhalkane qapStat; AREA lyéanno, urna garg; ATES, nimtho phortilo, tejilo — gedfait; Sattar jhuro gnjilo, pharék, arate; rb chélelo aE |, Phuteko, se; bhéncheko ake Kholeé ata kucho, khabareto grit, @eta dgjyu, agi ay we bhai ame f brow (forehead) (uill) brown brnise bucket buckwheat bud to buffalo (male) (female) "bug (bed-bug) build, to bulb (plant) bull baneh, a bundle, a bungle, to burn, a to (tr) (intr.) burst, to (tr.) (int.) bury, to 21 nidbér théplo, télcuré Khairo, bhuro hot, sumlo balti phapar kopilé paléunno réngo bhai urus bandunnu gins, dallé snr or share jhuppa Dh&ri, bitd, poko higérnu dém daréunnu, jaléannu bélau, polnu jalou, balnu phutéunnu, phornu phutnu gérnu ASSa gas oe. espera a q bush, businéss bat butcher butt (gun) butter buttermilk butterfly buttock button buy, to by, (near) (means) by & by by degrees bypath c cabbage cactus cage (bird) flarge) calf (cattle) (leg) $2 pothra, jhér, Fen; ae; pothro, buto wi; gt kim, korkbané — aprgq, agen tara me (prop=besides, except) bahik, cbhori anes, at kaséi kundé,kunjé ges gia nauni,makkhan YR ae mah} ae putali ch4k, Jang, kundo arp; sitar Seay; phila frat ténk, batam zis; wea Kinny, molnu fag ate g nira, ko chhen mé. fic; & BS HT le, ko bitole = By TA ali pachbi ait os ali-aligari safest chorbéto, pagdandi STOqTat; Wee kobi, gobi Sy; ah siuntj, uégphimi, arsigs arent; ving, ara; khor béchehho arat tikhrd, chhepéri deg; Bert pirunlé fogen call, to (shout) (at) (common) (away) camel camp can (be able) (after infin, of other canal cancel, to candle sane cannon canvas cap capacity spaze) (ability) capsize, to (tr:) (intr) captive car careass (human) (animal) (half deyoured) a3 karéunnu, hakérnu déknu, boléuznu jbikéuuna aut chhfunni, péréu bhiyéunnn, verbs) saknu, kulo, riahar metnu mombatti bet, lauro, ehhari top bora-kaparé, kirmich topi atéi shakti ghoptyénmnu, lotéunne, lard ghoptinna, lotau bandhuwa, kaidi ghri murdé sino, Khokpa 4 A 3 a ay qi4agg card, (playing) cardamom care (anxiety) (carefulness) (careful) (carefully) (careless) ‘to take care of carpenter carpet carriage earrot carry, to (carry away) (in instalmente) cartridge cascade cosh ousk caste cat, eatepult catastrophe 2 tis we alaixehi wate phikri, dhandé Rafe; a khabardéri waa jeten garne aaa Ta jotan gari wet aR phikri ma gare fig @ ait jatanna game aga aaa saméluu, pélou, @aTe_Gy TAT sambhérna kéthkarmmi agit dari a eéri amet géjar FISK boknu Teg laijéeon t osérnu ster kértus, toté (fired) ‘BIgqa; etet chhér, chhéngo gr, Bh rupiyé,giakhati, fen; rete; ‘béthhéthi pipé at at ary birdln frag guleli mate bipati, phat farafty, strat catch, to (over take) cauliflower cause to eave (man made) (natural) cement cemetery certainly chaff (langhter) chain chair thange n. (money) change, to (alter) (exchange) (money) chargeter (behaviour) chareoal charge (onstody) (aust) 25 samétuu, pakranna Sag: TR phela p&rnu oar TT phal-kobi eae kéran erat garfumy mag, gupha am orhér aig belaitimatei, Reratra; simant dae ehibén Per abasse, nisse, sare; Brea; séinchai ae bhuso, dhuto wey; wa hdnsi, thotes gies gr shinglo, sikvi aiagt; BBE SRS; Sos ote chauki, baithak, kursi reji tr phernu ey sdtnu, badli garnu aizg; aeait md bhajaena aaeg ehélehalan, sobhén saret_sary tar behoré aaa koilf, gol, axgiir oe ita; sre jimmé dém — 26 a7 aril ; dayé, kripé ; . : ats {qarity) Se ae ee om children ketéketi, oo mantra, wea ehhor&chhori (personal) moheni et chilli Khurséui (on wrist) rékhi, jantar wet sat chilly eo chase, to oo oe waeg, ard (and wet) chiso Ce eta IE TS chin chiunro, ehepa (of teeth) bajoo we chip, (shaving) lopro cheap sasto, holo, Ba, Set; chisel ehhino sahango weit choke, t cheat, to ebhalnu, thognn Gq) TG cos hee ooo : dhéntnu aig (inti.) sarkannu cholera haijé cheek ce : choose, t ‘ a cheese panir, jaméwat gale; SaaS » to chhéutnu, rojau chest (body) chhéti ort (appoint) khatéunno chew, to chabfunnu wareg chop, to kttan hicken (poultry) kukbré Sa; (o£ woody: chirnu (chiek pullet) chalto at chum jori, sangi, sAthi (ben) pothi meat chutney achér (cock) bhéle wet cinder kharéni chicken pox bibiré, theulé = Farferqr; See F oo“ chide, to chetéunyu, Rania; innamon sinkanli hakérnuy er circle golo, cher dhamkéuxpo aye, cixeemstance (condition) gat shiet mukbiy4 arent hdl, hélat (2dj.) mul : ae city suhar child Délakh, néni, keté arena; aR; Bet civilian (non-military) dhékre childless aputé aga civil polite) none elgim clap, to clasp (medal) elass (rank) (sebool) claw to clay clean. (religiously) to clear (water) clearly clever sleverness (skill) lift 8 adhikér, déws, (ko) hakk chaléunn (ko) déwa chaléuynn pad, thar, kul, jet thepari ménrno dandi darjé barga, shreni nangré, panja korna hilo, ehhiplo mfto site, wat (@) ee warig @) wa wars Te, AL ee, amet aaft aig’ a ast wi, Bett an, ist ag Gea, feat at saphé, sugghar BET, BER, chokho saphé gamn chokbyéimnu sannlo, s@gulo pragatogari chatur, ebalékh sipaln; teji, sip paharé, bhir aat aa my to fag; Asi, art faq FER, aE climate (of a place) (cool of weather) (hot) clock close, to (eye) (with cover) close (near) cloth (clothes) cloud (fog) clove cloven clump (thick) clumsy coal coarse coax, to cob (maize ete.) (without cor) cobbler cobwel 9 4-pani shital aul ghari thunnu, band garnu chimlaxna dhaknu najik, (ko) chheumé kaparé Ingé, poséke bédal, dhnnri megh kniro Iwang chiriyeko jhéng, ghari pétal lathepro, lothro patthyr koili békloykbasro phakéunnu ghoga khoyo sévki makuriko jal cock cockroach eooonut gold (adj.) (and damp) (weather) (sickness) collapse, to (overthrow) (trans) collect, to (tr.) (intr) collide, to (tr.) (int.) aL Bhagwén wa god goddess gold goldsmith gong gonorrhoea good (moral) goose flesh (cold) (fear) gossip governor grain (corn) (of wood) grand grandson daughter grandfather mother grape grass gratis grave, (adj) gravel graze, to intr.) (trans) (of skip) 63 denté, dewi sun sunér ghanté sujéke rémro, jéti, assal bhalo jiving juronga, gapphé hékim décé, gera, anna meso thulo, baré nati natini béje, bardjya bajei anggur ghézs tyesai, muphat chihdn gambhir roré charnu charéuunu Khiskinna jaye PEEP er ECL ORErE ers ; ue ag 2 ; : i af isa grease great great-grandson » oy daughter » oy father greedy green grey grey haired grief grievance grieve, to (intr.) grind, to grinding grindstone (for grain) (for tools) groin groom, to ground group grow, to grndge, a to bear a grumble, to 64 boso ae thulo wet panati qardt pandtini qatar iiju fry lobhi, lélebi ant, are agasti,aghasti —-sraveft, suet hariyo aeeh, eft phusro wat kes phulyeko a dukba, shok oe surta gat surtéuvnu wig udés huznu sare eg bilép garnu frat aa pindbnw, pinou fig, fia dali Fag Jato sat sén aa girkhé frei malnu aa bhuia a thupro, gatthé A, mgT barhuw, umramnu agg, Sg daga a dagé rékhnu am Tag gauganiuniu —aTaRTATS'g guard to guess, to (hazard a guess | guest a (invited) (celf-invited) guide a guilty gulp down, to gum (for sticking) gun gutter (of roof) (on ground) H habit bail to hail, to (call) hair (of body, fur) (bumman head) (moustache) (Hindu “top-knot”) half 65 vakhshé garou, aay ag (hon=to remain) (ko) arkal garou (it) sg amt ag (ko) anejé garnu (@) SST Te and4j garnu ras my nimtyéro, rent, péhuna (pélnu) qa, (GTA) aguwa, bato sam. art, dekbaurne zae's doshi, dosi ara, af nilno frag a chop 1 banduk aes kulo, nali gat, ate bani, viti, behord apf, fat, Reta asin& rata asina parno arity dékov, hapérnu ergy, ere raun, rom a a kes, bal 3a, ate junga a tupi zt adha TT halt, to hult, a(vest, pause) hammer (large og.) sledge hammer, (ordinary) (small) (of gun) hand handeuft handful handkerchief handle handmill hang, to (intr.) (tr) to get the hang of } happen, to buppily happiness 66 rinnu, basou, rabaxnu =e wag, bisduxnu, ubbimny rove, aftr, ubhii rabaunu bisa ghan mfrtol bhénri, hatoro {banduk ko) ghord hat, hath bathkari muthi romal benr (of khakri ete.) binr janto jhundinu jhundyaumna tangnu (also pitch « tent) melo-meso pauana i lagna, bun Khushi sita sukba, ananda shag ig happy hard (unpleasant) hardship harlot harm harvest haste hasten, to (intr.) hastily hat hatchet hate to have, to haversack havoe hawk hay haze (heat) (fog or mist) 67 khushi, sukhi, 4 @ dnandit sre sdro, kathin, a, wis, apthéro aroret garo Kashta, dakha beshye, kasini, pathar héni, nds, noksén eq, AT, ATL katani, béli wefa, afer hatar ar, hatar garnu ea ag hatar hatar eat ee topi art bancharo aa ghin, ikh, daha fig, ga, Stet ghinéuano i (dekhi) daha (fea) eter < ga > eA, £8 4 4 garou mg ko huanu at eg sita humu faa ég jhol@ Fate nés, bigér my fee baj banso,sukyo ghans a art aia, tunwalo tara, kuiro et 68 69 head kapél, téuko, Tay, ZTSeL, helpless Méohar ara, munto ae hen pothi at ean mokbiy& afen herb sikpht, jharpat TEMG, HL ATT heal, to niko pérnu Raw (medicinal) jari buti at gat health jai anf, x herd bagal, bathan = ait AAA 7 te sapreko aa herdsman gothala Fert (plant) ap) here (static) yahan aet heap thapro, gat (hither) yets aa (of grain) i rH hero surbir, méhébir afc, wea, hear, to sunnu a nh a heart (of body) matu a heron bakula eat to take heart dhirje rékhnu a hesitating (in two minds) dui-sure aeat (cheer up) 1 . : = (eaaitor) man hicoough Darul ag fa (cards) pan wt to baruli Higne ag fa ag heat garmi aril hide (skin of animal) ehhélé aret ma n) rép a to (tr.) lukéunnu, ia, of st garg > ehhopna, dhéknu gq g, to tato pérno, sekou at a, Bg (ots) me ag. TY heatrash (prickly heat) ghamauré watt hidden inp heavy (bulky) bhari, garuko, arf, Tre, " (secret) gupta garaun at high algo, uncho hedge bar ae highlands Jekh hedge-hog dumsi mrsé gi-gat (The Hills) pahér heel karkueho gest, hill (foot hill) danra heir adbikéri, aushe — syfarerdt, sat (high ridge) — lekh hel gobi, upakiv ETC, STR (high, mountainous) parbat : a ~ (bottom of) phedi, kachhér to gohar dina, ae fg, (slope) pakha sagdunnu amg (precipitous slope) pakh4-pakhero hinder, to hinge hint hip (buttocks) hire (noun) to hit, to hither & thither hoarse hog hold, to (keep) hole (natural, animals) (made) (inground) holiday hollow (noun) (in tree) (adj) holy (ceremonially pure) home 70 thonnn, arkéuma gy, rg_ BTSZ ehhekna aaa kabjé =a sin ar chak ae jyalé, bani sare afar jyala Iéuno SATeT ATE, hirkéuenu, pitou, feptég, deg, hénnu ae yeta. aa yetd uta aa oat dhodre, a. ghinsiyeko ait sungur a samatnu, wna g, sanfunu, thémnu gaTsy, TS rékbnu wag dnlo gat ehhenr, pwal ae_, aa khéral aga chhutti st khélto , waar torké aga Khali, khokro, aaqfat, nat pawitra ofa chokho art ghar, géuveghar OR, TS-AL honest honey (comb) honour to hoof (horse’s) hook (fish) (by hook or by crook) hop, to hope horn horrible} horrid horse horsefly Lorseshoe hot (water) (day) (curry) hour house how (manner) (much) however n sojo, kharo, sudho @att, @A, THN maha ae mauriko chéké = aha Tar mén, bardin wa, mAnmanito garnu aaa mz khur & sum, tép TE aT éngkuse balsi = konai yoktile gh ghee ek khuttéle oh Gee uphrana wry era, fish STA, SAT sing darlagdo tat wa_ are art niydno, aul, éwal fata, Ba_s TAT piro Re ghanta we ghar Rm kasari watt kati aft taraipani aah humble hninp-backed hunger hungry, to be hunt to intr.) (tr.) hurricane hurry to hort to (tr) husband husk (grain) (outside) hussif hot 1 I (person) ice {also frost) idea idiot idle (lazy) idleness 72 din, malim aa, wey, kupre bhok we (isi) bhok lignn ( WS AAG shikar far shikar khelun pet BAZ (ko) shikér garnu (@) Rrewremy thulo éndhi, aan sift, Andbiko jhonk — sffarat, ales hatér eae hatér garnu ea Tg chot, ghéu We, Ts ° chot parnu weg logne ara bhus Ww bokré aret bisé areat jhupro at man a hinw fés tusiro gaa biehér Ra até, murkha, TET, FL, ghémar TAS alehhe wae alebhi waft idol if ignorant in illenss imagination imitate, to imitation immediately immoral impertinence impliment important impossible improve, to (trans) (intr.) in inattention inattentive ‘incest incestuous income ‘incorrect, increase © 18 murti markhs, ghémar birémi, rogi bethé, rog + kalpané, bichér siko garnu siko tarantai, uttinaikhera jhwéttai pépi, adharmmi gustéki, dhitein hatiyér thnlo, ménko asédhye sudhérnu, jai pérnu jéti hunow mé achet: man fa léuzne phtak hér phora fmdani, kamdix na thik, galti ko barthi, phal Indian file indigestion infant infect, to infectious inflamed, to be infold, to information ingratitude inhabit, to inject, to (vaccinate) (innoenlate) ink innkeeper innocent inoculate, to inquire, to ingniry 4 tant apach nfini bethd sérnu sarnwé, sarne, ligne sojnu beherna Khabar, théhé patté auguni (m4) basnu, (mf) bés garnu Khopénunu, siyo héinn bhed garnu masi, siyéi panwé, dharmmshalé, bhatti bhattiwal nirdoshi. Khopéunnu, bhed garnu sodhnu, sodhpuehh garno sodh-puchh insect inside insist, to inspect, to instead of insufficient intelligent intend, to interest (on money) interesting invede, to invent, to invitation (to meal) invite, toy» iron iron, to (tr.)(of clothes) ironsmith irrigate, to island it iteb to ivory kiré ea bhitra fra dhipi dunn FRY TS jéuchnu, herman sim ae (ko) théuama, (ota, (ko) badal&mé = (t) aRRTAT apugye, kam art, wy gyéniebalék aT, TATE man garna, thénnu Ha 77g, ae by6j, end, néphé — warat, Ga, ATT manpardo wavat (mathi) 6 Magno (arf) sm erg raebnnt ae * nirato Pet nimto diana Rerat fq phalén, Iohé etre, BART (ko) istri @ Ingéonno, or BrP oF garnn ame kémi, lobar art wee bhijéonna wang (mafpéni dunn (a1) TAT ATS tépu ay tyo an luto at chiléuxnu Rang héttidént ard J jecksl ‘January (Jan 15 Feb 15) jer jaundice jow (also molar tooth) jest jewel join, to (stick together) journey dey judge, a to (test) juice Tuly (July!5 Aug.14) jump, to (up) (over) (across, over) junetion (of rivers) Tune (June 15 July 14) jungle 6 ays mégh gfgro, bhdero, gharé hartAl ko bethé bangéro thats, hasseali mani, gabané jorno, miléuuna thnenu, géuenu jftrs, yétrd fnanda, harka, harsha nieSphi, nisépi niséph or nisép garno jfvebuu, bichér gama ns sélun, swan upbrann phél hénna nénghnu dobhin asa jangal, ban g4aaA & a it aaa agi qi? i ! aa4a, a 4 4 jast* (adj.) {adv. jast now) K keen keep, to (maintain) (one’s word) kernel kerosine key khokri kick, to kid kidney kill, to (sacrifice) kilo kind (noun) (adj.) kindly kindness king kinship 7 sSneho, niyélo, sidho, sudho bharkbar tej, tejilo, Mgne rékhno pélon satya rkhno gudhi, gadi mattiko tel t6lehé, chébi khokri 1ét (le) hanna békbréko pétho mirgaulo mérnu bali garnu bhatti jh, kisim, prakér i, nfiso, khal kirpéla, day4lu, bhalo kripagari déya, kripé, anugrah r6j6 (cards) bése sdinu at ‘a9 x i i aa aa Tag at psaba gas ag 4 992 i aq 144 a wa ST, 4 US, ae kit kitehen kite (bird) knapsack knave (rascal) (cards) knead, to knee kneeeap kneel, to knife (pen) (ordinary) (emall on kbakri) knit, to Knock, to (strike) (ball ete.) (down @ person) (down, building) (on » door) knot know, to (imderstand) (recognise), 8 shrdém, somén Dhénséghar chil wdinjo, jholé thag, kapti galim muaehbnu ghunré, pangré ghunré tekow cbéko ehburi karda bonnn hirkéuunn hénno loténana, laréunna bhatkéunn ghach- ghachyéunnn géntho, surkand jana bojhnn, samjhawna chinnu ‘ft 9 (fave knowledge —théha péaynn grag, GT, about) (realise) ehél pauyna et TES, (how to do) dorna knowingly jéuni jovnikune — gifrsifret Knowledge (wisdom) buddbi,gyén fg, (learning) bidya fren (ekill) sip faq (information) thal, chél are, knuckle sunli ko géutho stteret aiat L labour (swork) kém, kéj, lanthe at, at, (effort) mibingt, phikeri free, | Rafts (honsehold) banda » to kém garnn, arta mibinuat garnu fata mm lace (shoe) dori, phita, tasma @r@; feat, TET Indder (wooden) lisnn, sinrbi et fare (stairs, steps-stone) bharyéng Take jhil; polchari, t61 aftqr, ae tet we lame khorande, langro itz, aTe_2 lament, to bilp garna fearing ~ lamentation bilép Pree lamp batti wat (small earthen ware) diye Rat 80 Jand (opposite of sen) jamin, bhuin (estate, field) jogs (on slope of hill) pékh& (country) desh Iandslip (leo diarrhoea) pairo lane galli language kuré, bhésha languid lote lantera laltin, hét batti lap polto, god, kékh large thulo, baro (extensive) pharék last pacbhillo, Skhiri to (endure) khapna, rahannu lasting (good wearing) khapuwé late Ahilo, aber; abelé later bhare, pachhi lately (present day) ju bholi, hélko laugh, to hérsou at (mock) khisi garnu, Khisyénnnu, law lawsuit ley, to (eggs) phal parna lazy alchhe lead (metal) sish aaass4 ig 4 a q i a4 lead? to leader leaf (tree) (book) leafless leak, to (through) (out)(intr.) Jean (thin) lean, to. (back, rest on) (over, down) (bend, stoop) (bend down) leap, to (over) (ap) learn, to (get knowledge of) least, at leather leave (furlough) leave, to (desert) (in the lurch) left 81 doryéunnu Feng aguwa, agente sigray, sete pat TE, patra Oe sikre we ehuhunna ws rasiany eg dublo ot ares légnu seq, ares dhalkawno arg niurannu frig jhoknu ag phél hénnu, Fa aR, néughnu arg uphranu wey siknu eg théhé péumnu erat anég kamko kam SAR SA ehhals aret chhutti, =a. raja a chherna, chhori tg g, atte rakhno wag tyagno arg bieha parna frog debre, béux, byan &y, até, erat 82 leg khotts, thug (above knee)(i)(man) tikhro or tighro Gi) (animal) shupro (below knee, shin) — pairsulo (calf) chhepari loisure phursat lemon nimbu (large) nibuwé (small lime) kagati lend, to rin dimmu paincho dinnu ndhéro dixnu length lamti, lamai lentil at leopard chitawa, leper kori leprosy kor less kamti lessen, to (intr.) ghatnu (tr) ghatéame lesson path, shikshé, arthi let, to (allow) Infin + dina letter (of alphabet) —akshar (post) chitthi level (of ground) samma (flat, e.g. table) chepto ga Hes 4ig4 aM fa 9232 a liar ° lice lick, to lid (stopper) lie, a to (down) Tife (principle) (manner of) lifeless lift, to (pick up) Jight (lamp) (not heavy) (colour) (eg. of tea) to (tr.) (intr ) lightning 83 jhotho, dhéwtue apa, aig jumro gr ebétnu Ricks dhakané, dhakani, get, gett, birko Prat dhént, jhuth wie, ae. Abéutnu, jhuth — gigg, B bolna tag sutnu, dhalkana, 3g, gam, pasriznu, letnu prén, se aU, aa fyu, cholé, jiwan eqg, den, Sa nirjiu, mareko jasto wet vchflnn,nthéume sary, TET tipna fia jvoti, ujyalo sa, seat batti art halungo wet madharo ae phiko fret bélnu, jaldurnn ee_y, ETE salkéuyno arang Dalna, jalnn WS, TAS bijali fagfer likeness limb lime Timp (aj) to Tine (on paper) Jiniment Tinseed lip list, listen, to little (adj.) a live, to (dwell) (be alive) liver living Veard 8 jasto, jhain, wet, % ruchnu, jati agnu (dat. of sab) ayn g,. ruchfunno; man wang, wa parnn a rap, anawér Be, sya ange sin chuna F lao, lote, a, at khuchysng ware Kbuchyéng hinnu eqn lakir, rekha wat, mine okbati = ag sitet alei aaa onth sis khesri, taphsil eft, areftet sunno, dbyéo ge, aT dinnu féq kén thépna or sno, ehhoto ag, aa alikaté . srfereat basnu, rahamne ay, Big, jiuenu F kalejo ay jiundo atezt shheparo Bret load,” n. to loaf about, to Joan lobe (of ear) look loaf about, to look, to locust log loineloth loins lonely (of places) long look (appearance) to (at) (seem) (for) (after) looking-glass loop (in road ete.) loose (adj.) to (let go) (set free) 85 bhér, bojhs, kumlo Iéano, mé bélou dauntérimnu rin, painolre kén ko loti t6l6, téehs. dauntarinnu +414 lagéomnu salaha, ealan munrho laxgothi, dhoti chutar, kammar eklai sanne lmo rup, anuwér hernu dekbixnu khojnu pélnn ainné» ghumti khukulo, dhilo, phuko phokéusne ehhornu Tose, to loss loud louse love low (adv.) (adj.) (lowly) louring luck lucky lokewarm lump lung M mad maiden (ecervant) main (adj.) (special) maize majority make, to (create) (cause) 86 haréuenn, eg; gaméuenu aang héni, nfs, nokeén aq, are, EET charko wat jumré an méy4, prom, priti are, Say, RY tala, undho za, eh howeho ater nich ar dhamilo attait bhég ar bhigemén an mantéto wi arent dallo aa phokso aaa banlahé, jhallé aera, are keti, kennyo aA, ay kaméri, dfsi ware, art mal, makhiya ay, feat khés wa makai a dherjeso, thalo 8 ae, gait bhég ps bangunnu aang rachna a 3 pérnn, tulyéunnu org’, grrg (& bed) (@ noise) male (buman) (birds) (buffalow) (horses, goats) mallet (large) man (person) mango manner (method) (babit) manners manure many 87 biehhéunna hallé garnu logne inénehhe bhéle réngo boka mungro ghan ménchhe, ménis jana émp rit, keidé bani 4 are, ae wa st ae. SET art behoré, chélehalan &¥tqr, TA_ Sea mal dherai, anek Mareh (Mar.15 Aprill4) chait maroh, to mark (n) market marriage marry, to marsh master (teacher) hinna, bien chiyna, thoplé bajar, hét byahg by&hé garna simsér, daldal, ahap indlik, ewémni guru Fe Re ae aq fea, fisa fag. are =e © waren ng fre, Tae aT anh , ert ae amat {bamboo matting) sosteh matted matter {thing) (pus) mattress ‘May (May 15 June 15) meaning means (method) measles measure (n) to meat (flesh) (batehers) medal medicine meet, to (overtake) meeting (rivers) (assembly) melon melt, to (intr.) mend, to (put right) (pateh) 88 améindro aR Dhakéri att iy heals Rrarereng latte ae urd x tecle ae pip am gaddé, a7 Seth Be artha at ‘pay, jokti aI, gfe déduré np, népo ene art népna arg mésu, ag, sikér fea tagmé wma okhati, i6j, dawai sitet, gers, card. bhetnu Re I phelé p&rnu fret Tg" dobhén aa sabhé an Kharbuja | EM gelno, paglannn area, a’ sadhérnu aq télnu zag marammat garau aeRIq Ty mershant mercy messenger method midday midnight middle mildew milk to mill (hand) (water) millet mind (n.) to (obey) (feel) (wateh) (pay attention) (care) (never mind) mine (n.) (explosive) 80 bopéri dayé, kripa, chhimé Khabar paryéunne dat rit, rakam, upay ‘ksida ‘dopahar Adhérét ménjhako, bichko dbunri, dbumsi dudh duhuann jauto ghatta bhadu, kéguni man, hirday, chitta ménnu géro mannu herny ahyén dinnu dhandé mannu ahandé ehhaina khéni surang mingle, to (tr.) (intr.) mint (spice plant) (money) mirror misconduct miser misery wiss, to (out) (discover absence) missing mist mistake (n.) misty mix, to mob model, (n.) to moisten, to mole (on body) moment 90 miséuxna, firaréa, miléunnu firerég mnisinnn fritg pading wert, taksar Tea pinnd, shishé, tar fier, sie fer kuchél lobhi, sum, kanjus Ro a =ye_ dukkha gra na lagéunna a amg biréurnn fag rainchha bhani = fag at, théba pauenn ang qe, hardeko kuiro at bhal aR dhamilo eaitat misturnu, frag, muebhna wa bul = nakal banguann, dhélow ae wag osfinanu, aang, mukryénane wararg kothi wral cbhin fea momentary ‘Monday money-lender monkey month moon (new) (ola) (waning half) (waxing ,, ) more morning mortar (vessel) mosquito mosquito net moss mother mother-in-law mount, to mountain (large) (chain) mouse moustache mouth mouthful, 91 ek ehhin ko Sombér séhu, mahfjan, seth béudhar Inabing, mainnd, jun aunsi purne badi sudi besi, jydsti, aru bibéna okhali, dbiki lémkhutte, nas masuri jhyéu 4m4, mahatéri sfisu charbnu pahér parbat Tekh musi jung mukh phénk move, to, (tr) (shake) (intr,) (move in bounds) much - (adj.) (adv.) mucns (eg. from nose) singan mud muddy (of water) male mumps murder murinur, to muasele mushroom music mustard inyself N naik nail (finger) (iron) naked name named namely of sérou a hillgayna farang fea_g, ag hilog, sarna dbasdro héona hss aa dherai dher, besi e aa hilo = dhamilo Rita khachchar ae gulphulé ko bethé arq_gaa #t Fat hatyé em ganganduonn ata TATE asd wet chyan ae rig a7 réi, (the plant) tori ag, MR ma &phai a amaldar we aK pang kbil, kéati, preg ae. waite, 1 mango, nangé = afi, AT mun are an eat sate naun gareko arthat nape narrow nasty natural natural (world) (character) navel near nearly necessary neck necklace need, to needle neglect, to neighbour neighbouring nephew (brother’s son) (sister’s son) nerve nervous nest net (mosquito) nettle 98 ghichro, fat, ghuchehuk ae sénguro aie najiti, narimro aay, aR sobhéuko arrest prakriti weft sobhan anas nabhi, nainto (ko) najik, nira jhandai et khéucho,chibindo wait, aE galé, ghichro ae, Ratt malé,kantha aren, @o anfit, angat a) are, Fe (16) chéhinna tow fea siu, siyo naherny, birsnu = ed kshimeki, ebbimeki ae chheako at bhatijé ariien bhénnij aR nash wea dardumne, étinne eed, angie gunr jal masuri sisno never nevertheless new (fresh) news next (time) (place) eg. “the man nextRanbir”—Kanbir ko ehleuko manchhe niece (brother's daughter) (sister's, night nip, to (of) nipple no no doubt nod, to (in sleep) noise nominate, to oon North nose 4 kaile panit+neg. @& qf... of verb tarai pani, tai pani @® qf, & GR, va pani waa nayé, naulo wa, at taj4, dlo aren, oat khabar, patté, gaz, GEM, samachér ara arko et (ko) ebheuko (a) Breet bhatiji wate Yohénji nist rit 7. chimotnu faieg chuerna Ba thun, dnt Fb aa, hoina nse fet jbulou wg sor, awd}, ballé GR, STATH_, EFT khatéunou werig SdhGdin, duipabar spat Rea TENE din ° uttar disha ax fer nakh wre nose-ring (centre) {out-side) nostril nota, to nothing, for (free) notify, to 95 bulaki phuli nékh ko chhexr, nfikh ko dulo Iekhi rakhno tyesai sunéuune November (Nov. 15—Dec. 15) mamcir now just) now-a-days numb, to (usually with cold) number (figure) numeral nut (bolt) (betel) (chewing) nutmeg ° oak oar oath oats obedient aile bharkhar ju bholi, achel gangrina kakrinnu sankhya avka gerf, badéin dhibri pan supéri jaiphal bavj’ko rakh Oguri, bahéund, gabané Kiriyé, kasam jan 4gyé manne ing &Ea 4 ayn i v3 i gifs a8 ia fi ‘4 a 4 obey, to oblique obscene observation observe, to (see) (notice) (say) obsolete obstacle obsti obstreperous obstruct, to obtain, to obtrude, to oceasion (time) (reason) (chance) occasionally oceupaat ocean 96 ménnu ae dango, terho amg, 2 charkeko wat phohar, phohari Bee, Steet herdi ee dekhnu, hen = Fay, Be chet rékbnu bhannu wa nachalne, purémo a =m, Gat ebhekthun, aljho Bega, sre ay atteri, dhito, sa, Fa, am magro kalyaha eT thannu, chheknu ge, Seg péuanu We ghusérna, ga. ghachetnu weg bel, khep aan, Bt kéran SRY déu, mauké as, ater kaile kaile ae basne we samundra, aa, mahaségar Fern wort Ocotober (Oct-15 Nov.15)Kértik odour (good) (bad) suigands, bésné «gary, aT AT dugandha or zara or kugandha ere offender off-band often oil {kerosine) oily ointment old (persons) (things) (worn qut) on once onion only open. to (mouth) opening (hole) (chance) opinion opium opportunity (get, an) 97 doshi aa jatébhabi wana bar ba i gi aR aK, at ghari, dherai kbep aft, 32 Bq tel aa matti tel wee, chillo ~— malham, mallam 7@_ge_ Hee barho, briddha at, ga Re paréano thotro at ma, manthi at aif ek hep, ok palta om &_, OSS ~ métrai we ughérnn, kholnu omg) aez béuane arg chhenr, dulo oe, owt dé, mauké ais, ater mato, réy, bichér, aR, Ta, fre man wa aphim area mauké, dia ate os dori lignu+dat Sa aM 98 opposite (over ogainst) (ko) sivmu or ki, yé, athwé orange suntalé order {n.}{arrangement) melo (enstom) rit, bidhi (command) Sgy6, hukum, sin to {arcange) thik pérnu, tharkyéoxnu {command) Sgyé dinnu hokum garon ordinary sédbéran madhyam ornament gahand, singér to singarna orphan tubure, déto other arko, dosro otherwiee hoins bhanneté ‘ natra té outside béira patti baira ontatrip, to uchhinnu, nieghi ifann | a ehulé, bhatti over (prep.) — “(across waterete.) pari (passed) biteko (finished) bhiygyo tobe bran, bévelnu if wqizaara ye hay iqpeits overecoat overcome, to overflow, to (intr.) overpower, to oversight (mistake) overtake, to over work (n.) owe, to owl ox P pace pack (cards) to paddy padlock page pail (wooden) (bucket) cr) béirekot agin, jitnu, jaywant stag, eae bunnu é ~ a (béira) pokhinna (apg) ae tébimd lygunnn afer FATE bhul cn Uhetéuanu, phelé aiBpgq, er ° pérnu we jhok ate Fin Iégnu, rini aay aL, Rl hoxpu lta charé, lla Brey RT, BRE, goru are kadum, pharké gay, ET, dek zs tés ar thuokysunne —pegarég, ahén, ar tala arent patra wa theko sar dunhyéro zaeM balti, dol wre, fa pain (pains effort) to (intr.) (tr) (trouble) paint to pair palace palin (tree) (band) pane panic panther paper parade (troops) to pardon to pare, to parents parrot parry, to part 100 dukhs, pire ae, Te, mihinnst ‘fretaa_ dukbno dokhe dinnu ra sathuenu warég ranga 7 rangénsnu wg jors r6j mahal, derbar ay wee» FH: khajur, tar ko wal, ATES rukh wa hatkelé ea Bat sing” Ra tarsdi watt chituwé raat kégat SRTT_ kawéj a kewéj kheléune gare_ Bards, méph, kehamé - @me_, feat méph or kshamé AY aT SAT % garnu mg tachhnu Rick fmababu STATS, sughé aa ebhelnu, aaa, tarkéuwnu bhég, hissa, ansha vaya, feat, Set partidalar (special) (such & such-a) particularly party (military) (band) (crowd) pass (mountain) (permit) to (through) (spend, time) (tr.)(outstrip) (law) past (@g0) pasteboard paste on, to patch (n.) to path patience pause, to paw pay to (tr) (military) (intr.) 101 khés, mal phaléng khésgari toli gathé hal bhanjéng parjé ebhirnn bitna, kétnu uchhinnw chaléanna biteko bhayo gsté thopdrnu, thnsna tile talon dito, chorbéto dhivaj parkhann, arizou panjé talab, tankhé tirna tankhé baxtnu or bdnrnu nfphé dinnu or aig_g pes peneo peach peak Pear pearl peel (n.) to peep, to peg pen (sheep) peneil penknife {on khukri) people (subjects) pepper (red) percent perhaps perpendicular persecute, to ‘102 keraa fru tuppo, théplo nasp6ti moti bokré TE om, ar at went aaa téchhnu, khoselon ag g, GRR_F chiyéumnn, chor fixqrag, SE Snkhélehermn eat Ra kilé tet kalam sa Khor ae pensil a faa chéka, , karda = ménehhehara, APRS, jané. wat prajé. = marich, ate, golmirich khor verb), koni théro js at satéaunu. us nel, kushal, shSnti et, gaat, et piotare piece to, together pieree, pig (tame) (wild) pigeon (tame) (wild) pile to pill pillar pillow pimple (small) (large=boil) pinch, to pit 308 jané, ménebhe phakéuenu binti khakér sigén gainti tipou nakes, taswir, chitre tukré, chokto gansnu bijhnu, chherna sungur banel parews malews thupro thuprygéamnu goli khambé sirdni phok4, bibiré khatiré chimotnu, chimtanu khélto pitch, to (tent) piteher pity place to plain (adj.)(level) (easy) (without ornament) plains, the plan (method) (device) to plane, to plank plant (choot) to plate (0f leaves) play, to (masie) @) (show) pleasant 104 téngnn, Iagéarnu, zing, WANES, hélno ees gharé, ghailé wa, daya wa thanw ore rékbnn, lage Ta_, SUES, samma ara sajilo att sd aret mades ate, rit a, yukti, upfya afte, sara upéya nikélon = aaa PETS téchhno, aed cbillyéannu Raqag phalek Re biruwé, bot Pra, Fz_ tus an ropnn, giirnn amg, Eg thal ae tapari zat khelna aaa bajéumnu wae, khel aa, tamasha, wart ramilo, manpardo Targa, Aa.Tat please, to (tr.) (inte.) pleased pleasure pliant plot (plan) plough to ploughshare pluck, to plunder pocket pod point, to (make pointed) (show) pointed poison Poisonous poke, to pole pond or pool (in river) poor poreupine possessions 105 khushi pérnu, raménunu jéti Iégna Khushi 4nanda, harsha lulo yukti halo jotna phéli tipno Jot. goji, kbalti kosé tikhéentu dekhéunnu tikho bikh bishéla ghochnu dandé, ghéro pokhari, taléu raha kangali, nirdhani dumsi dhansanpati, jhitimiti a3 wag aA ad A ap ; az 4° post (letters) (wooden) postage (stamp) postpone, to pot (earthen) (cooking) (brase) (flower) (water) potatoe potter pound, to pour, to (of rain)...... powder power (in-one’s power) powerful practice (n) (custom) pray, to precipice prepare, to present (n.) (gift) to be 106 dék, hulék kilé légat tikat théti rékhno hésri, bhénré lohot6, garawé gamlé ghard alu kuméle kntnu, pivdhow pokhéaxnn, jbérnu, hélnu péni besari Aauuna. dhalo, pitho bal, shakti t&bi, bas balliyo béni, behors prérthanggarnu, pujé garnu bhir tiyar pérnu dén bézir buana gag ae s frare_are) wm, erie eg press, to (down) (equeeze) (crowd) (urge on) pretend, to pretty prevent, to prey price prick, to pride prince princess print, to prisoner Private (socrot) (own) prize procession (marriage) (funeral) proficient profit progress, to 107 Khéadnu nichornu michnu, ghacheba dinna Abipi luann nia garnu, chbal garnn, topalna sundar, rémro thunnn, cbbeknu, na dixnu shikér dam, mol, bhéu ghoechnu, gopnu ghamand, mijat réjkumér réjkaméri chhapnu kaidi gupta nij, épbnu iném, jitbsji thant’ bariyant, janta malimi sipalu néiphé melo sfrnu ‘promise, to proof prop, to pioteet. to prove, to (try out) (give proof of) 108 béché garnu ara ng’ pramén SARE tows lagéunna ey eT rakshé garnu, eq ary, jogéumna ag jémchna wig (ko) pramén garnu (@) aR aT provisions (rations) rasad = (for field work) = arni aft (cooked for a journey) khéjé ert provoke, to jiskyéunnu frewarg prey, to ehiyéunnu frag pall, to téonn aH (down) bhatkéuzna aang punctual niju fy punetual-in duty raja sw punishment saj6 amt pure * chokho war purgative julép RTT purpose manss, iehehhe — q_aT, KEN pursue, to pachhi pachhi ft fs jéanu aig, pus pip ar push, to ghachetnn, wag, dhakké diznu arer fig put, to (put on clothes) (one above another) (put off clothes) (pat out) (@)(hand) )(light) (put down) Q quagmine quality (n.) quarrel (n.) to quarter a queen quench, to (fire, light) question to quick (at once) quickly quiet quietly 109 rékbnu wag Munna, legéuxna erg, aig khépnu ang kérou wg nikélon Pee pasérnt vag nibbéayno, frag, mérnu me jhérnu ae daldal a_a@, gon Se jbagaré FRR dhsgaré garm, ama ag, béjhnu ray ek piwa Hat réi, (cards) mim aya, fee nibhéunna frarég sawél, prasna Rare, sodhau aag chiito, ehénro fist, aie jhwattai Ed ebhitogari Baa chap a clupebép geri ay saTg_at R _ race raft rafter rag (in rags) railway line rain to the rains rainbow raise, to raisin rancid rank (soldiers in line) rash n, (je. disenee) (heat) rat rate ration raw reach, to (reach out hand) read, to reading 110 baiji, horsbsji beri karanga jhumro thingne rel ko lik hari, pani péni parnu barkhé indreni uthéunno,uchélou kismis kuheko, tito phnti darja bibirs ghamauré, musé bhéu, dém, mol, lagat rasad kéucho (ma) pugnu paséirnu parhnu parhai VAgariggys ada” i aa ) SAAT fra_wza_ pLay 2 waht ma ae, gH, Te are me iat (a) Ms Fag 3 aa ready real reap reason (cause) rebuke, to receive, to recent recently (just) recognise, to recommend, to reeord, to recover one’s senses, to recruit to recruiting red reduce, to reform, to (put right) refuse, to refuse (rubbish) * (left overs of food) regiment register, to lu tiyhr khés kétnu kéran hakérnu, dhamkéuun péuna bharkharko bharkhar, aile chinnu sarkéunna t&nkou biuntannu rangrat bharti garou gallé réto ghatéaxnn sudharnu ba mannu, mandi gaynu aswikér gamu kasingar jntho paltan taku regularly reign, to rein rejoice. to release, to icf (n.) (sentry) religion remain, to (honerifie) (stay behind) (be left over) remainder remember, to remind, to remove, to vent (tear) (payment) repair, to (put right) (mend) repay, to. (debt ete.) repeat, to The barambir aR “4§ ern we lagdm x raménonn, wg vaméhat garon CATES ehhori divnu péile, badali dharmma, mat rahanna, basno rakshé garnn parkhanu ubranu Dénki, chhorieko ubreko samjhénu sainjhéuena séirnn, sarkéuene chyatéi, phutai lagat, tiro, kirdi sudhérnn télnn, marammat garnn tirnu dohoryéuxnu, pheri bhanne repel, to (attack ete.) pachhi hatauyna repent, to reproof pachhtdamna hamki arty fey Te, Feet eat, 7a_

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