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The Masthead ‘The magazine title goes at the top ofthe magazine so that when itis siteng on the magazine rack in a shop, tis sb to the buyer Tre fact that the main image is ct out an slightly covers the mashead Isa technique used when a magazine s ‘aity wall known, isa device used to renovate and einvent the way the magazine i presented, However, a fist ‘sme magazine would not use this technique There are about 13 layers on this cover though the overall design fart simple. Important text layered towards the foreground (ofthe cover wneras tert uch asthe magarine masthead, whichis fairy obvious text now, ‘uated further Ito the Background although sill viable, ‘Three colour pallet ‘greyscale main mage has been used, creating the fst colour, tis {rey ads sophistication tothe magazine nd allows the rest ofthe colour scheme tobe versatile. This grey image could also reflect ok as being a darker genre of music. The vibrant ed colour tthe signiture colour forthe magazines brand And aso strikes the audiences attention, the blue also highlights Pete Doherty's name, appealing to readers and making the magazine more selale ‘The stapling goes across the top or bottom of the cove page to add extra information and lures’ to entice a reader into purchasing the magazine, ‘Who's next? @ bands you must hear row"; the text uses an interogative followed by an exclamatory seentence structure. This makes the reader fstly ueston their own knowledge before presenting them with a way that they can be ‘educated further. This alo makes the reader belleve ‘that its exclusive for them to know fst The main image's a id-shot of Pete Coherty tilting Ris head to one side with his hand on thismeck. The shot isa taken directly fom the front and he appears tobe almost witing to the audience This could be described as an almost seductive expression although he seems tobe relaced in himself The fac thatthe main image appears in grayscale makes him appear iconic almost ke a vintage black and white photograph of anid! ‘The other plugs or covelines entice the reader and give an incite of te type of sory nse the In this cas, the covering lists word connotations asscated with Pete Doherty. The lst begins With istngessdolsve personality tats leading upto high praise words suena ‘enarmer’ and “ars ‘The main covering i a form of name Gropping. By highlighting Pete Doherty, it Immediately makes the magazine more sellable and appealing to an audience Alarge font used ané the tox is highlighted, this could make the coverline tract the eye ofan audience from 2 istance, drawing them in and making ‘them want to purchase the magazine.

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