Total Project Cost & Financing Plans

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Total Project Cost

Land & Building:

Land and building is one of the major and fundamental requirements of any project.
Land & building include Production Hall, Management Building and Warehouses etc.
The total cost of Land and building would be around Rs.5,000,000.

Machinery & Equipment:

Machinery & Equipment is one of the major and primary requirements of any project.
The total cost of machinery would be around Rs.5,000,000.

Furniture & Fixture

Another important part of any company is Furniture & Fixture.
They include Furniture Set, Curtains Set, Air Conditioner, Tables, Chairs and cupboards etc.
The total cost of Furniture & Fixture would be around Rs.200,000.

Office Equipment:
Another important part of any company is Office Equipment.
Office Equipment includes Computers, UPS, Printers, Telephone sets, Fax Machines etc
The total cost of Office Equipment would be around Rs.300,000.

Office Vehicles:
One small (second hand) trucks acting as light carrier vehicle would also be needed for transporting raw
materials and finished goods. For this purpose Rs. 400,000/- has been assumed. The vehicle will
depreciate at a rate of 20% annually.

Human Resource Requirement:

Human recourse requirement means the man power to run a company.
In human recourse requirement it includes the salary of all the employees for example the salaries of
CEO, Accountant, Purchaser, Office Assistant, Store/ Warehouse keeper, Driver, Guard (24 Hour) etc
The total cost of Human Resource Requirement would be around Rs.600,000.
Working Capital
Equipment spare part inventory:
The cost of equipment spare part inventory would be around Rs.20,000

Raw material inventory:

The cost of Raw material inventory would be around Rs.1,000,000

Upfront insurance payment

The cost of upfront insurance payment would be around Rs.200,000

The initial cash requirement would be around Rs.500,000

The Total Estimated Cost of the project would be around

Rs. 13,220,000
Total Initial Investment of
Rs. 13,220,000

Initial Financing Percentages Rs. in actual

Debt 50% 6,610,000
Equity 50% 6,610,000

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