Lesson 5 Rubric Prezi

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Oral Presentation Rubric : Prezi/PowerPoint Oral Presentation

Student Name: ________________________________________ Date: _____________

Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is Student does not
prepared and has prepared but might somewhat prepared, seem at all prepared
obviously rehearsed. have needed a couple but it is clear that to present.
more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking.

Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or can
distinctly all the time. distinctly most of the distinctly some of the not be understood.
time. time.

Appearance Stands up straight, Stands up straight Sometimes stands up Slouches and/or does
during looks relaxed and and establishes eye straight and not look at people
confident. Establishes contact with everyone establishes eye during the
presentation eye contact with in the room during the contact. presentation.
everyone in the room presentation.
during the
Creativeness Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation is a
considerable some originality and an attempt at rehash of other
originality and inventiveness. The originality and people's ideas and/or
inventiveness. The content and ideas are inventiveness on 1-2 graphics and shows
content and ideas are presented in an cards. very little attempt at
presented in a unique interesting way. original thought.
and interesting way.
Content - All content throughout Most of the content is The content is Content is typically
Accuracy the presentation is accurate but there is generally accurate, confusing or contains
accurate. one piece of but one piece of more than one factual
information that might information is clearly error.
be inaccurate. flawed or inaccurate.

Appearance of All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics are
PowerPoint/Prezi attractive (size and not attractive but all attractive but a few do unattractive AND
colors) and support support the not seem to support detract from the
the theme/content of theme/content of the the theme/content of content of the
the presentation. presentation. the presentation. presentation.

SCORE: ___/24

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