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Usage note:

CrimeCommitting a crimecommit a crime/a murder/a violent assault/a brutal killing/an

armed robbery/fraud
be involved in terrorism/a suspected arson attack/people smuggling/human trafficking
engage/participate in criminal activity/illegal practices/acts of mindless
vandalismsteal somebody's wallet/purse/(British English) mobile phone/(North American
English) cell phonerob a bank/a person/a touris
tbreak into/(British English) burgle/(North American English) burglarize a house/a
home/an apartmenthijack a plane/ship/bus smuggle drugs/weapons/arms/immigrant
slaunder drug money (through something)forge documents/certificates/passports
take/accept/pay somebody/offer (somebody) a bribe run a phishing/an email/an
Internet scamFighting crimecombat/fight crime/terrorism/corruption/drug trafficking
prevent/stop credit-card fraud/child abuse/software
piracydeter/stop criminals/burglars/thieves/shoplifters/vandalsreduce/tackle/crack down
on knife/gun/violent/street crime; (especially British English) antisocial behaviourfoil a bank
raid/a terrorist plothelp/support/protect the victims of crimeInvestigating
crimereport a crime/a theft/a rape/an attack/(especially British English) an incident to the
policewitness the crime/attack/murder/incident
investigate a murder/(especially North American English) a homicide/a burglary/a
robbery/the alleged incidentconduct/launch/pursue an investigation (into…); (especially
British English) a police/murder inquiryinvestigate/reopen a criminal/murder
caseexamine/investigate/find fingerprints at the crime scene/the scene of
crimecollect/gather forensic evidenceuncover new evidence/a fraud/a scam/a plot/a
conspiracy/political corruption/a cache of weaponsdescribe/identify a suspect/the culprit/the
perpetrator/the assailant/the attackerquestion/interrogate a
suspect/witnesssolve/crack the casemore collocations at JUSTICE

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