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Follow these steps to record your movie:

1. Decide if you want to record a movie in real-time (based on your mouse and keyboard
movements) or record a movie based on an existing tour. 
2. If you decide you want to record a tour first, follow these steps to draw a path and save it before
recording your movie. 
3. From the Tools menu, select Movie Maker. The Movie Maker dialog box appears.
4. From the 'Supported Compression Formats' selector, choose the desired compression
format for your movie. If you want to have a movie format other than WMV (Windows Media
Video) or .mov (QuickTime), check the 'Advanced' checkbox and choose the format. If you
choose another movie format, only standard AVI compression is available. Note that AVI formats
are not compressed and therefore will result in large files.
5. Select 'High Quality' or 'Standard Quality' as the movie quality. See Movie Quality Levelsfor
6. Choose the Frames Per Second (FPS) you desire for your movie. The highest FPS setting,
'60', offers the smoothest movie viewing experience, but at the cost of a large file size. For
instance, if you want to record a 800 x 600 movie at 60 FPS, you will not achieve the best results.
In this case, choose a lower setting in order to produce a smaller file. The lower the FPS setting,
the more jerky the movie will be. You'll want to find the best compromise between frame transition
and file size. Typically, a setting of 30 works fairly well for movies that you want to provide over
the Internet.
7. Choose the resolution for your movie. You'll want to choose a resolution that is appropriate for
your final movie display. For example, you might have a computer screen projector that only
supports a 800 x 600 format. You can specify the following resolutions, which indicate the width
and height of the movie in pixels:
o 320 x 240
o 640 x 480
o 800 x 600
o 720 x 480 (NTSC) - This setting works well with large screen displays.
o 720 x 576 (PAL)
o 1280x720 (HD)
o 1920x1080 (HD)

Note - Recording time in high quality movies occurs very slowly, since each frame is fully
processed before the next one is viewed.

8. Specify a name for your movie. Click on the Browse button and navigate to a location on your
computer where you want to save the movie file when you are finished recording. Type in a name
for the file in the file dialog box and click the OK button. Alternatively, you can select an existing
movie file in the same format as the one you are about to create, and that file will be overwritten
with the contents of your new recording.

Note - If you are recording your movie as an image stream, it's best to choose a new filename or
folder location rather than overwriting an existing image stream selection.

7. Click the Record Tour button. The button is available only after you enter a valid
filename for your movie. When the movie begins recording, the Movie Maker dialog box
appears below so you can visualize the recording of the movie.
8. Either double-click your tour in your Places panel to play it, or use your keyboard and
mouse to navigate the globe. All of your movements will be recorded.
When You Are Finished

When you are finished the steps of recording movies, to stop recording, click the Stop
Recording button in the Movie Maker dialog box. Once you finish recording your movie, you can
open the movie file in a media player that supports the movie format you selected and play back
the movie to view the results. If you are satisfied with the results, you can post the file to a local
server or use it in a presentation.

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