Lady Gaga

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ne Masthead Roling Stone isa famous influential music magazine, high ranked in status, Therefore, the magazine can easly alter and chance the design e.g. colour scheme ee Tre masthead goes across the top ofthe magazine so it's easly seen by an audience. The main image covers the magarin tte shghty, but as Rolling Stone has become ‘mare ofa "abe, he target market knows what The stapling inthis instance, oes across the top ofthe page. ‘Summer double sue, makes the magazine instant sppcal more toa potential buyer asthe special issue label appeals more and they ‘may feel hat they are geting beter for their money Also the thought that they own it The fact thatthe strapine lat the top ofthe page, even above the ‘magazine masthead, the tragtne canbe seen cleary ona magarine itis abot The main coverline names ‘Lady Gaga! ina bold large font. This instantly adds saabilty to the magazineas an audience would be enticed as to whatthe feature is saying about het ‘Thislinks to the other plugs or lures, "Tells Ail entices the reader and lures them in to reading the story and what she as to say. Also, he fact thatthe magazine isa ‘genuine’ and trustworthy magazine with high status, they would only print the truth, especially as she ison the font cover, posing bviously fora cover shoot forthe magazin. ‘Three colour pallette ‘The main mage sees Lady Gaga dresseg ina black we-plece witn guns. Tals gives the Balette te frst colour The black s used again ‘on the taglines, around the masthead ang on the traplne ‘The second colour the pink of the masthead text. This colour is probably taken from either Lady Gaga's mouth or the darker pink of her skin. A magazine often takes colour swatches {rom the main image to tein the cover The fsa colours a grey. Thisis seen on the ‘other taglines and lures SUMMER DOUB TELLS ALL DENNIS HOPPER DRILLING BP’S NEXT ol DISASTER GENERAL we sore tae 4 DAYS AT BONNAROO ELTON JOHN EMINEM side ofthe main image sha = Prebaely take™ ‘shaft the audence The ain image on ths covers of Lady Gaga. As shes probably the most successful female aston the pan At the moment, isthe perfect sling point to attract music audience lg, the celeb may influence more sales 23s fas of Lady Gaga wil purchase the magazine as fan ‘memorobeli, The mal image s almost always a mid shot, no dfrent inthis ease. The appears to bein a strong stance, possibly efleting her strong influence inthe music industry. She appears tobe wearing bearly nothing clothingwis: a gatment which stands ou sa bra with guns attatched, ‘This could represent ner confidence in her sexuality a5 8 woman, ang also her power a a rle model to “Ue Monsters Her facial expression, according o Trevor Miu, could be described as 'seducrve Ths is because of her eyes being less oper, athough looking away from the camer, and a facial expression which gues of selconfdence Bing the impression of strong woman. ‘The fact that he tattos ae shown coud imply that she Ienot someone tobe messed with, especialy ecuase of the gun although the fat tha roses are seen relates back to sexuality and femininity ‘There are about 224yers on this cover, this isan average amount when i comes to magazine covers. The lures and coverines are easly visable, ether side of the main image. None ofthe layers seem to overlap except the main image on the masthead and sgntiy onthe stapling, This simplicity ofthe design makes the cover look more sophisticated and chic. The plain offwhite background aed othe simplistic ook and doesnot make it look ussy.

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