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‘The main mage on this 0°S shows afl length shot of Florench Welch siting down with one leg up, facing the camera froma the sde ‘Te Male Gaze by Laura Mulley is apparent here as Flocence’s legs are being shown inthe sho, signaling that male attention is bing generated. it could be gathered this was shot from a male's perspective Florence's facial expression and body language could be eseribed as Invitational as she is looking over her shoulder into the camera lense, with 2 = seductive expression on her face, eyesless open than usual, and ips sighty parted Florence is dressed ina black leather eress and blac heel ‘The leather coulc have sewal connotations 3s well as power land 2 rebel streak The thee colour palettes stl applied to a double page soread, especialy fis 2 cover feature Inthisinstance, the image of Florench Welch views her siting onan American fag, the red on the flag also matches the red other hai The colour becomes significant on the page and contrasts aginst the other two colour The black othe tex is relevant tothe black of her shoes, dress and possibly her eye makeup. This dark colour could relate te the genre ofthe magazine, NME The final colour isthe grey which becomes very apparent nthe background ofthe image, behind Forence The colour pale inks tothe tractional colour plete ofthe NMIE ‘magazine; red, back ad grey/white so therefore this may be2 deliberate asthete choke “The heading fortis arte fe= quote from a song by ‘Florence and the Machine, therefore its relevant By tiling the article with a Song le, this could imply wiat the arte is about. The reader automatically relates the lyeto the art, Florence, ths also very Feloventt the fact that NME 3 music magazine ‘The word ‘ove’ connotes feelings of passion and colours such 2 ed, this oul relate ta the reason the red hae been chosen in the colour palete ‘The short garagragh atthe betinning ofthe article, summaries the topic and sets the tone for the reader. By doing this, the reader understands wnat the article is about which allows them to decide if they want to read fn. This summary i usualy very enticing and so the reader wants to read more, ‘The main tox ofthe article i layed out into three columns to clearly seperate land define the text. This presentational technique makes the article easier to aigest fr the reader and easier to follow. ‘Te overall presentation ofthe DPS is ‘iso alded by ths, ‘The text sin blac, relating to the colour palette, ths stands out against the whitw background and makes i easer to read, “Tre fonts fairy simple although the ist letter ofthe article is enlarged ina calligraphic font. This ads style to the age and adds intrest once again,

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