Smart City

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The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

Note: Already filled information should not be changed

1. Name of the Project Smart City

If you are desirous to give a web based platform to your city to

be showcased for all it has in terms of unique business, places
to see, things to do, use local transport for a new traveler –
2. Objective/ Vision
how would you structure this information and also try and make
some money by charging people for atleast 4 services you may

A. Any one looking for information of your city

B. Tourists coming to your city
3. Users of the System
C. Businessmen coming to your city
D. People trying to get some help to do business remotely

i. Complete Map of the city with key markets and places to see
marked – preferably usage of static map and live Map option
ii. Complete History of the city – social, political
iii. Complete overview of the businesses in the city
iv. Secure registration of all users including a personal profile –
Functional only at the time of a transaction providence
4. Requirements v. Complete Search/Site Map of the entire site for easy access
(Atleast Eight) vi. Start atleast 4 paid services like SMS alerts for city news,
market daily rates, advertises etc.
vii. Local news, government notices, update
viii. Facilitate communication between user, experts and
general public through - Discussion forum/chat/mail/polls
ix. Local language support at user-interface and database level.
i. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details). SSL can be used.
Non-functional ii. 24 X 7 availability
5. requirements (Atleast iii. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
iv. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future
a. Downloadable guided city tour video/PPTs/animated movie
b. Engage local media and police and other government
6. Optional features department like passport to make your portal more useful
c. Customizable color schemes or skins
D. Use Google Analytics to track traffic on portal

A. Professional look and feel

B. Use of AJAX atleast with all registration forms
User interface
7. C. Browser testing and support for IE, NN, Mozila, and Firefox.
D. Use of Graphical tool like JASPER to show strategic data to admin
E. Reports exportable in .XLS, .PDF or any other desirable format
A. Customized report for tourists, businessmen, government
B. Graphical representation of city’s historical data
8. Reports C. Survey reports for social researchers
D. Analysis reports areawise, sexwise, city health, business &
agriculture growth etc
A. Website should be highly customizable and flexible enough
9. Other important issues
to easily deploy without much effort
10. Team Size 2 – 4 members
Technologies to be
11. UML, J2EE, XML, e-Forms, AJAX, Web 2.0, Web-services, SOA
• ROSE/RSA / WebSphere Modeler
• Eclipse/ RAD / Lotus Forms Designer / Portlet Factory
• WebSphere Portal/ WAS/ WAS CE / WPS
12. Tools to be Used
• DB2 Express – ‘C’ or DB2 UDB
• Tivoli CDP/TSM / Tivoli Directory Server
• Linux will be the preferred OS.
A. Online or offline help to above said users, Application deployment
executive and developer
Final Deliverable must B. Application archive ( .war/.ear ) with source code
C. Database backup and DDL Script
D. Complete Source code

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