Term 1 Monitoring & Evaluation Meeting 7th Oct

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Term 1 Monitoring and Evaluation Progress Meeting

College representative Su Bernard

Trainee Glenn Billingham
School Higham Ferrers Nursery Funded  Self-funded
and Infant School
Date Tuesday, 5th October 2010

Discussion points:

Subject Audit
 Completed for Foundation and Key Stage 1;
 At the end of this term you will be able to be more realistic in your assessment.

Needs Analysis
 Completed well – with clear strengths and weaknesses identified.

ITP and SKfT

 Discussion about the core topics and how it links to observations of staff;
 Use of SKfT and linking this into the ITP;
 Discussion about the finer points of the SKfT and highlighting these as Glenn goes

Academic Journal
 Reads well;
 You need to be more specific when discussing the texts and pick out a few key
elements that you are able to observe and comment on their success;
 You need to link to the Standards and perhaps go back and complete these for the
last couple of entries.

Subject Mentor Meetings

 Need to make sure that Standards are linked each time; No problem, can go back
and look at that.
 Need to link in the core reading;(from the list we have? Absolutely fine, but the
reading we have concentrated on is keystage related & important…. And links into
your needs analysis…..)
 Need to employ the Action Research Model into the programme. Eeek! I need to get
my head round that then :O)

 One timetable each week at the moment – linked to the observations and
developing a wide range of different experiences;
 The timetable needs to organised and set to enable time to complete individual
work. Do they mean your own reading/ work on your assignment ? (in which case
we just need to go back and annotate.) Or do they mean your work in the
classroom? (again we can annotate)
Second placement
 Key Stage 2 (Lower). Key Stage 1 experience on return from second placement.

Other comments

Signature: Date: 7th October 2010

Copies to:
Trainee Glenn Billingham
Subject Mentor Karen Draper
ITT Co-ordinator Karen Hutchinson
Primary Co-ordinator Sandy Wills
Eileen Watford
Training Manager Jane Joyce
Emma Gibbons
ITT AST Su Bernard
College Administrator Alison Hobson
Training School Administrator Di Berrill

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