Dendrochronological Investigation of British Stringed of Violin

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Journal of Archaeological Science (1998) 25, 1149–1157

Article No. as980303

A Dendrochronological Investigation of British Stringed

Instruments of the Violin Family
John Topham
114 Mid Street, South Nutfield, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 4JH, U.K.

Derek McCormick
25 Greystown Park, Upper Malone, Belfast, BT9 6UP, U.K.

(Received 15 September 1997, revised manuscript accepted 4 March 1998)

Dendrochronological analysis has been undertaken on 47 stringed instruments of the violin family. The majority of
these are attributed to British makers of the 17th to 19th centuries, whilst a small number from modern makers were
included for comparative purposes. Tree-ring dates have been produced for 38% of the measured sequences by
comparison with spruce and larch reference chronologies from the Alpine region. The results from this pilot study have
demonstrated the viability of the project and have produced additional dating evidence for many of the instruments. In
addition, information concerning past working practices and the geographical source of wood used by British makers
has also been provided.  1998 Academic Press



Introduction make an instrument front and so each wedge is sawn

again with a radial cut, opened like a book and after

endrochronological analysis is a well estab- some planing is joined so that the youngest growth
lished scientific dating technique which has rings come together in a joint which will eventually
proved invaluable in various areas of research form the centre line of the front of the instrument.
(Baillie, 1982), but it is the basic provision of dates that The first recorded application of dendrochronology
is of prime importance to this paper. Timbers from in the investigation of the violin family was that of
archaeological excavations and standing buildings are Lottermoser & Meyer (1958) who measured the growth
routinely analysed as are art-historical objects such rings on the fronts of two instruments by Antonio
as panel paintings (e.g. Lambert & Lavier, 1996). Stradivarius and by Giuseppe Guarnerius. This inves-
Dendrochronology has also been used to provide tigation did not succeed in dating the wood, although
additional dating evidence for instruments and they did find a relative correlation between some of the
especially stringed instruments of the violin family instruments. A number of later investigators have
(Klein 1987). however been successful in dating wood from instru-
Most modern members of the violin family are ments of the violin family. Corona (1980) measured
constructed with back, sides and neck of maple (Acer ring widths of the spruce fronts of two violins from the
platanoides L.) or sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) Cherubini Museum in Florence which are attributed to
whilst the front of the instrument is generally Norway the Florentine violin-maker G.B. Gabrielli. Corona
spruce (Picea Abies (L.) Karsten). It is the spruce front compared the ring widths with a Tyrolean (Otztal)
of the instrument which is used for dendrochronologi- reference chronology for spruce and was able to date
cal investigation as neither sycamore nor maple is the youngest rings on the front of the two instruments
suitable for dating purposes. The most desirable tonal to 1726 and 1717, respectively, which is consistent with
characteristics have traditionally been associated with the dates of Gabrielli who worked between 1739 and
spruce of the Alpine region. For modern instrument 1770. In other studies Corona dated a violin from the
making, the trunk of the tree is quarter-sawn, i.e. Destro collection (Corona, 1988) and in a larger series
radially sawn or split to produce wedges of wood including 10 violins, a viola, two violoncelli and a
with the oldest growth at the thin end of the wedge double bass (all from the Collezione dell Ospedaletto
(Figure 1). These wedges are rarely wide enough to dell Pieta, Venice) he was successful in obtaining the
0305–4403/98/111149+09 $30.00/0  1998 Academic Press
1150 J. Topham and D. McCormick

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of the construction of a two-piece front for a violin from a quarter-sawn log.

terminus post quem or the date after which the fronts of In the report of the investigation which successfully
most of these instruments were made (Corona, 1990). dated a number of German instruments (Klein,
Dating of timbers in general has been greatly facili- Mehringer & Bauch, 1986) the authors concluded that
tated by the development of a network of reference ‘‘. . . it is necessary to analyse other schools of instru-
chronologies, and especially the International Tree- ment making in Italy, France and Great Britain’’.
Ring Database ( There has been a flourishing ‘‘School’’ of British
treering.htm) which was founded in 1974 to provide a makers since the mid-17th century (Harvey, 1996) and
permanent location for the storage of well-dated, high- many of the instruments of this period are still being
quality dendrochronological data from around the played at the present day. Some of these are of high
world. However, most of the spruce chronologies in quality, although none of the British makers achieved
this data base do not extend to a sufficiently early date the international reputation of their European counter-
to be useful in the dating of 17th and 18th century parts such as Stradivari, the Amatis and the Guarneris
instruments. in Italy, or Stainer in Germany. There has been no
Following the University of Hamburg’s initiation of published report of a systematic dendrochronological
a comprehensive investigation of the wood of stringed analysis of British instruments and this project was
instruments, a series of papers has been published by established to measure tree ring widths on the fronts of
Klein and his colleagues in which a number of spruce instruments from a wide range of British makers. The
chronologies have been established and a wide range of aims of the project are;
stringed instruments examined (Klein, Mehringer &
Bauch, 1984; Klein, 1985; Klein, Mehringer & Bauch, (1) to determine if it is possible to establish dates for
1986; Klein 1987). Reference chronologies for spruce the wood of British stringed instruments using
were established in Bavarian Alpine and Erz Gebirge Alpine master chronologies. If this were possible
regions in Germany noted for their history of violin- it would provide an objective tool to assist in
making. They were constructed from spruce trees of authentication of these instruments. In British
known felling date and local older cross-dated timbers instruments the original labels and dates have
including spruce from instruments. By 1986, 134 rarely survived, and at present authentication is
stringed instruments from the 16th to the 20th century primarily dependent on stylistic attributes.
had been examined (Klein, Mehringer & Bauch, 1986). (2) to establish if the dendrochronological data could
It was possible to date the fronts of 75 of the instru- provide evidence of relationships between makers
ments (56%) with documented or undocumented attri- and of their different working practices. This
bution and in 65 of these the date of the most recent survey provided the opportunity to examine an
growth ring was earlier than (and therefore consistent unselected representative cross-section of British
with) the date of music-historical attribution. In the makers, rather than selecting instruments of a
remaining 10 instruments the dendrochronological specific maker. The possibility therefore arises
dating was later then the attributed date, thus requir- that comparison of tree-ring patterns may allow
ing a reappraisal of the time of manufacture of the conclusions to be drawn about shared wood
instrument. sources between different groups of makers.
Dendrochronological Analysis of the Violin Family 1151

(3) to attempt to determine the practice followed by than 6·0 were considered to be significant (Pilcher
British makers in making the fronts of instru- et al., 1995). Sequences of 60 rings or less were
ments. The modern method of construction, using excluded from the survey as they were considered too
two matched pieces of spruce has been described short to provide statistically reliable results (Munro,
earlier (Figure 1). Klein, Mehringer & Bauch 1984). Table 1 lists all the instrument sequences
(1984) provide evidence that on many old measured, together with the number of tree-rings in
German instruments a similar procedure was fol- each sequence.
lowed although there were a number of instances The size of instruments of the violin family dictates
in which unmatched pieces were used. Nothing is that the spruce used in the construction of the fronts
known about procedures in Britain and compari- would have been taken from trees which were at least
son of tree-ring patterns on the two sides of the 100 years old at the time of felling, probably consider-
front may indicate whether matching pieces of ably older. It is clear therefore that in attempting to
wood were used. date instruments of the 17th and 18th centuries, refer-
ence chronologies are required which extend back to
approximately AD 1400. Living spruce chronologies
Materials and Methods exist for many sites in the Alpine area, but the earliest
of these date only from the second half of the 17th
The instruments used in this investigation comprise 17 century. However a number of longer chronologies do
violins, 2 violas and 21 violoncelli, all of which are exist and two of them have been used in this study; (1)
attributed to British makers dating from the late 17th an Alpine chronology for spruce was used, which
to early 19th century. An additional 5 violins, 1 viola covers the period 1276–1974 (Siebenlist-Kerner, 1984),
and 1 tenor viol by contemporary makers were (2) since spruce often cross-dates with larch, an Alpine
included in the study. The instruments are listed in larch reference chronology from the Italian Dolomites
Table 1 together with their attribution, label date (if was also used, which covers the period 1433–1991
present), place of manufacture and maker’s dates. (Hüsken, 1994).
Biographical information concerning most of the
makers was obtained from a standard reference work
(Henley, 1973). Many of the instruments were supplied
by violin experts and dealers, and others were obtained Results
from private owners. In all cases the instruments were
measured with the permission of their owners. A total of 89 sequences were studied, ranging in length
All measurements were made at the widest part of from 62 rings (ichr0039) to 308 rings (ichr0062
the lower section of the spruce front in order to (Ce032)). The average number of rings for each type of
maximise the number of rings available. This entailed instrument is given in Table 1.
measurement of the grain in the radial plane rather All 89 sequences were compared visually and
than the more usual method of measuring the rings in statistically and 36 of them cross-matched with t-values
cross-section. Klein (1987) has shown this to be a valid greater than 6·0 (Table 2). The relative positions of the
method when he took radial measurements either 36 sequences are presented in Figure 2. An instrument
directly from the instrument or from X-ray images if master chronology (IMC36) was prepared using these
the varnish was too opaque. In the current project, sequences and cross-dated against the spruce reference
measurements were taken directly from instruments. In chronology (1425-1785, t=10·4) and the larch reference
instruments with two or more piece fronts, all pieces chronology (1425–1785, t=7·8). This allowed cross-
were measured and in two piece fronts, the left and dating of the individual sequences contributing to
right sides (as viewed from the front) are referred to as IMC36 and the results are presented in Table 3.
the bass and treble sides, respectively. Ring width In instruments with two-piece fronts, a comparison
measurements were made at magnifications of up to was made between the two sides and the results are
32 using a Zenith stereo microscope with a measur- shown in Tables 4 and 5. Table 4 represents the results
ing graticule in one eyepiece which allowed measure- for 14 sequences from 7 instruments by contemporary
ment to an accuracy of 25 ìm when the varnish was makers with cross-matching values between sides of
sufficiently transparent. When the varnish was more individual instruments ranging from 11·0 to 15·3 (mean
opaque, an accuracy of 50 ìm was possible. The 12·0). Table 5 shows the results of cross-matching of
microscope was mounted on a horizontal, hand sides from 37 non-contemporary instruments and
adjusted travelling carriage under which the instrument Figure 3 illustrates the comparison of the two sides of
was fixed. Measurements were recorded manually as a cello front by John Betts (Ce046).
the microscope was moved across the front of the A mean chronology was calculated for each instru-
instrument. Ring width sequences were cross-matched ment in which the sides cross-matched with a t-value
with each other using both visual comparison and >6·0. These individual instrument mean sequences,
statistical methods (Baillie & Pilcher, 1973) and together with single piece front sequences were
sequences that cross-matched with a t-value greater cross-matched (Table 6).
1152 J. Topham and D. McCormick

Table 1. List of all British instruments studied with details of attribution, maker’s dates and label date it presents. The number of rings measured
and the identification number of the sequences is also given. S=sequence from a single-piece front; B=sequence from bass side of front; T=sequence
from treble side of front

Instrument Label Maker’s Sequence No. of

number Maker date dates number Side rings

VIOLINS Vn007 att. Richard Tobin — fl. 1798–1841 ichr0010 S 119

Vn015 att. Benjamin Banks — 1727–1795 ichr0029 B 68
ichr0030 T 92
Vn022 by John Johnston 1757 fl. 1750–1762 ichr0042 B 152
ichr0043 T 178
Vn026 att. John Betts — 1755–1823 ichr0050 B 97
ichr0051 T 94
Vn027 by Barak Norman — 1688–1740 ichr0052 B 97
ichr0053 T 100
Vn028 att. Daniel Parker — 1705–1761 ichr0054 B 74
ichr0055 T 89
Vn029 att. Richard Tobin — fl. 1798–1841 ichr0056 B 53
ichr0057 T 86
Vn031 att. Jacob Fendt — 1802–1849 ichr0060 B 77
ichr0061 T 70
Vn033 att. George Craske — 1795–1888 ichr0064 B 105
ichr0065 T 95
Vn034 by Richard Tobin 1829 1798–1841 ichr0066 S 101
Vn035 att. Lockey Hill — 1756–1810 ichr0067 B 79
ichr0068 T 82
Vn036 att. John Betts — 1755–1823 ichr0069 B 70
ichr0070 T 77
Vn039 att. Edward Pamphilon — fl. 1670–1690 ichr0075 B 116
ichr0076 T 95
Vn043 att. Peter Walmsely — 1717–1751 ichr0083 B 102
ichr0084 T 97
Vn044 att. John Lott — 1805–1871 ichr0085 S 145
Vn056 by Martin Bouette 1980 born 1951 ichr0106 B 73
ichr0107 T 74
Vn059 by Peter Walmsely — 1717–1751 ichr0112 B 97
ichr0113 T 111
Vn061 by Marc Soubeyran 1995 born 1958 ichr0116 B 76
ichr0117 T 77
Vn068 by Richard Duke 1756 fl. 1750–1780 ichr0129 B 81
ichr0130 T 91
Vn072 by John Topham 1994 born 1951 ichr0137 B 95
ichr0138 T 93
Vnd01 by Derek McCormick 1995 born 1942 vchr0004 B 95
vchr0005 T 94
Vnd02 by Derek McCormick 1995 born 1942 vchr0006 B 98
vchr0007 T 97

VIOLAS Va004 att. Thomas Smith — 1740–1790 ichr0006 S 223

Va020 att. William Forster II — 1739–1808 ichr0038 B 67
ichr0039 T 62
Va069 by Martin Bouette 1988 born 1951 ichr0131 B 84
ichr0132 T 83

CELLOS Ce009 att. William Forster I — 1714–1801 ichr0013 B 107

ichr0015 T 110
Ce013 by Henry Lockey Hill 1820 1774–1835 ichr0025 B 174
ichr0026 T 165
Ce014 English — Late 18th C. ichr0027 B 115
ichr0028 T 113
Ce030 att. Thomas Kennedy — 1784–1870 ichr0058 B 148
ichr0059 T 130
Ce032 att. John Betts — 1755–1823 ichr0062 B 308
ichr0063 T 163
Ce037 by Henry Lockey Hill 1810 1773–1835 ichr0071 B 165
ichr0072 T 197
Ce041 by Thomas Dodd — fl. 1786–1809 ichr0079 B 145
ichr0080 T 128
Ce042 by Thomas Dodd 1802 fl. 1786–1809 ichr0081 B 136
ichr0082 T 126
Ce045 att. Thomas Powell — fl. 1770–1800 ichr0086 B 85
ichr0087 T 120
Ce046 att. John Betts — 1755–1823 ichr0088 B 202
ichr0089 T 169
Dendrochronological Analysis of the Violin Family 1153

Table 1. Continued

Instrument Label Maker’s Sequence No. of

number Maker date dates number Side rings

Ce047 by William Forster III 1792 1739–1808 ichr0090 B 179

ichr0091 T 188
Ce051 by William Forster II — 1739–1808 ichr0096 B 127
ichr0097 T 143
Ce052 by William Forster III 1814 1764–1824 ichr0098 B 119
ichr0099 T 149
Ce053 by Samuel Gilkes 1822 1787–1827 ichr0100 B 136
ichr0101 T 149
Ce054 by Benjamin Banks — 1727–1795 ichr0102 B 144
ichr0103 T 147
Ce055 att. Richard Tobin — 1705–1761 ichr0104 B 140
ichr0105 T 137
Ce057 att. Bernard Simon Fendt — 1800–1852 ichr0108 B 107
ichr0109 T 101
Ce058 att. Peter Walmsely — 1717–1751 ichr0110 B 173
ichr0111 T 155
Ce060 by John William Owen 1928 1852–1933 ichr0114 B 136
ichr0115 T 130
Ce064 att. Bernard Simon Fendt — 1800–1852 ichr0122 B 161
ichr0123 T 198
Ce067 att. William Forster II — 1739–1808 ichr0127 B 122
ichr0128 T 225

VIOL VI048 by John Topham 1971 born 1951 ichr0092 B 105

ichr0093 T 99

Discussion variable number of the youngest tree-rings are removed

during dressing and planing of the wood prior to
In this study it has been demonstrated that it is possible jointing. Damage can occur to the outside of the tree
to date the wood of British stringed instruments when the bark is removed and when the trunk is
using currently available spruce and larch reference handled as it is being either split or sawn into the
chronologies. Whilst it is tempting to interpret these desired planks. These areas are removed to ensure a
results as being indicative of an Alpine origin for the final clean surface. Another factor is the variable
wood of British instruments, this analysis cannot period of storage of the wood before use. It has been
be accepted without reservation. Other reference suggested that a freshly cut piece of spruce needs to
chronologies are needed to establish the provenance of be seasoned for 5–6 years (Harvey, 1995), although
the wood with greater certainty. experience suggests a period of 2–3 years is usually
Comparison of dates determined for the wood with adequate, providing it is already cut roughly to the
the dates of the attributed makers (Table 3) has also instrument’s size. In addition, makers often buy large
demonstrated that in all cases the terminus post quem of quantities of wood at one time, which would result in
the instruments was earlier than the likely date of some pieces being left for many years after the season-
manufacture. This contrasts with the finding by Klein, ing period before use. A relatively small number of
Mehringer & Bauch (1986) that 15% of instruments dated labels inserted by the maker survive in old
(mainly of early German origin) had dendrochrono- British instruments (Table 1). Only seven of the
logically determined dates which were later than the dendrochronologically dated instruments are dated in
attributed date of manufacture. Two German instru- this way. This sample is clearly too small for firm
ments attributed to the eminent 17th century violin- conclusions, but it is clear, nevertheless, that there were
maker Jacob Stainer were found to have fronts with marked differences in practice. The shortest interval
youngest tree-rings dated to the late 19th century between the youngest growth ring and date of
(Klein, 1987). The absence of dating inconsistencies in manufacture is 11 years (Vn068) and the longest
the present series of British instruments may reflect interval is 143 years (Ce013).
their lower commercial value which would make them In addition to a simple dating of instrument wood,
a less attractive target for forgers. the results presented here may allow some inferences to
Klein, Mehringer & Bauch (1986) have emphasized be made about the working practices of early British
the obvious fact that while it may be possible to violin-makers. A high degree of cross-matching has
determine a terminus post quem for the making of an been shown between the sides of two piece fronts
instrument, it is not possible to precisely date the year in contemporary instruments (Table 4) in which both
of manufacture. The procedure used in the production pieces of wood are known to have come from adjacent
of the fronts of stringed instruments dictates that a sections of the same tree. All of the makers of
Table 2. Cross-matching of ring width sequences. Sequences included are those that cross-match with at least one other sequence with a t-value >6·0


ichr0006 5·8 7·7 10·8 4·7 11·6 12·3 5·5 6·2 10·3 8·4 — 6·0 9·2 4·8 8·6 11·3 5·6 5·7 5·3 10·4 11·4 5·6 6·5 6·6 9·9 12·9 — — 13·8 13·7 10·7 8·3 10·2 6·6 6·5
ichr0010 4·1 4·1 6·3 — 4·3 5·6 — 5·9 5·5 — 4·4 5·2 5·0 6·7 — 6·4 4·0 4·0 6·6 6·3 — 4·4 5·1 — 4·4 — — 5·8 6·0 6·1 4·2 6·2 — —
ichr0025 9·0 – 8·7 6·5 — — 5·4 5·8 — — 6·9 — 5·4 8·1 4·0 4·7 4·4 9·1 6·9 4·6 5·0 — 5·7 7·8 5·9 — 8·5 7·0 4·9 5·2 6·2 — —
ichr0026 — 9·6 6·9 4·1 6·6 9·7 7·2 — — 6·3 4·4 7·9 9·2 4·1 4·0 — 10·1 8·9 4·6 5·1 — 9·0 9·6 — — 11·5 9·5 9·3 6·5 7·3 — 4·6
ichr0030 — — 5·0 4·9 — 4·0 — 5·1 4·2 5·3 4·1 — 6·9 — — 5·8 5·3 — — 4·6 4·5 5·8 — — 4·2 5·4 5·5 6·1 4·7 — —
ichr0042 16·4 4·6 4·1 10·6 7·3 — 4·5 6·8 4·4 6·9 8·4 4·4 4·6 4·1 9·2 8·9 4·2 5·7 — 7·5 10·0 — — 9·7 8·4 8·3 6·1 6·2 — 5·1
ichr0043 5·4 — 9·4 8·2 4·7 — 8·0 5·3 5·8 6·3 5·5 6·3 5·7 8·5 9·0 — 4·2 5·5 8·3 10·2 4·7 — 9·7 8·6 7·7 7·3 7·6 6·4 6·7
ichr0050 6·4 6·2 6·8 6·7 6·1 7·2 4·7 5·7 — 4·8 5·4 4·4 5·5 5·4 — 4·9 6·0 5·1 5·8 — 4·1 6·2 5·6 7·9 6·5 8·2 6·3 5·6
ichr0051 — 6·3 — 5·1 5·9 4·5 5·1 4·5 5·3 5·4 6·0 4·3 — — 4·2 5·6 5·5 5·7 — — 5·6 6·5 8·8 6·0 7·0 — —
ichr0062 8·5 5·3 4·3 8·3 4·6 5·1 6·0 4·7 — — 7·5 9·7 — 4·4 4·9 8·9 10·3 4·2 5·4 9·8 7·4 7·9 6·1 6·1 5·5 6·7
ichr0063 6·1 6·0 9·4 4·1 7·3 6·1 6·3 6·2 5·3 8·3 7·6 — 6·6 6·2 7·9 9·4 4·2 4·6 8·3 7·8 9·1 6·9 10·0 6·5 5·5
ichr0067 — 5·4 — — — 5·5 4·1 — 4·3 4·8 — — 4·7 4·6 5·1 — 4·1 4·1 — 4·8 6·9 4·6 4·8 6·7
ichr0079 4·8 4·3 6·4 4·6 4·5 — — 6·2 5·0 4·4 4·3 5·3 5·3 6·1 4·5 — 4·8 5·4 6·3 4·6 6·5 5·5 —
ichr0080 5·6 5·5 — 8·5 5·8 4·5 10·4 10·8 — 7·2 8·2 10·0 10·6 5·7 6·1 12·1 12·5 10·7 7·7 9·3 9·1 7·4
ichr0081 — — 6·9 7·8 6·5 4·8 5·6 — — 4·5 — 6·1 4·7 — 4·5 4·5 6·4 — 4·4 4·8 —
ichr0083 6·8 4·9 5·5 5·7 8·3 7·2 — 4·7 6·0 6·6 7·2 — — 8·1 8·7 8·6 7·8 8·6 6·1 —
ichr0084 — — — 7·7 9·5 6·2 5·9 — 7·8 6·0 — 4·0 8·6 7·5 5·7 — 5·6 — 4·0
ichr0087 7·4 5·7 5·6 6·3 — 4·3 8·2 7·0 6·4 4·1 5·5 5·8 6·5 7·7 6·3 6·8 5·3 5·1
ichr0088 24·2 5·1 5·0 — — 5·6 6·7 8·9 4·6 5·9 6·0 6·6 7·6 5·4 6·2 4·9 4·6
ichr0089 4·4 — — — 4·8 5·3 5·8 — 4·8 5·3 6·3 6·7 — 6·5 4·5 —
ichr0090 19·4 5·4 7·4 7·3 7·7 10·6 — 4·6 10·7 9·2 11·8 7·7 9·1 7·0 6·3
ichr0091 6·0 6·7 6·4 9·3 10·0 5·8 5·1 10·5 9·0 11·3 9·5 8·1 6·1 7·3
ichr0096 13·5 — — 5·5 — — 4·8 4·4 — 4·5 4·1 — —
ichr0097 4·6 5·0 6·4 — — 7·2 6·9 6·1 4·8 7·2 — 6·8
ichr0098 6·0 6·2 4·4 4·2 6·3 6·8 6·4 5·5 6·3 6·6 4·9
ichr0102 12·1 5·2 4·9 10·2 9·9 9·4 7·5 6·3 7·9 7·1
ichr0103 6·2 5·5 12·2 12·5 13·0 8·7 8·4 9·8 7·0
ichr0105 5·9 — — — 4·1 4·3 6·1 4·4
ichr0109 — — 5·0 4·5 4·1 5·2 —
ichr0110 23·7 12·5 9·5 8·6 7·9 6·5
ichr0111 12·8 10·1 8·7 6·0 6·8
ichr0112 8·7 9·9 7·3 6·6
ichr0113 9·6 5·3 6·5
ichr0128 4·8 4·2
ichr0129 5·7
Dendrochronological Analysis of the Violin Family 1155

Relative dates
Violins 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
ichr0084 141 – 237
ichr0051 167 – 260
ichr0030 170 – 261
ichr0083 165 – 266
ichr0042 121 – 272
ichr0112 198 – 294
ichr0050 207 – 303
ichr0010 189 – 307
ichr0043 130 – 307
ichr0113 198 – 308
ichr0067 237 – 315
ichr0130 229 – 319
ichr0129 241 – 321
ichr0006 78 – 300
ichr0025 61 – 234
ichr0026 89 – 253
ichr0096 128 – 254
ichr0097 129 – 271
ichr0111 117 – 271
ichr0110 101 – 273
ichr0090 116 – 294
ichr0091 116 – 303
ichr0062 1 – 308
ichr0089 146 – 314
ichr0102 179 – 322
ichr0087 208 – 327
ichr0063 168 – 330
ichr0103 184 – 330
ichr0080 205 – 332
ichr0079 191 – 335
ichr0098 221 – 339
ichr0109 243 – 343
ichr0088 143 – 344
ichr0081 213 – 348
ichr0105 217 – 353
ichr0128 137 – 361
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Years (relative scale)

Figure 2. Relative dating of sequences that cross-matched with t-values >6·0.

these instruments used the split wedge construction instruments sampled may have used adjacent pieces
described in the introduction and it is therefore highly of the same tree for the fronts. Some of the lower
likely that the two sides of the front are from adjoining (although still highly significant) t-values may suggest
sections of the same tree. There was a high degree of wood from the same tree, although not necessarily
cross-matching between the sides in every case with from an adjacent section. In spite of the high pro-
t-values ranging from 11·0 to 15·3 (mean 12·9). The portion of cross-matched sequences, it is clear that
results from the 17th and 18th century instruments about 25% of makers appear to have made no attempt
suggest that similar procedures were often followed. to match the wood, with no reported adverse effect on
For example comparison of the ring patterns of the tonal quality. This contrasts with the findings of Klein,
two sides of the John Betts cello (Figure 4) make it Mehringer & Bauch (1986; 1987) which indicate that
hard to avoid the conclusion that he worked in this only 1 of 25 instruments in his investigations had
way. From the results from contemporary instruments unmatched sides.
(Table 4) it seems reasonable to propose that side-side Dendrochronological comparison of the wood from
cross-matches with a t-value >10·0 are highly sugges- British instruments showed strong cross-matching
tive that both pieces originated from adjacent sections between many of them (Table 6). This may suggest a
of the same tree. Although this arbitrary value cannot common source of wood—possibly a single wood
be accepted uncritically, it is consistent with the value merchant importing spruce from a particular Alpine
proposed for oak (Hillam & Groves, 1996). This ‘‘rule region. The majority of these makers worked in
of thumb’’ implies that about half of the British London and almost all of them are known to have
1156 J. Topham and D. McCormick

Table 3. Cross-dating of sequences using the instrument mean chronol- Table 5. Cross-matching of the bass and treble sides of fronts from
ogy (IMC36). The makers’ dates and label dates are also presented non-contemporary British makers

Sequence Wood Maker’s Label Instrument t-value for Overlap

number dates dates date number cross-match (years)

ichr0006 1502–1724 1740–1790 VIOLINS Vn015 *

ichr0010 1613–1731 fl. 1798–1840 Vn022 16·4 143
ichr0025 1485–1658 1774–1835 1820 Vn026 6·4 54
ichr0026 1513–1677 1774–1835 1820 Vn027 29·3 94
ichr0030 1594–1685 1727–1795 Vn028 7·6 74
ichr0042 1545–1696 fl. 1750–1762 1757 Vn031 7·4 68
ichr0043 1554–1731 1750–1762 1757 Vn033 19·4 95
ichr0050 1631–1727 1755–1823 Vn035 4·9 78
ichr0051 1591–1684 1755–1823 Vn036 * —
ichr0062 1425–1732 1755–1823 Vn039 * —
ichr0063 1592–1754 1755–1823 Vn043 6·8 73
ichr0067 1661–1739 1756–1810 Vn059 8·7 97
ichr0079 1615–1759 fl. 1786–1809 Vn068 5·7 79
ichr0080 1629–1756 1786–1809
ichr0081 1637–1772 1786–1809 1802 VIOLA Va020 11·1 62
ichr0083 1589–1690 1717–1751
ichr0084 1565–1661 1717–1751 CELLOS Ce009 12·9 106
ichr0087 1632–1751 fl. 1770–1800 Ce013 9·0 146
ichr0088 1567–1768 1755–1823 Ce014 * —
ichr0089 1570–1738 1755–1823 Ce030 8·9 130
ichr0090 1540–1718 1739–1808 1792 Ce032 8·5 141
ichr0091 1540–1727 1739–1808 Ce037 5·6 160
ichr0096 1552–1678 1739–1808 Ce041 4·8 128
ichr0097 1553–1695 1739–1808 Ce042 * —
ichr0098 1645–1763 1764–1824 1814 Ce045 6·6 63
ichr0102 1603–1746 1727–1795 Ce046 24·2 169
ichr0103 1608–1754 1727–1795 Ce047 19·4 179
ichr0105 1641–1777 1705–1761 Ce051 13·5 126
ichr0109 1667–1767 1800–1852 Ce052 * —
ichr0110 1525–1697 1717–1751 Ce053 5·3 136
ichr0111 1541–1695 1717–1751 Ce054 12·1 139
ichr0112 1622–1718 1717–1751 Ce055 16·3 137
ichr0113 1622–1732 1717–1751 Ce057 * —
ichr0128 1561–1785 1739–1808 Ce058 23·7 155
ichr0129 1665–1745 fl. 1750–1780 1756 Ce060 17·7 128
Ce064 16·6 161
Ce067 * —

Table 4. Cross-matching of the bass and treble sides of fronts from

instruments by contemporary makers

Instrument t-value for Overlap

number cross-match (years)
ichr0088 (Ce046T)
VIOLINS Vn056 11·4 71
Vn061 14·5 75
Va069 13·1 83
Vn072 15·8 93
Vnd01 12·7 80
Vnd02 12·0 97

VIOL VI048 12·0 97

had working interactions such as master/apprentice

or employer/employee relationships (Harvey, 1995).
Many of the cross-matches are so high that the
possibility of some of the front wood from different ichr0089 (Ce046B)
instruments coming from the same tree cannot be ruled
out. For example, cross-matches between the wood of
the viola by Thomas Smith (Va006) produce t-values 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640 1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760
suggestive of the same tree status when compared with Year (AD)
instruments by Hill (Ce013), Johnson (Vn022), Betts Figure 3. Comparison of ring sequences from the treble (ichr0088)
(Ce032), Walmsely (Vn059), Forster (Ce047) and and bass (ichr0089) sides of a cello (Ce046) made by John Betts
Banks (Ce054). (1755–1823).
Dendrochronological Analysis of the Violin Family 1157

Table 6. t-value matrix obtained from cross-matching mean ring width sequences from instruments with matching bass and treble sides (t-values
<4·0 are represented as ‘‘—’’)
















Va004 5·8 11·7 13·5 6·8 10·6 — 10·2 12·9 5·0 5·6 11·8 6·8 12·3 — 14·7 10·6 10·2 9·3
Vn007 4·5 4·6 6·1 6·7 — 6·1 6·9 7·0 4·1 6·9 4·8 4·1 — 6·1 5·9 6·2 4·3
Ce013 10·9 6·3 7·8 — 7·4 10·8 4·1 5·2 11·4 6·0 10·1 — 12·6 11·1 8·6 5·7
Vn022 5·9 11·0 5·1 7·6 9·3 4·0 5·9 11·0 4·8 10·4 4·7 10·0 9·6 7·8 9·0
Vn026 9·0 6·1 10·6 6·8 4·8 5·6 5·6 6·0 6·6 4·2 7·6 10·3 9·2 7·9
Ce032 6·5 10·8 8·4 6·5 — 8·5 4·8 12·0 4·6 9·3 11·3 7·6 8·4
Vn035T 4·4 — 5·8 — 5·0 — 5·3 — — 6·8 4·6 6·8
Ce041 8·4 7·9 5·4 10·7 7·8 12·0 5·7 12·7 11·1 9·0 10·5
Vn043 5·0 5·6 11·2 6·1 9·3 — 11·4 10·6 9·4 4·9
Ce045 6·6 6·6 4·0 7·3 — 5·4 7·0 6·0 6·1
Ce046 5·1 — 7·4 4·6 6·4 6·3 6·3 5·3
Ce047 8·2 10·6 5·1 11·2 13·0 9·3 10·7
Ce051 6·3 — 7·9 6·6 7·0 6·1
Ce054 6·7 12·7 12·6 7·4 11·9
Ce055B — 4·9 4·3 6·1
Ce058 16·1 9·1 9·5
Vn059 11·4 10·5
Ce067B 6·0

Conclusion Collana di studi organologici. Marco Tiella-Luca Primon, Trento,

pp. 83–87.
This study has indicated that the wood of a large Harvey, B. W. (1995). The violin and its Makers in the British Isles.
proportion of 17th and 18th century British stringed Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Henley, W. (1973). Universal Dictionary of Violin and Bowmakers.
instruments can be reliably dated using spruce and 2nd edition. Amati Publishing Company, Brighton.
larch reference chronologies. It has also given some Hillam, J. & Groves, C. (1996). Tree ring research at Windsor Castle:
insight into the working practices of the craftsmen aims and initial results. In (G. F. Dean, D. M. Meko & T. W.
highlighting, in particular, the probable use of a com- Swetnam, Eds) Tree Rings, Environment and Humanity. Radio-
carbon, Department of Geosciences, The University of Arizona,
mon wood source by many of these makers. Further Tucson.
studies are being undertaken in which we will increase Hüsken, W. (1994). Dendrochronologische und okologische Studien
the number of instruments examined and additional an Nadelholzern im Gebiet der Pragser Dolomiten (Sudtirol/
reference chronologies will be sought in an attempt Italien). Dissertations Botanicae Band 215. J. Cramer, Berlin &
to derive more precise information concerning the Stuttgart.
Klein, P. (1985). Dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an
geographical source of the wood. gemaldetafeln und Musikinstrumenten. Dendrochronologia 3,
Klein, P. (1987). Dendrochronological analysis of European string
Acknowledgements instruments. CIMCIM Newsletter, 37–94.
Klein, P., Mehringer, H. & Bauch, J. (1984). Tree-ring chronology of
The authors would like to thank Cathy Groves and spruce wood and its application in the dating of stringed instru-
Jennifer Hillam (Sheffield University) and Prof Mike ments. In ICOM, Committee for Conservation, Seventh Triennial
Baillie and Dave Brown (The Queen’s University of Meeting, Copenhagen. 69–72.
Klein, P., Mehringer, H. & Bauch, J. (1986). Dendrochronological
Belfast) for their help and criticism of this work. We and wood biological investigations on string instruments.
are also grateful to J. & A. Beare Ltd (London), Morris Holzforschung 40, 197–203.
& Smith (London) and the private owners who made Lavier, C. & Lambert, G. (1996). Dendrochronology and works of
instruments available for investigation. art. In (G. F. Dean, D. M. Meko & T. W. Swetnam, Eds) Tree
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Geosciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, 543–556.
Lottermoser, W. & Meyer, J. (1958). Uber die moglichkeit einer
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