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ENG 105.

6 (Advanced Composition)

Research Paper On

People Are Unconsciously Following Freemason

Submitted To Submitted By

Ms. Michelle Draper Mohammed Mahib Ullah

Department of English ID # 073 267 030

Submission Date: 07.08.2010


One of the most pleasant parts of submitting a report is the opportunity to thank those

who have contributed to it. Unfortunately, the list of expression of thanks – no matter how

extensive is always incomplete and inadequate. These acknowledgements are no exception.

Our first thanks goes to the almighty Allah for giving us the patience and courage to

finish this huge task within its deadline. I am grateful to the respondents who help me to filled

up my survey questionnaires. Special Thanks for Rifat Simoom, Nasifa Sultan for encouraging

me to continue the project. I would like to thanks my family to be patient and support always

without any bother.

At last, we sincerely acknowledge our debt to Ms. Michelle Draper, our honorable faculty

of ENG 105 course, for her valuable counseling towards the improvement of the project. Without

her encouragement, this would have been impossible.


In my research I was trying to verify that people do not truly follow their religion and

they are used to with modern world or materialistic life. I believed this materialistic life is

established by freemasons and now however we try we can not get rid of money-oriented world.

From my primary research I found that people who follow their religion strongly sometime do

things which is prohibited by religion. This could be supported the fact from my secondary

research where I found that freemasons’ plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people.

I also found how freemasons gain the control over the world by capturing gold and how they fix

the value of all stuffs. Moreover they replaced gold with paper money to absorb all gold of the

planet Earth. I also came to know how the spread free love and premarital sex in people.

According to Nillus (1903), “Let us foster the idea of free love, that we may destroy among

Christian Women attachment to the principles and practices of their religion.” (p. 101).
Table of Content

Topic Page

1. Introduction 1

2. Background 2

3. Areas of Research 4

4. Hypothesis 5

5. Methodology 6

6. Primary Data Presentation & Analysis 7

7. Secondary Data Presentation and Analysis 12

8. Limitation 17

9. Conclusion 18

10. References 19

11. Appendix 20

Freemasonry was developed early sometime between the 16th and 17th century, probably

with the function to challenge the church. However, today it is supposedly practiced all over the

world. It usually talks about ideas that are related to metaphysics and, science is generally given

the place of God. In today’s modern world, we talk about progressing civilizations, technological

advances and so much more. Not once, actually understanding the fact that civilization can

progress through even if the religious books were followed. While we consider ourselves to be

religious or pious, we forget that actually we are not following our religion in a perfect manner

as it should be practiced be it Islam, Christianity or Hinduism.

Over the past decades radical transformations have taken place in socio-economic

systems in Bangladesh. In my research I will look into the fact that most changes are mainly

done through the ideas of freemason. Where Bangladesh is recognized as a country of moderate

Muslim, it has been diverging into social changes due to progression. Religious beliefs are

modified by us to cope up with modern civilization. We talk about our acts being spiritual but

not behavioral and vice versa but somewhere down the line we forget or do not realize that these

ideas are free Masonic.

Freemasons influence everything to be materialistic. Even we do not know that

capitalism, pre-marital sex, drugs is promoted by them. Hollywood movies or media is controlled

by masons and most significantly Americans who are the rulers of the world is run by

freemasonic ideas. Have you ever thought yourself without your cell phone? Have you thought a

day without browsing facebook? But you might pass a day without remembering your God or

without your parents. This is what freemason want to established in the planet Earth.

Freemasonry is mainly based on Zionism. Zionist are the people who believe that it is God’s

wish to take over Palestine and the riverside of West Bank and Al Aqsa Mosque and build the

temple of Solomon. Freemasons follow different symbols. Their sign is a ruler and a compass

and there is a G between it. They also use one eye as a symbol. The one-eye is known as the eye

of dajjal. Pyramids are also the sign of freemason. They also use the sig n of Israeli Star.

In Bangladesh, people probably follow the concept of free masonry and also practice its rites and

rituals in a manner that is more secretive than the other free Masonic societies that are found

worldwide. Though I have not actually encountered any free Masonic lodge here, I believe that

some do exist or have existed in the past and now they cease to exist probably due to intervention

by other external factors. Also, the brotherhood among the free masons in Bangladesh is not very

strong as the country is still in the state of transformation from one stage to another and people

are continually swinging in their decision between weather they want to be free masons or not.

Moreover, I do not think that the rules of free masonry are very clear in Bangladesh to those who
want to practice it and also it has been called a hoax and its practices have been altered so much

that potential followers often remain in a state of confusion about what to do and whom to

actually trust and rely on.

There is a constitution of freemasons which is called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of

Zion. This is a series of 24 articles which continuously describe the plan to achieve global

domination by the Jewish people.

Areas of Research

In my research I tried to figure it out that do people really follow their religion or they

follow modern ways of the world which is basically controlled by freemasons. Let’s find out the

areas of research:-

 What is freemason? What do freemasons want?

Freemasons are a cult or secret society which follows Zionism and they plan to achieve global

domination by the Jewish people.

 How masons are diverting people from the spiritual life?

They have their secret bible called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which is the

constitution of freemason rulers. As freemason has the controlling power of the world we can tell

that people are forgetting their own religion and ended up being a freemason.

 Why people are unaware of freemasons?

In Bangladesh, freemason is not known to people because it is a Muslim dominated country and

hardly there is any Jewish person lives in.

 Do people really follow their own religion?

In Bangladesh 57% people strongly follow their religion. But 39% people just follow their

religion typically or just the basics. There are also few persons (4%) who do not follow their

religion at all.
 Do people really believe in after-death life?

Most people in Bangladesh strongly believe in after-death life. Only 13% believe that there is no

after-death life.

 Do atheists follow freemason?

Atheist may follow freemason as they like to live the contemporary way of life.

 Which religion backed freemason?

Zionism or Judaism is backed freemason. Many Christians also now-a-days supports freemason

because they want live the modern way of life.

 Why masons are so dominant?

Freemason or Children of Israel are most talented and influential people in the planet Earth. Holy

books like The Quran and The Bible also support the fact that Children of Israel are most

influential cult.


From my research, I expect to find out that intentionally or unintentionally freemasonry

followed by almost everybody.

I think people tend to think themselves as religious but they are unaware that they are not

truly following the proper way of religion which they are supposed to and many do not even


For my primary research, I conducted a survey of representative sampling of the people

aged 18- 24 of the Dhaka city. Most of the people are unaware about freemason so I have to find

who have some ideas about freemason. I found Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Baha’I, Athiest even

a Freemason. I could not found a Masonic Lodge because freemason want to kept secret about

their rituals. Freemason who I interviewed said that they practiced it somewhere in Gulshan. As

the idea of freemasonry is still vague to many people I designed a questionnaire with different

types of questions with examples to get a range of useful data which will help me to answer my

research questions.

For my secondary research, I go through two motion picture Da Vinci Code and 2012.

From Library I found couple of books called Forcing God’s Hand and The Lost Symbol. The

freemason interviewed suggest me to go through a book called The Protocols of the Learned

Elders of Zion. I found some of its article in Internet. Moreover I also went through some online

sites like The Arrivals (Youtube Series), MIT community page of Freemasonary &
Primary Data Presentation & Analysis

In my primary data I surveyed 23 people around Dhaka city aged 18-24. Of them 52%

(12) are Bengali medium student and 44% (10) were English Medium students. Others are 4%

(1) who was from Romanian Medium.

From my respondent 74% (20) were Muslims, 9% (2) were Christians, 4% (1) are

respectively Baha’i, Tribal and Athiest. The person who followed freemason considered his

religion as Tribal.
Among the respondents except the Tribal and Atheist everyone is by born religious. The

person who follows freemason and the atheist had been reverted from other religion.

From the data analysis we see that more than 50% of my respondent either strongly

(26%) or very strongly (26%) follow their religion. 26% people follow typically, 13% follows

just basics and 4% does not follow their religion at all. These 4% basically include the freemason

& the atheist.

From my respondent 61% said that they are not superstitious. From my point of view if a

person strongly follows his religion he has a superstitious mind. So my respondents were

actually not strongly following their religion.

87% of respondent believe in life after death which prove that how they actually believes

in spirituality. 9% does not believe it and 4% remain undecided.

78% of respondent believe that religion prohibit them doing bad things but 22% does not

believe it. But only 13% people said that they never do things which are prohibited in religion.

48 % people accepted that they sometimes do prohibited things and 4% people said they do

prohibited tings all the time. This data proves that even if most people want to save themselves

from prohibited activities but they can perform it for the sake of modern living.
61% people disagreed that they want their religion modified which is a positive findings

in my research. On the other hand 26% want their religion be modified. 13% people want some

parts of their religion to be modified but could not say it strongly as they strongly believe in their


In contrast only 43 % people strictly do not want alcohol, premarital sex and drugs in

their life. Where 43% people want alcohol, 30% premarital sex and 18% wants drugs in their

life. This data tells us that these people want to modify their religion.
From my respondent 83% people heard about freemason and they think freemason are

very strong group who rule the world and trying to from the world in new world order. They

think they are trying to create misconception among the religion and make war to destroy thee


Secondary Data Presentation & Analysis

According to Grace Halsell (1999), “There is a

new religious cult in America. They have one goal: to

facilitate God’s hand to waft them up to heave free from

all trouble, from where they will watch Armageddon and

the destruction of Planet Earth. At least 1 out of 10

Americans is a devotee of this cult. It is the fastest

growing religious movement in Christianity today.” The

center stage of all religion is Jerusalem and Zionists

believe that Its God’s wish to take over Palestine and the

riverside of West Bank and Al Aqsa Mosque (p. 5).

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was first

published in Russia by Nilus, S in 1903. Later it was

Translated by V. E. Marsden and republished by The Britons

in London in 1958. This is a series of 24 articles which

continuously describe the plan to achieve global domination

by the Jewish people. According to the Nillus (1903), “At

the end of the 18th century, a secret conspiracy started

operating through the Order of Freemasons.” (p. 3).

According to Protocol No. 11, “God has granted to

us, His Chosen People, the gift of the dispersion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our

weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of

sovereignty over the entire world.” Freemasons think they are special people chosen by God and

they can live even after the Armageddon (p. 52).

According to Protocol 16, “In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces

except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism - the universities, by re-educating

them in a new direction. Their officials and professors will be appointed with especial

precaution, and will be so placed as to be wholly dependent upon the Government.” This

protocol tells us how freemasons want the education system to be changed by them (p. 67).

They spread the concept of free-mixing and pre-marital sex. According to Protocol

No.13, “Let us foster the idea of free love, that we may destroy among Christian Women

attachment to the principles and practices of their religion.” (p. 101).

According to Protocol No. 22, we found how freemason started control the world by the

power of gold, “With gold we can buy the most rebellious conscience, can fix the rate of all

values, the current price of all products, can subsidize all State loans, and thereafter hold the

states at our mercy. Let us try replace the circulation of gold with paper money; our chests will

absorb the gold, and we shall regulate the value of the paper which will make us masters of all

the positions.” (p. 99).

According to Protocol No.7 we see how freemasons want the world to be destroyed, “By

the ceaseless praise of Democratic Rule we shall divide the Christians into political parties, we

shall destroy the unity of their nations, they will bow before the Law of Our Bank and always

devoted to our cause.” (p. 99)

In the novel The Lost Symbol (2009) by Dan Brown,

writer portrays a story where that government official follow

freemason and performing masons secret rituals in The House

of the Temple situated in Washington D.C.

The Da Vinci Code (2006) is a mystery-thriller film

based on the book Da Vinci Code (2003) by Dan Brown. The

film was controversial because of showing antichurch elements.

It shows the battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei and

claimed that Jesus Christ was married with Mary Magdalene.

The film reveals the rituals of freemason and showed their

secret symbols.

The film 2012 shows how the Earth will be destroyed in

2012. It briefly show the Mayan prediction of the end of the

World. The movie also shows how a group of people in the

Earth rescued themselves and escape from the biggest disaster

of the universe or the Armageddon. This told us how a group of

people in the world are growing and secretly trying to escape

from the Armageddon.

The Arrivals(2008) is a online vedio series

regularly published in 2008 by Noreagaaa Production.

This series explores the revelations in world religions

and how freemasons are controlling the world. For

example the $1 note has a sign of dajjal (one-eye) and

Pyramid which symbolizes freemason. It also relates

freemasonry with the arrivals of the antichrist dajjal,

Imam Al-Mahdi, and the second coming of the Christ. The title of 52 Episode is given below.
Freemasonry Watch ( is a freemasonic website where

All freemason news are updated here. It self proclaimed as monitoring the invisible empire: the

world’s largest secret society. The website shows how the world is controlling by freemason

authority. This website shows how barrack Obama is an 33rd degree freemason.

A page about Freemasonry. ( is a freemason

community webpage of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) students. They claimed

that they are the World’s oldest masonic website since 1994. The page is very informative and

interactive as different student and people share their views about freemasonry.


In my research I face difficulties to find my primary data as freemasonry concept was not

developed among general people and it is not easy to find a Masonic lodge where freemasons do

not show up in front of people. So my representative sample was not enough and moreover

questionnaire was not good enough to prove my hypothesis. Those who give their view about

freemasons are very strongly religious and they were all stereotypical. So it was difficult to get

the right view and prove my hypothesis. In contrast I get much help from secondary sources. I

think if I get more time I will get to know more people who are aware of freemason and its

influence in political, social and religious life.


Freemason concept is not known to many people in Bangladesh. However many people

relate it to Zionism and believe that Jewish people are most talented people in the planet Earth.

Holy books like The Quran and The Bible also support the fact that Children of Israel are most

influential cult. My secondary research demonstrated that there is a relation between freemason

with the return of dajjal and anti-Christ. As freemason has the controlling power of the world we

can tell that people are forgetting their own religion and ended up being a freemason.

Certainly I am aware of the gaps that remain in this research. The Masonic lodge in

Bangladesh is yet to be explored. From various sources I have been confirmed that there is at

least one lodge in this country. I inspire further study in this enthralling subject that remains in

most part unexplored.

A page about Freemasonry.(1994). Retrieved July 21, 2010, from

Brown, D (2009). The Lost Symbol. USA: Doubleday.

Emmerich, R (Producer & Director),(2009), 2012 (Motion Picture). USA: Columbia Pictures.

Freemasonry Watch.(n.d.).Retrieved July 21, 2010, from

Grazer & Calley (Producer), & Howard, R. (Producer/Director). (2006). Da Vinci Code [Motion picture].

USA: Sony Columbia Pictures.

Halsell, G. (1999). The fastest growing cult in America. Forcing God’s Hand. (p.5). USA: Amana


Nilus, S. (1958). World Alliance of Freemasons and of the Sages of Zion. The Protocols of the Learned

Elders of Zion. (V. E. Marsden Trans.). London: The Britons. (Original work published 1903).

Noreagaaa & Achernahr (Producer). (2008). Wake Up Project. The Arrivals (Youtube Series). Hashems

Films. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from

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