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D&B RTB projects at Coimbatore inter-

ested in piloting the cloud model soft-

ware as a service (Saas) and successful
in accessing Microsoft Project plan
(MPP) and Visio from cloud servers.
Application Virtualization:
Saas is implemented with virtualized cli-
ents like Microsoft Virtualization client.
Application Virtualization Team main-
tains the data centre for cloud and Saas

Cost Advantage and Effective s/w utiliza-

tion from Cloud:
Currently DNB CBE has got bandwidth of
720 Hours of Microsoft Project Plan and
Microsoft Visio usage on monthly basis
most of which got not utilized (the utili-
zation metrics is less than 5% of the total
usage bandwidth ) hence opting Micro-
soft cloud from GTO cognizant for DNB
CBE projects will gain a lot of cost advan-
tage .
By installing Application Virtualization cli-
ents in place of actual software on desk-
tops will ensure the effective utilization
of licensed software on demand basis.

Operating Advantage:
All application data are permanently
stored on the common virtual applica-
tion server. Whenever a particular soft-
ware is required is either streamed or lo-
cally cached from the application server
and executed locally thus users feel no
difference in speed in accessing the
cloud applications .
App-V applications are also sandboxed
from each other, so that different ver-
sions of the same application can be run
under same client concurrently

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