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Code :R5100306 R5

B.Tech I Year (R05) Supplementary Examinations, December 2010

(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is a Flowchart? Explain the different symbols used in a Flowchart?

(b) Write a program to find the maximum and minimum of given numbers.
2. (a) Why is it possible to use the same variable names for actual and formal arguments.
(b) Distinguish between function prototype and function definition.
(c) What is recursion. What is its advantage.
3. Write a ‘C’ program to find number of words, blank spaces, special characters, digits and vowels of a
given text using pointers.
4. (a) Explain the advantages of structure type over the array type variable.
(b) Define a structure that represent a complex number (contains two floating-point members, called
real and imaginary). Write a C program to add, subtract, and multiply two complex numbers.
5. Demonstrate the purpose of stack in implementing a recursive procedure, with a suitable example.
6. (a) Find a real root of 3x-ex +sinx=0 using Newton Raphson method
(b) Find a real root of the equation x sinx+cosx=0 using Regula falsi method
7. (a) Prove that (1+ ∆) (1-∇)=1
(b) Find f(3.4) from the following table using Newton’s forward formula
x 3 4 5 6
y 31 69 131 223
(c) Given that f(7) = -2, f(0) = -1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 4 find the polynomial for these points using
Lagranges interpolation formula
8. Find y(.1),y(.2),y(.3) and y(.4) using Taylor’s series method given that dx = 1 + xy and y(0)=1


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