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Prophecy True Mage Cheat Sheet

Build The Caster:

1) Find Power Level
PL = END+1D (PM 30; The Lexicon Sheet / Mage Power Levels)
2) Find Stage Count
PL /10, round down. (PM 32; Starting Spells)
3) Choose Spells
Each Stage allows you 1 Stage of spells. Spell choice is still affected by prerequisites. Each has a
skill of INT+1D.
Magic in Action
1) Pick a spell to cast
2) Cast the spell
If you are 50 or less you must cast from a scroll and it is easy to interrupt you.
Also you make a roll against your skill in this spell just as a skill.
You pay 1D per stage in Power Points (equals your PL; this can also pull from END and LIF –
PM 33; Power to Cast)
3) Let time pass
1 Second per Stage (equates to 1 round per Stage) modified by skill (PM 33; Concentration &
Effort chart)
Each stage requires another roll of the spell skill. (PM 33; Concentration, ¶2)
4) Let it loose or compound? <aka….AGAIN!>
When the time passes you can choose to compound a spell for the cost of 1 Second/Round.
Each compounding gives 1D to the effect, as well as cost 1D more power. If interrupted, the
spell is lost as normal.
5) Effect
The spell occurs!
1) Concentration
a. Easy to interrupt pre-51
b. Needed during the Casting time
c. Occurs every second of casting
2) Power
a. 1D per stage
b. Can move to END
c. After END moves to LIF
3) Compounding
a. +1D to effect per compounding
b. +1D to power cost per compounding
c. +1 Second to cast per compounding
d. +1 to skill bonus for each compounding (PM 33; Compounding Spells)
4) Ending (PM 33; Stop It! Ending Spells)
a. Can be done on command (roughly 1 Second)
b. Requires a roll at the same difficulty as it was to cast
5) Miscasting
a. Failure to cast is just a failure with no further repercussions
b. Critical Failure moves into damaging and negative effects, GM discretion (PM 34; Effects
of a Miscast)
6) Winning at Life – Critical Success
a. As Critical Failure but in the favor of the caster, GM Discretion (PM 33; Power to Cast,
7) Getting Better
a. +1 to skill per successful cast
b. +1 to skill per successful compounding upon successful casting

Created by Kyle Ricks 10/18/07 – – Labyrinth_Ghoul

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