Ubuntu Hacks: Virtual Virtual Devices: Encrypted RAID

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Ubuntu Hacks

Virtual Virtual Devices:

Encrypted RAID
Jonathan Oxer

July 26th, 2006
Device Mapper
New feature in 2.6 kernel to layer arbitrary features
on top of block devices





Jonathan Oxer
Device Mapper Modules
Modules use the device-mapper framework to
implement specific functionality:

“dmraid” for software RAID

“cryptsetup” for block device encryption

Jonathan Oxer
Alternative Systems
Cryptoloop and loop-AES are older approaches to
filesystem encryption.

Cryptoloop has some disadvantages:

Known plaintext attacks

Watermark attacks

loop-AES is slower than dm-crypt and less flexible.

Jonathan Oxer
Encrypted filesystems typically write faster than
they read!

Absolutely do not forget your password ;-)

Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
Install Required Packages
Install device-mapper and cryptsetup packages:
sudo apt­get install cryptsetup

Jonathan Oxer
Create The Device Layers

Create the pair of RAID-0 devices:
mdadm ­­create /dev/md0 ­­level=0 \
­­raid­devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
mdadm ­­create /dev/md1 ­­level=0 \
­­raid­devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sda4

Use those to create a RAID-1 device:
mdadm ­­create /dev/md2 ­­level=1 \
­­raid­devices=2 /dev/md0 /dev/md1

Create an encrypted virtual device:
cryptsetup create usb1 /dev/md2

Create a filesystem on the virtual device:
mkfs.ext2 /dev/mapper/usb1

Finally, mount it:
mount /dev/mapper/usb1 /mnt/usb1
Jonathan Oxer
Layering Virtual Devices

Jonathan Oxer
More Information

These slides are online at:


Ubuntu Hacks available now:


Thanks for listening!

Jonathan Oxer

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