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Both Kenya and Somalia are in the

Introduction United Nations

Border Between
Somalia Population: Somalia and Kenya
9,359,000 is 682 km
Kenya Population:
 Somali refugees are fleeing to Kenya in hopes of
finding shelter and to escape the war.

 Focus: living conditions in refugee camps are


 Refugees are poor and many

 Very little food and water
 Very poor sanitation and health (latrines, sickness)
 Entering rainy season and floods
 Some refugees denied entry into Kenya
Problem - Facts
 The majority flee to Dadaad’s (city, refugee camp)
 Dadaab’s camps held over 100,000 refugees since
1992  now hold over 300,000
 Thousands of refugees have no access even to
poorly maintained latrines

 United Nations Article 13.

 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement
and residence within the borders of each state.
 (2) Everyone has the right to leave any country,
including his own, and to return to his country.
Living Conditions
Somalia Kenya
Solutions - Organizations
 MSF gives shelter material to the 700
families and with help from other
organizations provides water (donate)
 Human Rights Watch has been
negotiating with government for more
land for the refugees (solves
Solution – Other
 Build inexpensive toilets (like Cambodia)
 Give families basic instructions on how to be
sanitary and what to do for minor things
 Spread awareness because I haven’t heard
much about refugees
Life in the Camp

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