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NAME: _______________________________________________Marks: _ _/22

Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Wire

AIM: To investigate the factors affecting the magnetic force on current-carrying

wires by measuring the deflection of nearby compass needles caused by the reaction
forces of the wires.
THEORY: According to the equation; F = nBIℓsin, the magnetic force, F, on a
current-carrying wire is directly proportional to;
n = the number of current carrying wires
B = the strength of the magnetic field about the wires
I = the current carried by the wires
ℓ = the length of wire within the magnetic field
sin = the sine of the angle between the current and the magnetic field
According to Newton’s Third Law (FAB= –FBA), every action has an equal but
opposite reaction. The force on a wire due to a nearby magnetic field should therefore
be equal but opposite to the force of the wire on the object causing the magnetic field.
HYPOTHESIS: It is predicted that the compass needle will be deflected by different
amounts depending on the (a) strength of the current, (b) the number of wires carrying
the same current, (c) the angle between the current and the Earth’s magnetic field, (d)
the total amount of magnetic field applied to the wire by one or more compass
needles, and, (e) the distance across which two compass needles exert their magnetic
force on the wire. Record your predictions in the Hypotheses Summary Table 4 marks
 2× Power Pack (DC voltage source with switch, ammeter & variable resistor)
 2× 30 cm (straightened) enamel coated copper wire (with exposed ends)
 4× 30 cm connecting wires (crocodile clips on one end banana clips the other)
 2× orienteering compasses (with rotating and graded mounts)

METHOD: Setting the test current (Control Condition):

Connect power pack to the test wire. Arrange the test wire so that the current running
through it would be from north to south. Place a compass (N 1) under the test wire so
that the north facing needle is parallel to the wire. Switch on the Power Pack and turn
the dial on the variable resistor until the deflection on the compass is equal to 45 O
from north: Record the magnitude of the current and the direction of the compass.
Current causing 45O deflection of compass needle: ___________ A
Direction of deflection 45O East or West of North (circle): EAST / WEST
2 marks
Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Wire

Test Conditions: Current, Wires, Angle, Field & Length (F = nBIℓsin):


d b

a) Current: Close the switch and turn the variable resistor until the current is twice
the original test value. Measure the degree of deflection in the test compass (N 1),
then return the set-up to the original test conditions with the switch open.
Deflection of Compass Needle (N1): ___________O EAST / WEST
b) Wires: Connect a second identically set-up power pack and test wire so that the
second test wire is parallel to the first test wire, then close the switch on both
circuits. Measure the degree of deflection in the test compass (N 1), then return the set-
up to the original test conditions with the switch open.
Deflection of Compass Needle (N1): ___________O EAST / WEST
c) Angle: Arrange the test wire so that it makes an angle of 45O with the Earth’s
magnetic field then close the switch. Measure the degree of deflection in the test
compass (N1) and then open the switch.
Deflection of Compass Needle (N1): ___________O EAST / WEST
Arrange the test wire so that it is perpendicular (90O) with the Earth’s magnetic field
then close the switch. Measure the degree of deflection in the test compass (N 1), then
return the set-up to the original test conditions with the switch open.
Deflection of Compass Needle (N1): ___________O EAST / WEST
d) Field: Place a second compass (Nd) 5.0 cm directly south of the first compass
(N1) then close the switch. Measure the degree of deflection in both test compasses
(N1 & Nd), then return the set-up to the original test conditions with the switch open.
Deflection of Compass Needle (N1): ___________O EAST / WEST
Deflection of Compass Needle (Nd): ___________O EAST / WEST
e) Length: Place a second compass (Ne) 10.0 cm directly south of the first compass
(N1) then close the switch. Measure the degree of deflection in both test compasses
(N1 & Ne), then return the set-up to the original test conditions with the switch open.
Deflection of Compass Needle (N1): ___________O EAST / WEST
Deflection of Compass Needle (Ne): ___________O EAST / WEST
Transfer all of your observed results to the Results Summary Table: 4 marks
Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Wire

Hypotheses Summary Table: complete this table before the experiment.

Deflection of Change in Deflection compared
Condition Factor
Needle to the Control Condition
Control Original N1 45 O E / W (circle correct answer)
a) Current Doubled N1 E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
b) Wires Doubled N1 E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
c) Angle 45O N1 E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
90O N1 E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
d) Field Doubled N1 E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
5.0 cm Doubled Nd E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
e) Length Doubled N1 E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase
10.0 cm Doubled Ne E / N / W Decrease / Same / Increase

Results Summary Table: complete the table based on your observations.

Deflection of Change in Deflection compared
Condition Factor
Needle to the Control Condition
Control Original N1 45 O E / W (circle correct answer)

a) Current Doubled N1 _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

b) Wires Doubled N1 _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

c) Angle (I-BE) 45O N1 _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

(I-BE) 90O N1 _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

d) Field Doubled N1 _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

5.0 cm Doubled Nd _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

e) Length Doubled N1 _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

10.0 cm Doubled Ne _____O E / W Decrease / Same / Increase

Results Description: Compare your predicted and observed results: 2 marks




Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Wire

Discussion 10 marks

“Current”: Explain how and why the comparison of results for condition ‘a)’ and the control
condition provides evidence for the affect of increasing the current in the wire on the magnetic force
on a current-carrying wire. Be sure to refer to Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion in your explanation.

“Wires”: Explain how and why the comparison of results for condition ‘b)’ and the control condition
provides evidence for the affect of increasing the number of current carrying wires on the magnetic
force on a current-carrying wire.

“Angle”: Explain how and why the comparison of results for parts 1 and 2 of condition ‘c)’ and the
control condition provides evidence for the affect of increasing the sine of the angle between the
current and the magnetic field on the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire.

Magnetic Force on a Current-carrying Wire

“Field”: Explain how and why the comparison of results for parts 1 and 2 of condition ‘d)’ and the
control condition provides evidence for the affect of increasing the strength of the magnetic field on
the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire. Be sure to refer to the sum of forces in your answer!

“Length”: Explain how and why the comparison of results for parts 1 and 2 of condition ‘d)’ and
parts 1 and 2 of condition ‘e)’ provides evidence for the affect of increasing the strength of the
magnetic field on the magnetic force on a current-carrying wire. Be sure to refer to the sum of forces
in your answer!


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