Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Picture

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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources


Nazi Officials. N.d. Holocaust Pictures. Web. 12 Oct. 2010. <>.

This picture shows us that Hitler was obviously the largest Nazi official. It also tells us

that there were at least 6 that i know of due to this picture. This allows us to that if this

was the only of them ( probably not) then all of them must have been extreamly strong

soldiers and warriors. Its impossible to say weather they feel as strongly aginst the jews

as Hitler was ( even though it was not reasonable at all). And if so why why were they

aginst the Jews why is it that they hated the jews so greatly? These are questions we will

never know the anwser to.

this plane from world war two is a huge part of the war by the looks of it it’s an american

fighter plane. N.d. bing. Web. 11 Nov. 2010. <>.

This plane is is one of many used in WW2. This is obviously an in action picture showing

us that people were launching of into battle with a possibility of not coming back. Hitler

was a cruel “character” and most likely killed this pilot. It is sad to think about what this

“person” is fighting for a child a wife or a lost loved one. Hitler was a meceless person

who killed over 11 million people i wanted him to live so he could rot in jail until that jail

rots then i’ll send him to the next jail. It’s terrible that he killed the jewish people over “a

child hood crush”.


Untold Stories of WWII. National Geographic, 2002. Film.

Hidden Secrets: What if Hitler had the A-Bomb? When Germany occupied Norway in

1940, they gained control of a hydro-electric plant, the only one in the world at that time.

They produced a very rare element ...“heavy water”. Resistance fighters, trained in

Brittain, came back across enemy lines to capture the factory and prevent the A-Bomb

from getting into Hitler’s hands. It took 3 attempts.


The Holocaust. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2010. <>.

The invasion of Austria began in in 1937. A group of brown-shirted stormtroopers

assassinated president Dollfuss while he was making a speech in the chancellery. Several

hours later the German army advanced up the Alpines from Bavaria. This will suit nicely

for the section “before 1939”. This info tells us about what the Nazis did to conquer


Secondary Sources


Dowswell, Paul. The Usborne Introduction To The Second World War. N.p.: n.p., 2005. Print.

Germany had lost World War I and its economy was horrible. The World’s Great

Depression added to the misery of a country already suffering from lack of jobs after 10

years of inflation. Adolf Hitler, a former soldier and failed artist, brought to Germany a
good answer to its problems. If they voted for him and his extremely racist Nazi party,

they would be rid of the cause of their failures. Which Hitler claimed was the Jewish

people and the communists.

Metselaar, Menno, and Ruud Van der Rol. Anne Frank. Trans. Arnold J. Pomerans. New York:

Roaring Press, 2004. Print.

On June12,1942 Anne Frank woke at 6:00 a.m. It was her thirteenth birthday and she

could barely wait to get up. She couldn’t be able to celebrate her last two birthdays

properly. On her eleventh bierthday, the Germans had just occupied the Netherlands and

no one felt like celebrating. When she was twelve, her grandma was so sick that no one,

again, felt like celebrating.


Holocaust Remberence Day. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2010.


On November 9-10, 1938, the Nazis terrorized the Jews through Germany and Austria.

30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps, at least 91 of them died.

Thousands of businesses owned by Jews were looted and pillaged; and over 1,000

synagogues were burned down. Since there were piles of glass every were, this night is

known as Kristallnacht, or night of the broken glass. This will help me and my partner by

telling us what happened when the Nazis terrorized Germany and Austria.

Bottoms, Joseph, et al., perf. “’Holocaust.’” “Holocaust.” IMDb. 6 Apr. 1978. Television.

The series of a Jewish family’s conflict to survive the horror of the Nazi’s systematic

marginalization and extermination of their community. “Holocaust” follows the

member’s of the Jewish Family Weiss through Hitler’s reign in Germany. One by one,

the family members suffer the horrible fate of extermination under Anti-Semetic Nazi

Law until only one son remains at the end of World War II. A sub-plot follows the story

of Eric Dorf, a young German lawyer with a good heart who is changed into a mass

murderer by membership in the SS. This can help me and my partner by telling us what it

would be like to hide from the Nazi’s.

“Brain Pop.” Cartoon. Brain Pop. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2010. <>.

This website gives us an overveiw of the Holocaust. This told us that over 6 million Jews

died and over 1 million other people (example: Communists). It told us how life was like

for Jews when Hitler took over. We found out Quotas are limits of people that someone

can take in. This information told us what the Nazis did to the Jews.

“Brain Pop (Adolf Hitler- the starter of the holocaust).” Cartoon. Brain Pop (Adolf Hitler- the

starter of the holocaust). N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2010.


This tells us what Hitler was like and how he rose to power. Hitler was born in Austria in

1889. He wanted to be a painter or architect, but all the art schools refused to take him in.

I think that if the art schools knew what Hitler would do when he was older, the holocaust
and WWII might not have happened. when he was 20, he served as a soldier under

Germany, receiving many awards and medals, even being blind in a gas attack.


Brittanica kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2010. <>.

In 1933 the Nazi’s took control of the country of Germany. The Nazis hated Jewish

people and made life harder for them. During World War II, they killed as many Jews as

possible. Their program became known as the Holocaust. It took the lives of about 6

million Jewish men, women, and children.

Cronology of the Holocaust. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2010.


This is a time line of important dates including facts about the Holocaust during 1939.

Some facts are that Britain, France, India, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on

Germany on September 3. Also that Britain formed a blockade the same day.Following

that Germany blockaded Britain on September 11. This information will help me and my

partner find out what happened when Europe declared war.

The History Place- Holocaust. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2010.


On January 30th, Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany. On February 22nd, 40,000

SS and SA men are sworn in as auxiliary police. On February 27th, Nazis burn Reichstag

building to create crisis atmosphere. On February 28th, 1933, Hitler is given emergency

powers. On April 1st, 1933, the Nazis boycott Jewish stores and shops.

The Holocaust!!! N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.

Hitler had made it perfectly clear in his speech what he thought of the so-called the sub-

humans, but to most people, these were the thoughts of a madman and wasn’t taken

seriously. But, during Krystalnacht in 1938 the Nazis had shown their desire to persecute

the Jews and in the war Hitler had the opportunity to carry out his plan to rid Nazi-

occupied Europe of all undesirables (from his point of view) and he concentrated his

efforts in Eastern Europe. After the attack on Russia, murder squads from the SS moved

behind the army and systematically wiped out towns and villages containing Russian

people (the same people who had welcomed the German Army into Russia as liberators

against the Russian leader Stalin). However, the process was slow and the head of the SS,

Heinrich Himmler, was concerned that the men doing the evil deed were becoming

demoralised shooting innocent civilians and he looked for another solution. The lead to

the Final Solution decided at the infamous Wannsee Conference in 1942 when it was

ordered that all Jews in Europe be killed in extermination camps.

The HolocausT. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2010. <>.

The ghetto wasn’t a German invention. It can be traced back to medieval times, when

restrictions on the places where Jews were allowed to reside were commonplace
throughout Europe. Although this restriction is usually perceived as relating to towns or

cities, it even applied in certain cases to entire countries. For example, in 1791, Catherine

the Great created the Pale of Settlement in western Russia. Most Jews were only allowed

to reside within the Pale, and even there some cities were prohibited to them.

“The Holocaust!” The Holocaust! N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2010. <


this is my main source of information i will be doing the year 1940 and partial

information from 1941. to start off “Nazis choose the town of Oswiecim (Auschwitz) in

Poland near Krakow as site of new concentration camp.”what this is saying is that the

German army has found a town that they could confine political prisoners and minorities.

this site did not start being built until april 27 of 1940 when Hillmer singned that the

constructinon should go ahead

“The Holocaust!” The Holocaust! N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Oct. 2010. <


This site is messed up, but I fixed it. This site tells us about what happened when

Germany started the Holocaust. Like when they first said that the Jews weren’t alowed

out after 8p.m. in winter and 9p.m. in summer on September 9. Then the newly called

Nazis said that German Jews weren’t aloud to own radios. This information is messed up,

but me and my partner will use it to find out what the German/Nazis said What the Jews

could and could not do.

Holocaust death statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2010.


My Ideas: 11-17 million people died in the Holocaust. 6 million were Jews ( 2/of

Europe’s population ) 1/of them were children under the age of 15. Hitler did not only

target the Jews though they were the ones that he hated the most. He also attacked

homosexuals, communist and slaves as well these are just a few different examples.

There were also 270,000 Romanians killed at this time as well. Its hard to say why Hitler

did this maybe just maybe we can find out. This could get even more interesting The

Holocaust 1939-1940.

THE HOLOCAUST 1940. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Oct. 2010. <>.

The year of 1940 was grusom it included (in the month of may) The German army first

invading Belgem, Holland and France and in other news Winston Churchill became

Prime minister on the same day. Five days later from the begining Holland has already

surrenders when still thre were 140,000 Jewish people there the french also admits defeat

after being unable to counter the Germans. On the 24th Hitler after issolating the french,

Belgum and the British he orders the troops to hult. To me it is a wonder why. Why is it

that Hitler decided to hult when he could easily have taken them by storm?
“In the Nazis words.” Holocaust History. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2010. <http://www.holocaust->.

This information is in German but I translated it into English. This essay is on what the

Nazis thought of the Jews, henceforth, that is why it is called Inthe Nazis Words. This

tells us that the Nazis thought either-or of the Jews. This also tells us what the Allied

Powers thought of the Holocaust, saying that that this might end many German lives.

This tells us what the Allied Powers and the Nazis thought.

The Jewish Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Nov. 2010. <>.

The Holocaust is the time period between January 30th, 1933, to May 8th, 1945. During

this time, the Jews in Europe were subject to horrible slaughtering that led to the murder

of 6,000,000 Jews and the destruction of over 5,000 Jewish communities. These deaths

killed 2/of the European Jewish Population and 1/3 of the worlds Jewish population. But

the Jews were not casualties of WWII. They were slaughtered by Nazi controlled


Jewish Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. <>.

Losing World War I was an economical and woral crisis in Germany. The crisis brought

them to brining extreme political movments, among the parties to the right and the parties

to the left. One of the parties was The National Socialist German Workers Party led by

Adolf Hitler. The Nazis attracted focus because of its strong leader. By 1933 the Nazis
were elected and Hitler became Fuehrer.

TIMEBASE1940-44. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2010. <


Setpember was a brutal month in the year of 1940 some theing that happened were...

Hitler warned the Britsh that if they kept bombing Berlin he would level their cities. A

total of 900 Germans (aircrafts) attack London docks causing sever damage to the area. 2

days later they are attacking again but are intercepted by the enemie and are unable to

attack as hard as planned. Its strange to see such a powerful man fail but that day it

happened. Its unfortunet that what might have happened when the bombs were droped


Who Killed Hitler? N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2010. <


Hitler died on April 30th of 1945. Many people wonder who killed him well this is how.

Hitler poisend himself ( and shot himself). What caused this is an intense street fight

involving Soviet ( Russians) troops. This caused intence pressure to Hitler him self and

pushed him to kill himself. This was a huge I guess good for lack of better words to every

one exept of course the Germans

Why Did Hitler Target The Jews For Genocide? N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2010.


. Hitler did have a reason to his madness not a good one though he did. When he was
young he had a crush a a jewish girl. Her dad did not think that he was worthy of her. So

he forrbided the relationship . Since then he hated Jews

Wiki page. Wiki Awnsers. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. <>.

According to this website, the Holocaust has a definition of sacrifice by fire. This also

say that the Holocaust originated during the 14th century, from the Greek word

holokauston, meaning completely burnt. Translated into Hebrew, it is ‘&#333;lâ, which

means, literally, to go up, in flames that is. Due to what the Nazis did, the term is used in

some versions of the Bible. This Information will help us by telling us the definition of


Wiki page. Wikipedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2010. <>.

This website gives a more detailed overview of the Holocaust. Like the definition of

Holocaust. Another example of what this website gives us is that 6 million European

Jews died in the Holocaust. Another example is that this was 2/of the European Jewish

population of 9 million. This will help us by giving us a larger overview of the holocaust.

World War II In Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2010.


June in the year of 1940 was a rather small month in the war. The few big things were.

Norway surrenders to Germany. Italy declares war on France. Hitler tours paris. Marshal

Pétain became French Prime Minister

“World War 2 Timeline.” World War 2 Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Oct. 2010.


July was a huge month in (1940) the war. Germans attacked British Channel Islands. The

battle of Britain air campain begins. Winton Churchil declares it Britain’s finest hour.

And finally Hitler mystereouly changes the Luftwaffe’s mission to London

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