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Current Club of Rome Members

Mr. Sadikou Ayo Alao, Benin; President, Gerrdes Bank

Prof. Assia Bensalah Alaoui, Morocco; Public Law University Mohammed V, Rabat-Agdal
Ms. Eda Coutinho Barbosa Machado de Souza, Brazil; Director General of the Institute of Superior
Education of Brazil
Ms. Estela de Magelhaes Barbot, Portugal; Vice-President of AGA
Ambassador Benjamin Bassin, Finland: Former Ambassador of Finland to China
The Hon. Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israel; Vice-President, Toledo International Centre for Peace
Ms. Janine Benyus, USA; Author and Biologist at the Design Table Biomimicry Guild
Mr. Jérôme Bindé, France; Director, UNESCO Division of Foresight, Philosophy and Human
Mr. Juan Luis Cebrian, Spain; Council Delegate of the Group PRISA;
Dr. Derrick de Kerckhove, Canada; Director, McLuham Program in Culture and Technology at the
University of Toronto
Ambassador Mauricio de Maria y Campos, Mexico; Former Mexican Ambassador to South Africa
Dr. Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner, Spain; Board Member of International Institute for Democracy and
Electoral Assistance and Honorary President of the Club of Rome
Mr. Isidro Faine Casas, Spain; Chairman, Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (La Caixa)
The Hon. José María Figueres Olsen, Costa Rica; CEO, Grupo Felipe IV and former President of
Costa Rica
Prof. Arnoldo José Gabaldon, Venezuela; Honorary Professor of the Simón Bolívar University
Prof. Alberto Gasparini, Italy; Professor of Urban and Rural Sociology, University of Trieste
Mr. Gerardo Gil-Valdivia, Mexico; President, Mexican National Association of the Club of Rome
Prof. Paulo Alcantara Gomes, Brazil; Rector, University Castelo Branco
Prof. Heitor Gurgulino de Souza, Brazil; Secretary-General of the International Association of
University Presidents and Vice-President of the Club of Rome
Prof. Orhan Güvenen, Turkey; Chair of Accounting Information Systems, Bilkent University and
Member of the Club of Rome Executive Committee
Prof. Talat S. Halman, Turkey; Chairman of the Department of Turkish Literature, Bilkent University
Dr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Ukraine; Chairman International Centre of Political Studies, International
Management Institute, Geneva
Mr. Rafael Hernandez Colon, Puerto Rico; Former Governor of Puerto Rico
Mr. Diego Hidalgo Schnur, Spain; Founder and President of FRIDE
Prof. Kuniko Inoguchi, Japan; Member of the National DIET, Tokyo
The Hon. Mugur Constantin Isarescu, Romania; Governor, National Bank of Romania
Mr. Peter Johnston, UK; Head of Unit, New Methods of Work, Directorate-General Information
Society, European Commission
Prof. Esko Kalimo, Finland; Chair of the European Support Centre, Club of Rome
Mr. Tapio O. Kanninen, Finland; Policy Planning Unit, Department of Political Affairs, United
Dr. Sergey P. Kapitza, Russia; Institute for Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences
Dr. Laszlo Kapolyi, Hungary; Founder of System Consulting Rt. and former Hungarian Secretary of
State for Energy
Dr. Ashok Khosla, India; President of Development Alternatives and Co-President, The Club of Rome
Dr. David C. Korten, U.S.A.; Co-Founder and Board Chair of People-Centred Development Forum
Mr. Martin Lees, United Kingdom; Secretary-General of the Club of Rome
Mr. Patrick Liedtke, Germany; Secretary-General and Managing Director of The Geneva Association
and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Mrs. Wendy Luhabe, South Africa; Chairman, Alliance Capital
Prof. Mona Makram-Ebeid, Egypt; Head of the Association for the Advancement of Education and
Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Mr. Wolfgang Meyer, Germany; Honorary President, UITP - International Association of Public
Mrs. Liz Mohn, Germany; Vice Chairwoman of the Executive Board, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Mr. Uwe Möller, Germany; Former Secretary-General and Executive Committee Member of the Club
of Rome
Mr. Jesus Moneo, Spain; Member of the Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid
Mr. Kikujiro Namba, Japan; President, Promotech Inc.
Dr. Konrad Osterwalder, Switzerland; Rector of UNU
Mr. Gunter Pauli, Belgium; President, ZERI Organisation
Dr. Roberto Peccei, USA;Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California Los Angeles
and Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome
Dr. José Aristodemo Pinotti, Brazil; Head of Department, Sao Paulo University Medical School
Dr. Franz Josef Radermacher, Germany; Founder of the Global Marshall Plan
Ms. Maria Ramirez Ribes, Venezuela; Author and President of the Venezuelan Chapter of the Club of
Dr. Harold Robles, The Netherlands; Founder of the Medical Knowledge Institute
Dr. Wolfgang Sachs, Germany; Head of the Globalization and Sustainability Project, Wuppertal
Rector Victor A. Sadovnichy, Russia; Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Hon. Noemí Sanín Posada, United Kingdom; Ambassador of Columbia to the United Kingdom
Dr. Siegfried Sellitsch, Austria; President of the Vienna Technical University
Mr. Tasneem Ahmad Siddiqui, Pakistan; Chairman of SAIBAN
Dr. Ivo Slaus, Croatia; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the "Rudjer Boskovic" Institute,
President of the Croatian National Association of the Club of Rome
Dr. Mihaela Y. Smith, United Kingdom; CEO, Commonwealth Partnership for Technology
Management (CPTM)
Mr. Klaus Steilmann, Germany; Founder of the Klaus Steilmann GmbH & Co KG
Dr. Keith D. Suter, Australia; President of the United Nations Association of Australia
Prof. Ramon Tamames Gomez, Spain; Professor of Economic Structures, Autonomous University of
Prof. Anitra Thorhaug, U.S.A; US National Association for the Club of Rome; Research Faculty,Yale
University; Chair International Outreach and Physiological Section American Botanical Society;
Project Director" The Future of the Western Hemisphere" UsaCoR; author, researcher on pollution in
the coastlines and oceans of the world.
Mr. Wouter van Dieren, The Netherlands; President, IMSA Institute for Environment and Systems
Analysis Amsterdam Ltd.
Dr. Agni Vlavianos-Arvanitis, Greece; President and Founder of the Biopolitics International
Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi, Germany; German Politician and Member of the German Social Democrat
Dr. Eberhard von Koerber, Germany
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eberhard von Koerber AG and Co-President of the Club of
Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Germany; Dean of Donald Bren School of Environmental Science
and Management at the University of California
Prof. Raoul Weiler, Belgium; Prof. Emeritus, Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences,
University of Leuven and Chairman of the Belgian Chapter and Executive Committee member of the
Club of Rome
Dr. Anders Wijkman, Sweden; Member of the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Club of
Dr. Markku Wilenius, Germany Senior Vice-President, Group Development, Allianz Group and
Executive Committee Member of the Club of Rome

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