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Vowels and Diphthongs/Vocales y Dipthongs

(length mark) This should appear like a
colon (:).  Some versions of Internet
Explorer have a bug which makes it not
appear correctly.
æ bat, apple  
ɑː farm, calm  
e set, less perro
ə above, porter  
ɜː fern, work  
ɪ tip, pity  
iː see, been vino
ɒ rot, wash corra, torre
ɔː bail, board por
ʊ soot, full  
uː root, fool  
ʌ come, rum, blood  
aɪ lie, fry fraile, vais
aʊ now, plough pausa, sauce
eɪ fate, say, waiter  
əʊ ago, also, note  
ɛə there, rare, fair  
ɪə here, interior, fear  
ɔɪ toy, voice voy
ʊə allure, pure  

b bet, able tumbar, umbrio
d dime, mended conde, andar
g go, agog grande, rango
h hit, reheat  
j you, pure cuyo, reyes
ŋ bank, singer banco, rango
r rate, sorrow  
ʳ bear, after  
s sit, scent casa, sesión
v vine, river  
w wine, bewail huevo, puede
z zero, roses desde, mismo
ʒ rouge, leisure, french: jour, jalousie
dʒ page, jail  
ʃ shame, ocean french: chambre, fiche
tʃ much, chuck  
θ thin, maths zumbar, ciento
ð this, other todo, hablando
x loch joven, rojo

The phonetic symbols are Unicode symbols.  To see them, you need a Unicode font and a
browser/navigator that can use them.

Fonts:  For Windows, "Lucida Sans Unicode" is standard for Windows, but it might not be on
your system.  Download it from the link below.

To download a font or other troubleshooting issues, the best placed to start is the IPA in
Unicode page.

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