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Accept courageously, Regret less, and learn


Humans are bound to make follies. On top of that most of us are blind to
our follies. One can only learn from a mistake after he/she admits “I
made it”. As soon as you start blaming other people or for that matter
destiny, the almighty or the universe itself, you distance yourself from
any possible lesson. Very few are able to recognize their mistakes and
only stalwarts are to accept it. Admission of a mistake, even if only
privately to yourself, makes learning possible by moving the focus away
from blame assignment towards understanding. Those who are blind to
their follies obviously won’t have anything to regret and learn. But those
who are brave enough to accept their mistakes and seriously want to
correct themselves, for them, regretting is the first stage. Regretting is of
utmost importance because this would help a person not to repeat the
same mistakes time and again. The sad thing is that most of them
indulge themselves so much that they are unable to overcome their guilt.
At times constant regretting develops a low self image. The confidence,
back bone for any task, is shaken completely. The precious time which
was meant for self assessment and introspection is wasted thoughtlessly.
And in some of the extreme cases, the victim of regretting didn’t realizes
that the time which could have been utilized to rectify his mistakes is
now gone regretting. And what follows it is regretting for regretting
What sets apart a successful person from an unsuccessful is their ability
to learn from their mistakes. Learning from mistakes is the best method
of learning. If one would go through the lives of great men like Abraham
Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Dhirubhai Ambani, Sourav Ganguly one
thing that is common is their ability to identify mistakes, regret for it,
and then come up one more time with mistakes being rectified. Great
men regret less and learn more from their mistakes. They were
considered wise because they admitted their mistakes, not just for sake
of admitting it, but they knew progress will be accelerated if they do so.
The best they did was studying their past and mistakes they committed,
practicing for the situation they could face, and get back in the game just
when everyone has written them off. They all went on to make even
bigger mistakes in future, I mean meeting successes which was

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