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1st term

Derivatives of :
1- Ectoderm.
2- Mesoderm
3- Endoderm

The 2nd term

1- derivatives of the forgut:

a- esophagus
b- stomach
c- upper 1½ parts of duodenum
d- pancereas
e- liver
f- spleen

2-derivatives of midgut:
a-lower 2 ½ parts of duodenum
b- jejunum – ileum
c- caecum-appendix
d- ascending colon – right colic flexture
e- right 2/3 of transverse colon

3-derivatives of hindgut:
a- left colic flexture
b- left 1/3 of the transverse colon
c- descending colon – sigmoid colon
d- rectum – upper part of the anal canal

4- derivatives of cloaca ( lower end of hindgut)

a- rectum
b- upper part of anal canal
c- urinary bladder except trigone
d- prostatic urethra in male
e- all female urethra
Development of pancereas : from foregut by 2 buds: urethral pancereas
,dorsal pancereas
Development of the liver: from foregut by 1 bud (liver bud=pars

Changes during development of midgut (4 stages )

1- pre-hernation stage
2- hernation stage
3- post hernation stage
4- rotation(anticlock wise rotates 270 degree

Development of anal canal

1- upper part: from endoderm of hindgut (posterior part of cloaca)
2- lower part: from ectoderm (proctodeum)

development of interarterial septum: from

1- septum premium
2- septum secondum foramen ovals between 2 atria

at birth
closure of foramen ovals- fossa ovalis

septum perimum- margins of fossa ovalis

septum secondum  floor of fossa ovalis

Changes in fetal circulation after birth:

1- closure of umbilical vein  ligamentum teres
2- closure of ductus venosus  ligamentum venosum
3- closure of ductus anteriosus  ligamentum anteriosus
4- closure of foramen ovalis  fossa ovalis

Congenital anomalies of the kidney

1- pelvic kidney 2- poly cyctic kidney 3- hourse shoe kidney 4- bifid
5- cake like kidney 6- absence of 1 kidney 7- abeerant renal artery
Development of respiratiory system
By bus from front of upper part of foregut (endoderm)
Bud elongates(trachea) and divides into 2 lung buds (left-right)
Each divides several times (18 generations)
Giving bronchi and alveoli

Development of vertebral column

From mesoderm (somites)
From medial parts ( sclerotomes)

* Each vertebra is formed by the fusion of the adjacent parts of somites

* intervertebral disc: nucleus pulposus develops from notochord

Congenetal abnormalities of vertebral column(types of spina bifidus)

1- spina bifida occulta
2- spina bifida with meningocele
3- spina bifida with meningomyelocele

Development of the uterus

From mesoderm by paramesonephric ducts (mullerian ducts)
Fusion to form
Uterovaginal vanal
Which gives
1- uterine tubes
2- uterus
3- upper vagina

Congenital anomalities of the uterus

1- abnormal position (retro verted – retro flexed )
2- double uterus
3- septum in the uterus
4- atresia

Development of the testis

From mesoderm of intermediate cell mass  seminiferous tubules
Spermatogonia  develops from yolk sac
Desecent of testis from abdomin into scrotum :
1- contraction of gubernaculums
2- increase intra abdominal pressure
3- hormones
4- presence of processus vaginalis

Anomalies in the development of the testis

1- undescended testis in the abdomin or in the inguinal canal
2- ectopic testis (an abnormal site)
a- in the thigh
b- abdominal wall
c- perineum

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