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Presented To:- Presented By:-
Prof. S K Mandelia Abhishek Thakur
Education: Most Important Service Sector

• Education is a service industry comprising 10

percent of the US GDP, second only to health
care at 17 percent.
• In the U.S. and over much of the world,
classroom education remains a labor-intensive
craft profession.
• At present may be around 4-4.5% of total GDP
Manufacturing vs services
• There is no any particular definition exists but
different approaches has been taken to define a
new product or a new services
• It can be classified as –firm oriented
-product oriented
-market oriented
-consumer oriented
Firm oriented definition…
• When a product is new to company (ignoring
to its competitors)
• Example:- Horlicks -foodles
ITC- noodes
Product oriented…
• It focuses on the features inherent in the product
and its effect on the customer.
• It defines three types of product innovation
disruptive influence. eg: BMW 3 series
disruptive. eg: digital cameras, MP3 players
TV,radio etc.
• Newness of product in terms of exposure to
consumer of new product.
• Example: Bajaj launching new scooter in
• If it is for small market =NICHE MARKET
• Or according to PLC of product= Introduction
• Repositioning of product = potential customer
judges the product as new product.
• Example new flavour added to chips or milk
Disruptive Innovation in Education
• A book that has received a lot of hype lately is
Disrupting Class by Clayton Christensen.
• Author predicts that online learning will expand
to encompass 50% of the courses taught in
1. K-12 education by 2019, and
2. social media (like Web 2.0 applications)
will evolve to allow students to teach each other –
disrupting the traditional models of school,
teaching, and education.
World Innovation Summit for Education
• WISE - is a global initiative based in Doha,
Qatar. It was established by the non-profit organization
Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Devel
opment, and placed under the patronage of Her Highness
Sheikha Mozah Bint Nasser Al Missned.
• Each year, WISE holds an international summit that brings
together education stakeholders, opinion leaders and decision
makers from all over the world to discuss educational issues
and share new thinking about education in a changing world.
• The first edition of the forum was held in Doha from
November 16th to 18th 2009. The second edition of the forum
will be held in Doha from December 7th to 9th 2010.
Objective of WISE
• Improving Education Systems: exploring new models of
leadership, curricula and open education, and multi-
stakeholder partnerships.
• Exploring Innovative Trends: examining national and
international trends ranging from developments in
cognitive science and the social media to innovative
teaching methods in poorer countries using mobile
• Funding Education: finding resources to finance
education, especially at a time of global economic crisis.
• K-12, a term used in education and educational
technology in the United States, Canada, and possibly
other countries, is a short form for the publicly-
supported school grades prior to college. These grades
are kindergarten (K) and the 1st through the 12th grade
(1-12). (If the term were used, "13th grade" would be
the first year of college.)
• Most communities in the United States and Canada (and
wherever else the term is used) are just beginning to
provide modern information technology at the K-12
• Kindergarten (help·info) (
German, literally means "children garden") is
a form of education for young children that s
erves as a transition from home to the comm
encement of more formal schooling
• Student Response Systems
• Clickers (response systems) polling students are
leading the way in the interactive classroom.
Quite simply, no other technology
implementation can have a bigger impact than
response systems.
• H-ITT offers state-of-the-art hardware solutions
that provide innovation, dependability and
• iCuei : iCue is H-ITT’s value based RF student
response system for k-12.
• iCue remotes work with H-ITT’s free software
and receiving unit can handle classrooms and
auditoriums with thousands of students.
• iCue provides for the ability to receive ten
unique responses and validates for each student
that their response has been received.
• iBright:
• H-ITT IR systems provide student response at an
incredible value.
• The two way IR systems allow the student to know that
their responses have been received and are ideally suited
for classrooms up to 50 students.
• Units provide for up to ten unique responses and are
ideal for self paced tests as well as daily interactive use. IR
is response on a budget as students enjoy the colorful
units and ability to express themselves individually and
corporately in the classroom.
iEnable product is a special needs remote that
has large lighted keys, unique scrolling and
edit functions and accepts external inputs
from access switch devices. Created to
enable sight, hearing and mobility limited
students with the same high level of
interaction in the classroom.
Software & Technology Integrations

• CRS (Classroom Response Software):- empower

instructors and students to achieve excellence in
education through a powerful data collection and
analysis application.
• The intuitive design provides flexible options for
teachers to deliver questions and collect data. Some
industry leading features include: import many different
file types directly into our software window Homework
and paper based testing modesThe ability to ask and
answer a question on the fly using a teacher remote
SoftClick (Mobile & Distance Learning)

• SoftClick:
is an easy-to-use internet based application that allows
participants to instantly send their response using virtually any
device that is web enabled, such as laptops, cell phones and
PDAs including iPhone, Blackberry, Android and Palm.
• SoftClick can be used simultaneously with hardware based
classroom clickers within the same class.
• In addition, SoftClick can send answers from off-site locations to
a host presenter, providing a simple and elegant solution for
today’s instructors to instantly evaluate subject comprehension
locally and around the World.
Teachers Corner
• Teachers Corner:
H-ITT is launching a free teachers' resource
in July 2011 which will allow educators to collaborate on
lessons and share ideas to improve learning.
•   Blogs and active discussions will help teachers find
content that is readily available for formative learning and
that can be easily used with H-ITT's classroom response
• A highly functional search will allow teachers to quickly
find and submit content relevant to their areas of interest.
• Lessons will be thoughtfully organized by grade level
and subject. Much of the content will be available for
free from H-ITT.
• However, the most exciting section is the new peer
generated content section. Teachers will receive points
for submitting new content. The more information you
share the more access you will have to innovative
lessons from other teachers. Each educator works
within their area of expertise and the community
grows in value through high quality content.
Issues: in India
• » Understand how education could be imparted
through advanced communication infrastructure
and analyze the impact of change it could bring in
the educational methods and system.» Understand
how the traditional method of teaching could be
changed for the primary school children and
examine the benefits of such change.» Understand
how an IT education and training company can
succeed in spite of tough competition by
implementing innovative marketing strategies.
• Edurite Technologies in collaboration with
Manipal brings to you, Manipal K-12 Education
Programme. The Manipal schools are all set to
revolutionize the concept of learning as we
know it. With the comprehensive 360 degree
school management programme, we will
ensure that high quality holistic education is
available across the country at affordable
Campus Wide Adoption

• H-ITT provides industry leading solutions for

the Higher Education Market.
• Through integrated Higher Education
solutions, it address rapidly changing
demands by leveraging high quality,
innovative products that perform in the most
demanding learning environments. 
Manipal K-12 Education-system
• Edurite Technologies in collaboration with
Manipal brings , Manipal K-12 Education
• The Manipal schools are all set to revolutionize
the concept of learning as we know it. With
the comprehensive 360 degree school
management programme, it will ensure that
high quality holistic education is available
across the country at affordable levels.
• For India to benefit from its demographic
dividend there is a great need to invest in
quality education at the school level.
• Manipal K-12 Education proposes to address
this need through a variety of offerings.
• These offerings will uplift the learning process
in schools and help our children leverage the
opportunities in the global market.
• Ericsson is establishing an Innovation Center in
sub-Saharan Africa to develop mobile
applications that will benefit society as a
whole, but with a special focus on meeting the
needs of poor and rural populations. The
initiative will focus on solutions in health,
education, agriculture and small business
Educating India's population - A humungous
• India has the largest student population in the
world with over 13.5cr pupils in primary
education followed by China at over 12.1cr
pupils at this level. India has the second-
largest population in the world of over 110cr
people (1.1bn), with a literacy rate of 61%.
Intent/focus of the Government
• The government intends to raise the general literacy rate in
India in line with which, it introduced the Right to Education
Bill 2005.
• This Bill seeks to guarantee elementary education to every
child between the age of 6 and 14 years.
• It also states that every child in the specified age gets
enrolment in a school in the vicinity of their domicile.
• The Bill promotes the usage of regional language as the
medium of education by stating that as far as possible, a
child should be instructed in his/her mother tongue at least
for the first five years of the elementary stage.
Government initiatives to raise literacy rates
in India
• The SSA (education for all) is the prime
initiative undertaken by the Central
Government of India to improve the overall
literacy levels and quality of education in the
country. SSA was undertaken in the Eleventh
Five-year Plan. SSA is an action plan whereby
the government would incorporate the
• Increase the availability of schools (capacity creation)
through opening of new schools andconstruction of new
• Improve the standards of education (quality of learning) by
enhancing the skill levels ofteachers, recruiting more
teachers, providing better courseware and syllabus.
• Attract more students to schools by implementation of the
Mid-day meal scheme, which willhelp provide better
nutrition levels to children, and
• Create an environment more conducive to imparting better
education to every one who needsto be educate

• Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya

• Mid-day meal scheme: As per certain
responses from the teachers at schools in
Rajasthan, the Scheme has boosted
enrolments and enhanced school attendance
• Education companies like Educomp,
Everonn,WIPRO and NIIT have an opportunity
to improve the total quality of education in
India through Public-Private Partnerships.
• The national teacher-student ratio for Primary
education has increased from 1:43 in 1999-
2000 to 1:46 in 2004-200

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