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Uplink: Hacker Elite: FAQ/Walkthrough by TheaN

Version 1.60, Last Updated 2006-10-02 View/Download Original File

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U U l k H H k EEEE l t
U U l ii k k H H k k E l ii t
U U ppp l nnn kk HHHH aa ccc kk eee rrr EEE l ttt eee
U U p p l ii n n k k H H a a c k k e e r E l ii t e e
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0 Version
Version 1.00: - The submitted "Uplink Hacker Elite" Walkthrough.
Version 1.01: - One dirty mistake, at 8.4.3, instead of the Arunmor Internal
10-24-2004 Service System I stated the ARC ISS. No matter what, the
first of ARC stays exactly the same as Arunmor's third
Version 1.02: - @@@Pay attention all users@@@: Changed the Modlink URL to
*unknown* .net. Sorry for those who have gone to modlink.com, because
that's quite a weird site.
Version 1.03: - Changed the second LAN_Scan to LAN_Force, sorry ^_^. Credits
01-14-2005 go to Christoffer C. for finding this mistake.
Version 1.10: - Added 6.1.0, based on the readwrite account, also edited the
01-31-2005 Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher (6.3), which has no
detection with a Monitor Bypass. Both mistakes corrected
thanks to Alex.
Version 1.15: - IMPORTANT: added a mail address for my Gateway:
02-06-2005 theangateway@hotmail.com. Mail there for the Gateway Files.
Version 1.20: - Added a little tutorial at 5.7 for LANs. It's not that
03-17-2005 advanced, but it might get you started.
Version 1.30: - ALL FAQs UPDATE. The introduction section has a big update,
04-03-2005 including and very important, the Copyright. Most FAQs also
have a lay-out upgrade.
Version 1.50: - ARC Storyline Update, includes an UNFAILABLE GRANDTOUR
06-17-2005 GUIDE.
10-16-2005 My mail for my Gateway is not dead, but will not be replied
to anymore. The Gateway can now be found on a site. Find the
URL in the corresponding section (just above 4.6).
08-31-2006 Uplink updated, without the notice of a lot of players (they
kept 1.31 as final patch on the download screen, only the
forum kept it up to date).
The majority that was changed in-game were bugs or very
small gameplay issues, so I don't have a lot to add. The
changes worth mentioning are:
* File Copier/Deleter stay open after use (changed in
Software list).
* The save/load combination on the World Map will no longer
bug upon loading a connection where a system is gone.
Second, systems can now be removed from a connection with
one click, rather than backtracking the entire connection.
Third, a connection is saved THROUGH SESSIONS! That is one
very nice upgrade (I didn't really mention this stuff
earlier, only at 'Long Connections' (3.4), so that changes
in the FAQ itself).
* Systems that are required by missions/mails will be
represented green on the World Map. It's a nice addition.
* HUD memory space is corrected, finally. Thus, the note
is removed in the Software list.
- Changed the game version from 1.31 to 1.42, obviously. And,
probably noticed, added some nice ASCII :D.
- Apparently, I have seem to miss that the Voice Analyser has
two versions (which is a nifty change). See the Software
- Last, excuse me if some additions are still outdated in the
FAQ. It is pretty hard to process 15 versions updates in one
FAQ update. Notify on anything outdated by email, if you
think it's necessary. If a lot is found, I'll give it a
stand-alone credit section. I'll continue updating through
the next days/weeks under 1.60a-z (not referred for the GF
version, which will represent 1.60 until a majority changes).
1.0: -----------=-=-=-----------
1.1 FAQ Info
My FAQ number: 6.
Version: 1.60.
Last update: 08-31-2006.
Lay-out type(*): 1.
*: The 2nd type also has In-Depth sections, besides general sections,
sub-sections and sub-sub-sections.
1.2 Introduction
This is a FAQ of (]=-The@N-=[), known as TheaN on Gamefaqs messageboards.
My real name is Arno Middelkoop and I'm from the Netherlands. Look in the
Credits section on how to contact me for additional info, questions or
corrections, but DON'T mail me for flaming or insulting, because you'll and up
on my black list. That was my introduction, on to the subject of this FAQ:
1.3 Subject Introduction
This is IMO the most unique game ever produced. It offers a Simulator of a
Hacker's Life and everything that comes with it. I love this game, that's why
I decided to make a FAQ about it. I alreadty had the Bank Hacking guide, this
guide will offer a complete copy of it (10.0). Overall:
Good luck with hacking and enjoy my biggest work until now.
1.4 Copyright
This FAQ is created by me: Arno Middelkoop, aka TheaN.
Feel free to modify for PERSONAL USE ONLY. This includes, and is pretty much
limited to, saving only sections you need onto your computer, copying/pasting
sections to print out for personal use. Once you are distributing it to sites,
magazines or selling it for profit, even without claiming it's your work, you
are breaking my Copyright.
You cannot copy this FAQ/Guide to your site without my permission:
- do without permission, and you're plagiarizing.
- do with permission, but change a character, and you're plagiarizing.
- do both, and you're a real bad copy person.
Email me to grant permission on your site. Although I'll keep an eye out for
plagiarizing or changing the format. In most cases, I'll reject the offer,
unless I have proof of a good format.
Linking to any of the allowed three however, is allowed. GameFAQs and Neoseeker
both have connections to other sites, and it would be unfair to not grant them
that connection. I am not aware of any connections to supercheats, but if it
a connection, once again, don't mail me.
Until now, these sites have permission to post:
www.gamefaqs.com (main host)
www.neoseeker.com (second host)
www.supercheats.com (third host)
These sites got their permission revoked:
www.dlh.net (and connections)
www.cheatbook.de (and connections)
Email me if this FAQ is on one of the above sites or another one. BUT DON'T
2.0 Table of Contents
Introduction 1.0
FAQ Info 1.1
Introduction 1.2
Subject Introduction 1.3
Copyright 1.4
Table of Contents 2.0
Introduction to Uplink 3.0
HUD 3.1
Missions 3.2
Software/Hardware/Gateway 3.3
Long connections 3.4
Tracing; Active and Passive 3.5
Deleting your logs 3.6
Save backup 3.7
Agent Rank 3.8
Neuromancer Rating 3.9
Positive 3.9.1
Negative 3.9.2
Uplink Internal Service System/HQ 4.0
News 4.1
Missions 4.2
Software List 4.3
Hardware List 4.4
Gateways + Own creations 4.5
Faith Progress 4.6
Rankings 4.7
Help 4.8
Cracking Systems 5.0
Public Access Server 5.1
Internal Service System 5.2
Goverment 5.3
InterNIC 5.3.1
Stock Market 5.3.2
Academic Database 5.3.3
Social Security Database 5.3.4
Global Criminal Database 5.3.5
Central Mainframe 5.4
International Banks 5.5
File Servers 5.6
Local Area Networks (LAN) 5.7
Others 5.8
Admin Log-In and Security 6.0
ID Verification 6.1
Voice Print Identification 6.2
Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher 6.3
Proxy 6.4
Firewall 6.5
Monitor 6.6
Random Missions 7.0
Steal/Destroy one file 7.1
Change Academic Records 7.2
Change Social Records 7.3
Change Criminal Records 7.4
Check account info 7.5
Trace balance transfer 7.6
Copy/Destroy mutiple files 7.7
Destroy system 7.8
Trace transfer/hacker 7.9
Make donations 7.10
Removal 7.11
Frame for bank/computer fraud 7.12
Awards: Storyline/Special Missions 8.0
Receive email from agent 8.1
Alternate story entry 8.2
Receive email from ARC 8.3
Arunmor 8.4
"Backfire" 8.4.1
"Tracer" 8.4.2
"TakeMeToYourLeader" 8.4.3
"ARCInfiltration" 8.4.4
FINAL: "CounterAttack" 8.4.5
ARC 8.5
"Maiden Flight" 8.5.1
"Darwin" 8.5.2
"SaveItForTheJury" 8.5.3
"SkinnyHammer" 8.5.4
FINAL: "GrandTour" 8.5.5
Mole???? 8.6
Wargames???? 8.7
Secrets/Easter-Eggs/Glitches 9.0
TooManySecrets/CharlieBean 9.1
Introversion Software 9.2
Protovision Game Server 9.3
Steve Jackson's Game Server 9.4
Meet the makers 9.5
Gamebible 9.6
Back Hacking 10.0
Credits 11.0
3.0 Introduction to Uplink
After your registration you are connected to your Gateway and you'll get your
first mission. If you don't know what you're doing, read this section.
For exact explanations, use the Tutorial or Uplink Help.
3.1 HUD
Lets start with the HUD.
- Left/Middle:
Shows any of your links added. A + symbol means it's currently on the
full-screen World Map, clicking it makes it disappear from it. Clicking the
X symbol makes it fully disappear from the list. You can filter your links
in the bottem line here.
This section makes you also able to connect directly to the selected server.
- Upper-Left:
Shows the time, date, the quit symbol and your IP. Nothing more to add to I
- Upper:
Shows the game speed and CPU usage. Speed can be: Pause (no time expires),
Normal (second/per second), Fast (10 minutes/per second), Very Fast
(3 hours/per second).
CPU Usage is always 100% unless you're not using anything. You can change
which program gets priority over others by clicking the corresponding < or >
- Upper-Right:
Shows the World Map. Click on it to get it full screen and showing your
currently activated links. Used to make a connection.
- Right:
Shows emails, missions, hardware, memory-banks, status, bank accounts or
hardware applications, but only if selected.
- Down-Right:
Shows email and missions. Clicking on one makes it appear in the Right
section. You can close, reply and delete emails and close, reply or abandon
missions there.
- Down/Down-Left:
The buttons of a hacker, from left to the right:
*Software Applications*
*File Utillities*
Shows any files dedicated software.
---Defrag, F. Copier and F. Deleter---
*Hardware Drivers*
Combination between Hardware and Software, your security hardware.
---Motion Sensor and Gateway Nuke---
Security for your Agent reputation.
---Log (Un)Deleter/Modificator and Trace Tracker---
Any security cracking devices.
---Password/Dictionary Hacker, Disablers, Decypher and Decrypter---
Any system security bypass devices, work together with th HUD
Analysis upgrade.
All other, mostly received by mail. These are the ones you can buy:
---IP Lookup/Probe and Voice Analyser---
Shows your Hardware, including security devices and HUD upgrades. Gateway
can be viewed here.
*Memory Banks*
Shows any files stored on your Gateway except for HUD Upgrades.
Shows your Uplink Rating and Neuromancer rating, see below. It also shows
your Criminal Record and earned Awards.
Shows all your accounts, 8 maximum, plus all the money stored on them.
*Send an email*
Send email. Mostly done by simply replying to the company's mission.
*HUD Connection Analysis*
*HUD IRC Client*
*HUD LAN Viewer*
The last are explained at the Software List.
3.2 Missions
You need money to get futher, and for that you need to do missions. These vary
from very easy to very difficult, corresponding with their money and
difficulty. Missions is what makes Uplink is good game, without them it would
be nothing. You can get them at the Uplink Internal Service System, see 4.0 to
4.7. For a full list of missions, check 7.0 to 7.12. Storyline and Special are
from 8.0 to 8.7.
3.3 Software/Hardware/Gateways
A good hacker with difficult missions needs good equipment. This can be
purchased at the UISS, in other words, Uplink Internal Service System. Use
your money in a good way and become the most rich and powerful hacker around.
Check 4.0 to 4.7 for explanations of the UISS.
3.4 Long Connection
When finally starting to hack for your missions, go to the World Map. You can
hack your system directly, but you'll be traced intstantly, not a good idea.
First go to InterNIC on the World Map, then to about another 10 systems, then
to the target system. The more systems in between, the harder the Trace. For
more systems and a explanation about InterNIC, check 5.3.1. You can also save
the connections to spare time. Let say you save a connection through InterNIC
and 8 banks, you can use it anytime. Kept even when quitting your account
or when removing systems (V1.32 upgrade). Also an V1.32 upgrade: remove
systems from a connection by clicking on the system, rather than backtracking.
3.5 Tracing: Active and Passive
As I mentioned above, on your connection you'll be traced. Once you hack
something, check section 5.0 to 6.6 for a complete explanation, you'll get an
ACTIVE trace. If you've a Trace Tracker running you'll be informed by a beep.
Once this expires you'll be disconnected and nothing happens until an hour or
Because, after a connection you'll be PASSIVE traced. The feds go from system
to system until they find yours and either giving you a warning, a fee or
arrest you. In the last case it's GAME OVER. When you're throwing of a computer
by the ACTIVE TRACE, any kind of system will start tracing you PASSIVE, and do
it faster.
Although if you disconnect in time, the Internal Systems won't trace you and
the others will do it a lot slower.
3.6 Deleting your logs
So how do you avoid a fee or game over? Two ways. This is the first and most
used one. Most passive traces will find you in three days. In that time you
have this way to avoid detection. Go to one of your systems you used in the
connection, which is preferred InterNIC. Crack the Admin Section and delete
the Logs. This would be at InterNIC a Password Accepting Log and the routed to *Next System* Log. Preferred to use a Log Deleter V4,
because it can't be undeleted. For this check the software list.
3.7 Save Backup
The second way is not game involved. Go to the user.map in the Uplink
Directory, copy debug.log, options and *you*.usr to another location. Now
you can copy them back anytime you want to continue where you just left off.
When your Gateway disconnects, the .usr file is instantly upgraded.
3.8 User Rank
Now some in game based facts. By completing missions, you'll raise in Rank.
The higher the rank, the better mission you can do. From Elite to TERMINAL
makes you able to do all missions.
This are all the ranks, from the first rank to the last:
Grade 16 Registered
Grade 15 Beginner
Grade 14 Novice
Grade 13 Confident
Grade 12 Intermediate
Grade 11 Skilled
Grade 10 Experienced
Grade 9 Knowledgeable
Grade 8 Uber-Skilled
Grade 7 Professional
Grade 6 Elite
Grade 5 Mage
Grade 4 Expert
Grade 3 Veteran
Grade 2 Techno-mage
3.9 Neuromancer Rating
Shown at the Status Screen is also your Neuromancer Rating. A rating given
by other Hackers simply showing you if you're good for others or not.
Framing people, etc. makes it go down, while destroying systems or copying
files makes it go up. It has nothing to do with the gameplay, but it's nice
to have a positive rating. I'll mention at every mission if it will either
raise or lower your neuromancer rating.
It goes faster down then it goes up.
RANK 0: Neutral
RANK 1: Aggressive
RANK 2: Single Minded
RANK 3: Activist
RANK 4: Anarchic
RANK 5: Revolutionary
RANK 0: Neutral
RANK -1: Untrustworthy
RANK -2: Notorious
RANK -3: Indiscriminate
RANK -4: Sociopathic
RANK -5: Morally Bankrupt
4.0 Uplink Internal Service System
Your homebase. You'll get everything here: soft/hardware, gateways, missions,
but rankings and news too. In a normal game you would actually connect about
a 1000 times to the UISS.
4.1 News
Shows anything that happened, until about two weeks ago, depends on the amount
of news. The news is often used for missions to complete. No, better, you only
have to use it to complete certain kind of missions. Furthermore the news can
be nice to read, but it's not that interesting until in the storyline.
4.2 Missions
This has been explained in 3.2 and the missions apart are explained in
section 7.
4.3 Software List
Here you buy your software to crack enemy systems. All bought software is
added instantly, unless having insuffient money or memory. I'll give a full
list with name, versions, price, memory size, type and description.
Name Version Cost Size Type
Decrypter 1.0 $ 800 2Gq Cracker
2.0 $ 1200 2Gq
3.0 $ 1600 2Gq
4.0 $ 2200 2Gq
5.0 $ 3000 3Gq
6.0 $ 7000 4Gq
7.0 $15000 5Gq
Descripts files based on Version. For example, V4.0 decrypts files with an
Encryption of Level 4 and below. Decrypter Version and Encryption Level 7 is
the maximum.
Decypher 1.0 $ 3000 2Gq Cracker
2.0 $ 5000 2Gq
3.0 $ 8000 2Gq
Cracks an Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher. Version is speed based. I consider
V1 and v2 to be useless because they're way too slow.
Dictionary_Hacker 1.0 $ 1000 4Gq Cracker
Cracks ID Passwords, by using all English words. Faster than Password_Breaker,
but can fail in finding the password, because most passwords are totally random
or words from other languages. When using on an ID Verification Screen, it will
automaticly crack the Admin.
File_Copier 1.0 $ 100 1Gq File Utillities
Basic tool given in the beginning. Copies one file. Can be put in either your
Memory or in a random file server. Remains open after using (V1.32 upgrade).
File_Deleter 1.0 $ 100 1Gq File Utillities
Basic tool given in the beginning. Deletes one file. Either from your Memory or
from a random file server. Remains open after using (V1.32 upgrade).
Defrag 1.0 $ 5000 1Gq File Utillities
Puts all memory data in the top of your Memory. Useful when doing a lot of
mission which ask you to copy mutiple files.
Firewall_Bypass 1.0 $ 3000 1Gq Bypasser
2.0 $ 4000 1Gq
3.0 $ 6000 1Gq
4.0 $ 8000 1Gq
5.0 $10000 1Gq
Bypasses Firewall. Version is based on Security Level. For example, a Bypass
Level 3 bypasses Level 3 or below security. Bypass Version and Security Level 5
is the maximum.
REQUIRED: HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
Firewall_Disable 1.0 $ 2000 1Gq Security
2.0 $ 3000 1Gq
3.0 $ 4000 1Gq
4.0 $ 6000 2Gq
5.0 $ 8000 3Gq
Disables Firewall. Version is based on Security Level. For example, a Disabler
Level 3 disables Level 3 or below security. Disable Version and Security Level
5 is the maximum. Difference with a Bypasser is that this requires time and
will be detected when using.
HUD_ConnectionAnalysis 1.0 $20000 0Gq HUD
HUD Upgrade. When using you'll see the connection between you and the target
plus all security systems. When open, bypassers can be used on the security.
HUD LOCATION: Exactly right from the email button.
HUD_Irc-Client 1.0 $ 4000 0Gq HUD
HUD Upgrade. Let you use IRC from within Uplink. People who aren't a regular
user from IRC won't need this.
HUD LOCATION: Right from the HUD_ConnectionAnalysis button.
HUD_MapShowTrace 1.0 $ 5000 0Gq HUD
HUD Upgrade. Shows an active trace on the mini-world map. Connection lines
displayed in red will be traced already. Has the same kind of usage as the
Trace Tracker, but won't use CPU Usage Memory.
HUD LOCATION: Instantly on the mini-world map when an active trace starts.
HUD_LANView 1.0 $50000 0Gq HUD
Once connected to a LAN Router you can't do anything, unless you're having this
device. When clicking on it will show the current connected LAN and you'll be
able to crack through it with LAN Software.
HUD LOCATION: Right from the IRC-Client button.
IP Lookup 1.0 $ 500 1Gq Other
Scans given IP and gives name of the system. The system is added to the links
list, if not there already.
IP Probe 1.0 $ 2000 3Gq Other
2.0 $ 4000 3Gq
3.0 $ 5000 3Gq
Scans given IP for security systems. The info is sent in an email.
V1.0 = Gives security systems.
V2.0 = Gives security systems and levels.
V3.0 = Gives security systems, levels and their status (Enabled/Disabled).
LAN_Probe 1.0 $15000 3Gq LAN Tools
2.0 $20000 3Gq
3.0 $30000 4Gq
Scans a LAN's single system plus all the links. Closed Locks can't be probed.
Version is based on the LAN Level, 1-3. This can't be checked, better to buy
the Version 3.0 LAN software over the 1.0 and 2.0. When the LAN Level is higher
than your software level, the software can't be used at all. Level and Version
3.0 is the maximum (Goes for all LAN Software).
LAN_Scan 1.0 $10000 2Gq LAN Tools
2.0 $15000 2Gq
3.0 $25000 2Gq
Scans the whole LAN for all systems. Those behind a closed lock won't be
checked. Version is based on the LAN Level, see LAN_Probe.
LAN_Spoof 1.0 $20000 2Gq LAN Tools
2.0 $30000 3Gq
3.0 $45000 5Gq
Spoofs any cracked Subnet. Once a Subnet (Terminal) is spoofed, you can connect
to the corresponding System. Version is based on the LAN Level, see LAN_Probe.
LAN_Force 1.0 $15000 2Gq LAN Tools
2.0 $20000 3Gq
3.0 $25000 4Gq
Cracks any locks. The system admin will log on and start tracing, see 5.7. If
you're planning to do things silent, don't buy this. Version is based on the
LAN Level, see LAN_Probe.
Log_Deleter 1.0 $ 500 1Gq Security
2.0 $ 1000 1Gq
3.0 $ 2000 1Gq
4.0 $ 4000 1Gq
Deletes logs.
Version 1.0 = Leaves empty log behind: Easy detection
Version 2.0 = Leaves blank space behind: Medium detection
Version 3.0 = Cover up with other logs: Only the most highest security
systems can crack this.
Version 4.0 = Shift logs after deletion: Impossible detection.
(Log Deleter V4 will be one of the first items to buy, because you always need
to delete your logs)
Log_Modifier 1.0 $ 4000 2Gq Security
2.0 $ 6000 2Gq
Changes logs or creates them.
Version 1.0 = Change existing logs.
Version 2.0 = Create new logs in empty spaces and change existing logs.
(Version 1.0 would eventually be enough, you don't need to create new ones)
Log_Undeleter 1.0 $ 5000 1Gq Security
Recover deleted or changed logs. Use it on a log or empty space to make it
change,if changable of course.
Monitor_Bypass 1.0 $10000 1Gq Bypasser
2.0 $12000 1Gq
3.0 $16000 1Gq
4.0 $20000 1Gq
5.0 $25000 1Gq
Bypasses Monitor. Version is based on Security Level. For example, a Bypass
Level 3 bypasses Level 3 or below security. Bypass Version and Security Level 5
is the maximum. (NOTE: Monitor cannot be disabled)
REQUIRED: HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
Password_Breaker 1.0 $ 1500 1Gq Cracker
First tool you should buy. Cracks ID Passwords, by using all characters. Slower
than Dictionary_Hacker, but can find all passwords, because it cracks character
by character. When using on an ID Verification Screen, it will automaticly
crack the Admin.
Proxy_Bypass 1.0 $ 6000 1Gq Bypasser
2.0 $ 8000 1Gq
3.0 $12000 1Gq
4.0 $16000 1Gq
5.0 $20000 1Gq
Bypasses Proxy. Version is based on Security Level. For example, a Bypass
Level 3 bypasses Level 3 or below security. Bypass Version and Security Level 5
is the maximum.
REQUIRED: HUD_ConnectionAnalysis
Proxy_Disable 1.0 $ 3000 1Gq Security
2.0 $ 4000 1Gq
3.0 $ 6000 1Gq
4.0 $ 8000 2Gq
5.0 $10000 3Gq
Disables Proxy. Version is based on Security Level. For example, a Disabler
Level 3 disables Level 3 or below security. Disable Version and Security Level
5 is the maximum. Difference with a Bypasser is that this requires time and
will be detected when using.
Trace_Tracker 1.0 $ 300 1Gq Security
2.0 $ 600 1Gq
3.0 $ 1400 2Gq
4.0 $ 2500 3Gq
Second tool you should buy. Shows any progress on active traces.
Version 1.0 = Shows that a trace is active.
Version 2.0 = Shows that a trace is active and percentage that's completed.
Version 3.0 = Shows that a trace is active and the time remaining until it's
Version 4.0 = Shows that a trace is active, the time remaining until it's
completed and gives an estimated timing between the given times
remaining (you'll see when using it).
Version 3.0 and 4.0: The higher the Trace Tracker is running, the more accurate
it is.
Voice_Analyser 1.0 $ 5000 4Gq Other
2.0 $10000 5Gq
Version 1.0 = Scans any given voice and changes it into the admin verification
line. Needed to hack the admin of Central Mainframes,
International Banks and LANs.
Version 2.0 = Possibility to store the voice data: click the analyser, and
click an empty memory space to store the data for 1Gq. To
download to the analyser: open the analyser and click the data
while having the analyser selected.
4.4 Hardware List
Make your Gateway and CPU better by upgrading your hardware. Hardware will be
installed by Uplink, it starts after 24H and will be completed between 30-60
This list is devided by Processors, Memory, Modems and Security.
Name Speed/Amount Cost
Processors 20Ghz $ 250
60Ghz $ 1000
80Ghz $ 1300
100Ghz $ 3000
120Ghz $ 5000
150Ghz $ 8000
200Ghz $12000
What the Gateway is running on. The faster is it, the faster it cracks
security, copies/deletes files and deletes/shifts logs. Nice to buy one 200Ghz
in the beginning of the game.
Memory 8Gq $ 3000
12Gq $ 5500
24Gq $ 8000
32Gq $11000
Fills your Gateway with 8 Gq memory slots. Don't be fooled, your Gateway will
always be filled up with 8 Gq slots, so if you buy 32Gq, you get 4 x 8 Gq. But
as you can see, the more you buy at once, the more discount you get. In the
beginning you'll be given 24Gq of the 32Gq. When you've a spare 3000 you can
upgrade it early to 32Gq.
Modems 1Gq/Sec $ 1000
2Gq/Sec $ 2000
4Gq/Sec $ 4000
6Gq/Sec $ 6000
8Gq/Sec $ 8000
10Gq/Sec $10000
Your bandwidth connection to other servers. The same description as Processor,
although a Processor has more priority towards copying of files etcetera. The
Modem has other function, and that is how fast the system IP is entered.
20 Ghz Processor + 1Gq/Sec Modem = Lowest Transfer Rate
20 Ghz Processor + 10Gq/Sec Modem = Low Transfer Rate
200Ghz Processor + 1Gq/Sec Modem = Fairly Normal Transfer Rate
200Ghz Processor + 10Gq/Sec Modem = Very High Transfer Rate
50 x 200Ghz Processors + 10Gq/Sec Modem = Instant Transfer :D
Gateway Security Motion Sensor $10000
Self-Destruct $20000
Protects you from the feds.
Motion Sensor:
Black = Nobody near your Gateway
Yellow = Uplink near your Gateway
Red = Feds near your Gateway
When it goes red, you can use the Self-Destruction Device to start over with an
original Gateway, but with your Rank, Neuromancer Rating and Money, instead of
being disavowed.
4.5 Gateways + Own Creations
This will list all the Gateways given by Introversion, plus how to create your
own. Memory is the total amount, not the amount of slots (every slot always
carries 8Gq, so why make it difficult?). Every amount listed here is the
maximum amount.
A little note on the money of the Gateway:
- Every Gateway has his own amount.
- The cost of a new Gateway is the normal amount -75% of the value of your
current Gateway.
- Let say you have GatewayALPHA ($15000), the money you need to buy a new
GatewayALPHA is: $15000 - $15000 x 0,75 = $3750. Looks familiar?
Name CPU's Security Bandwidth Memory
GatewayALPHA 1 0 1Gq/Sec 32Gq
Cost: $15000
The basic Gateway, given to all Agents. Carries the minimum amounts possible.
GatewayALPHA 1CPU 2 0 1Gq/Sec 32Gq
Cost: $20000
Just one extra CPU. Nah. Don't bother with upgrading to this.
GatewayALPHA 1CPU 1 0 2Gq/Sec 64Gq
Cost: $20000
This one has more abilities then the second. Memory is way more useful and
the Modem can be upgraded. Upgrade to this with basic money.
VIRTUANET R-Acces 2 0 (*) 2Gq/Sec 48Gq
Cost: $27000
If it wasn't for its special ability, it would be useless.
(*): The Transmitter provides an anonymous user. Never tried it myself, but I
think that you cannot be picked up by the feds. Too bad it has such a low
CPU and Memory Space.
KRONOS Corp 80-860 2 1 4Gq/Sec 64Gq
Cost: $38000
That single security slot is useless:
Motion Sensor: "Ey, the feds. Yeah, now what?"
Self-Destruct: "Hm, yeah I think they're close now" BOOM.
In other words, you need to have those two combined. Its CPU, Memory and
Bandwidth is standard though, so you can buy this if you want.
ZION-780 Workstation 3 2 6Gq/Sec 96Gq
Cost: $50000
The first Gateway that has a good future. Two security slots, nice Modem and
good Memory. CPU still lacks though, but this is the first good Gateway.
UNITY High-Security 4 4 6Gq/Sec 64Gq
Cost: $80000
USELESS! It has less memory than the ZION Workstation and only one CPU more.
The 4 security slots are totally useless, two is enough. Don't buy, a waste of
money that can be spend good.
AM-CORE File Server 3 2 10Gq/Sec 256Gq
Cost: $100000
The three best Gateway are up now. This one is dedicated to Memory, Bandwidth
and Security. It has quite a lack of CPU's, so watch out. This is a perfect
Gateway for the Mutiple-File-Copy Missions.
OMEGA Supercomputer 16 1 4Gq/Sec 48Gq
Cost: $100000
A very fast Gateway, but it really lacks towards Bandwidth, Security AND
Memory. I would be waiting for the TRINITY if I were you.
TRINITY-1686A 8 2 8Gq/Sec 128Gq
Cost: $125000
As you can see, this has all sections almost maxed. A lot of memory, the second
highest modem and a lot of CPU's. If your not planning on making one of your
own, this one is the best.
Now for creating one by yourself. This needs:
- A *Gateway Name*.tif file, the Gateway itself, not bigger than 400 by 300
- A *Gateway Name*_t.tif file, the buying thumbnail, not bigger than 200 by 140
- A *Gateway Name*.txt file, with all locations of its hardware and a
To get this, you must change all .DAT files (except for data and world) in your
game directory to .ZIP. Extract them in the same folder. Now you can throw away
the ZIP files if you want. Now the .TIF files need to be copied into
uplink/graphics/gateway and the .TXT in uplink/data/gateways. For how to make a
TXT or TIF files, go to www.modlink.net for any toturials.
Anyone who wants my Gateway, mail to the email given at the credits. Mine is:
TheaN10K320 50 2 10Gq/Sec 320Gq
Cost: $103200
Buying Description:
A powerful Gateway, known as 10K320 for its 10000 GHz and 320 Gigaquads as
maximum. Its Cyan design proved nicer than blue.
As you can see, this Gateway has all. As I mentioned at the Modem Speed, 10000
Ghz beats all in a second. If you want both TIF files and the TXT file, go here
4.6 Faith Progress
This will state the difference in Version between Faith and Revelation. Not that
important though, although it's nice to see the Version drop or raise by your
actions. See the Story section for more info.
4.7 Rankings
All agents in the top 10 are standing here. If this isn't you, you'll be
mentioned too in a line below the 10, saying your location. Of these Agents
will also be mentioned if they're either Active, In Jail or Deceased, mostly
based on your actions.
4.8 Help
Anything that's not clear from my guide can be found here. I didn't really
mentioned the basics, so this can be a nice place to visit.
5.0 Cracking Systems
The two upcoming sections: Cracking Systems and Admin Log-In/Security, will be
the basic for the missions. Lets say with the first type of mission you need to
hack the admin of an Internal Service System.
Then you go to 5.2 and 6.1 to get the idea on how to heck those, then you can
go back to the mission description. This releases me from a lot of writing.
The same counts for this section towards section 6, if I say at an Internal
Service System that you need to hack an ID Verification, you can find it in

I'll list the systems in this order:

- *Any present Admin Security*
Proxy = Never/Rare/Mostly/Always *Level 1-5*
Firewall = Never/Rare/Mostly/Always *Level 1-5*
Monitor = Never/Rare/Mostly/Always *Level 1-5*
Length of total connection: Directly (1) - 20 (19 bounces)
Standard Active Trace Time: The time a normal Active Trace would make. 30
Seconds - 10 Minutes.
Standard Passive Trace Time: The time a normal Passive Trace would make. 30
Seconds - 7 days, with corresponding penalty.
(This would make sure either to delete your
logs or not)
Bypassed Monitor: If you'll get any active trace if you use a
Monitor Bypass.
Description on hacking.
The Admin Security speaks for itself of course, just look at the corresponding
section from 6.0 - 6.3. The Proxy/Firewall/Monitor are listed otherwise:
Never = This will be Firewall for banks, and some more.
Rare = Only companies that need high security will have them. This
means there are not much.
Mostly = 9 of the 10 times you'll come across this security system,
rarely they won't have it.
Always = This will be Monitor at most systems, Proxy at others. Speaks
for itself, right?
To make it easier, a repeat from the Table of Contents:
ID Verification 6.1
Voice Print Identification 6.2
Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher 6.3
Proxy 6.4
Firewall 6.5
Monitor 6.6
5.1 Public Access Server
- No Admin Section
Proxy = Never
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Never
Length of total connection: 1
Standard Active Trace Time: 60 Seconds
Standard Passive Trace Time: None
Bypassed Monitor: No Monitor.
As it says, a Public Acces Server. These servers give the phone numbers of the
company's admin (and director), so that you can use the Voice Analyser on them.
The link of the Phone can be added by clicking on the +.
(Sometimes you can see that a Director of a company is in your list. This means
that an admin from one company is the director of another. Kinda strange, isn't
More explanation in 6.2.
5.2 Internal Service System
- ID Verification
- ONE SYSTEM: Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher (Uplink)
Proxy = Rare Level = 1/2/3
Firewall = Rare Level = 1/2/3
Monitor = Mostly Level = 1
Length of total connection: 5
Standard Active Trace Time: 60 Seconds, $1000 Fee if completed.
Standard Passive Trace Time: None. If the Fee isn't payed, you'll be
Bypassed Monitor: No detection.
Some of these systems will start tracing you once hacking the ID, some won't
and once proceeding inside the server. They have a standard trace, mostly a
minute or something. Of course, when Bypassing the Monitor you won't have any
detection. In the first missions these will have no Proxy and Firewall, while
they have later on. You'll mostly be using the File Server on these systems.
Watch out with the Active Trace, costs you much.
5.3 Goverment Systems
For a special note of the three last goverment systems, see 6.1.0.
- ID Verification
Proxy = Never
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Never
Length of total connection: 1 (*)
Standard Active Trace Time: None
Standard Passive Trace Time: None
Bypassed Monitor: No Monitor.
The basic system from the Goverment. Every link can be added here to your
links, by pressing the + near a link. InterNIC itself has a filter function to,
so that you can find your needed links easily. InterNIC doesn't have:
- Central Mainframes.
- Global Criminal Database.
- LANs, except for the Sample LAN.
- Voice Phone Systems.
- Personal Computers.
- Secret Systems.
InterNIC will be your basic log deletion system. Some general hints on the
Admin section of InterNIC:
- No Active or Passive Trace.
- Password is always the same for current user (Always "Letmein" in the FBI
- When deleting logs here, two need to be destroyed. The:
- routed log, prefered: ( (Gateway) to ???.???.???.???)
- admin acces log: (From Password Authentication Accepted)
- ID Verification
Proxy = Always Level 1
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Always Level 1
Length of total connection: 1, unless using the Admin.
Standard Active Trace Time: 60 seconds.
Standard Passive Trace Time: Never had a Passive Trace from them.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection.
The system that let buy and sell Stocks for certain companies. Make a user and
you're ready to roll. I never used this though, for much money is Bank Hacking
much more effective. Its Admin section gives you only Logs, so why use this
instead of InterNIC?
- ID Verification
Proxy = Never
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Always Level 1
Length of total connection: 10
Standard Active Trace Time: 10 minutes, warning if completed.
Standard Passive Trace Time: None
Bypassed Monitor: No detection (**6.1.0**).
When you raise to rank Novice, things are starting to get dangerous. Well, not
for this system. very low Active Trace, and if they find you you'll be warned.
A mutiple Academic Missions can be done at once.
- ID Verification
Proxy = Always Level 1
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Always Level 1
Length of total connection: 10
Standard Active Trace Time: 30 seconds, $1000 Fee if completed.
Standard Passive Trace Time: None. If the Fee isn't payed, you'll be
Bypassed Monitor: No detection (**6.1.0**).
This system isn't that dangerous, but you'll come across your first Proxy,
and a fast Trace. As you can see, for the Proxy you only need a Level 1
Disabler. These are the first missions that will be worth much money.
- ID Verification
- Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
Proxy = Always Level 1
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Always Level 1
Length of total connection: 15
Standard Active Trace Time: 40 seconds.
Standard Passive Trace Time: - 3 hours (Active Trace Completed), Disavowed.
- 1 day, Disavowed.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection (**6.1.0**).
Your first disavowed systen. It comes with an Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher,
so have your Decyphers ready. Because the Criminal Database also comes with
Proxy, you need a fairly high CPU.
5.4 Central Mainframe
- ID Verification
- Voice Print Identification
- RARE: Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher (ARC/Arunmor)
Proxy = Always Level = 1 or 5
Firewall = Always Level = 1 or 5
Monitor = Always Level = 1 or 5
Length of total connection: 15 (*)
Standard Active Trace Time: 40 Seconds.
Standard Passive Trace Time: - 3 hours (Active Trace Completed), Disavowed.
- 1 day, Disavowed.
Bypassed Monitor: Detection once proceeding afther hacking the ID
(*): You must bounce through a company's own system before bouncing to the
Central Mainframe.
A step up in the hacking world. The main system of a company. Fast trace and a
high risk. You'll be mostly here to destroy the system. Make sure when hacking
these that when you bypass monitor, you first hack the Voice Print before doing
the ID. If you're here to destroy it, you need to disable or bypass both the
Firewall and Proxy. Companies with high security will have Level 5 Security,
others Level 1. The same counts for having an Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
or not.
5.5 International Banks
- ID Verification
- Voice Print Identification
- Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
- ID Verification (*)
Proxy = Always Level = 5
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Always Level = 5
Length of total connection: 20
Standard Active Trace Time: 90 Seconds.
Standard Passive Trace Time: - 30 Seconds because of Statements if
you're tranferring money.
- 1 day on admin or accounts. Both Disavowed.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection.
(*): To hack an account you need an accountnumber, there's no Admin Acces at
the accounts.
These aren't so hard to hack as it seems to be. If you're either using the
Admin or Accounts, you won't be Active Traced if you use a Monitor Bypass.
The account info missions are easy, because they don't have an Active Trace.
Just delete the log and you're done. The Transferring Money Missions are more
annoying though. Read the mission description for a explanation.
5.6 File Server
- ID Verification (*)
Proxy = Never
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Never
Length of total connection: 1
Standard Active Trace Time: None
Standard Passive Trace Time: None
Bypassed Monitor: No Monitor.
(*): To hack a File Server you'll need an ID and Password. There's no Admin
Acces for File Servers.
These are special/other systems, but they appear for every company, so I listed
them in the section. These system are given by companies if you need to give
mutiple files. You can copy them there and, if not done yet, decrypt them. As
you're not able to hack an admin account, you'll never be traced.
5.7 Local Area Networks
- ID Verification
- Voice Print Identification
- RARE: Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
Proxy = Always Level = 5
Firewall = Never
Monitor = Always Level = 5
Length of total connection: 15
Standard Active Trace Time: - 90 seconds, Active Trace
- How big the LAN is depends on how fast the
System Admin will have you.
Standard Passive Trace Time: 3 days, Disavowed.
Bypassed Monitor: Detection once connecting to the Main Server.
As mentioned, these systems have their own network.
LAN Tutorial:
- Once you connect to a LAN, open the HUD_LANViewer.
What you probably will see is the Router. Now, open the LAN_Probe tool.
- Click on the Router, and links to other systems will appear. Now Probe one
of those systems to receive new links.
- Simply said, just use LAN_Probe until you encounter a lock, which you can't
pass instantly.
- When you encounter a lock, there are several ways to go around them, these
systems can be easily looked up below. Now go for the Main Server.
Some hints and tips before all systems are explained:
- LAN_Scan shows all instead systems behind a lock.
- LAN_Probe will be your basic software to see systems.
- ALWAYS DISABLE MONITOR. Gets very difficult hacking particle systems.
- If you're stuck, search in Terminal for Phone Numbers.
I'll list all available systems on important LANs.
The starting system. Probe this and you'll be in the LAN. It's wise if you
start with the LAN to Scan it. You'll see the whole LAN.
The standard "connecting two or more systems together" system. No hacking here,
Probe further on.
The basic hackable system in a LAN. You only need a Password, you won't be
detected if you hack these. Terminals have several purposes, IF YOU DON'T KNOW
- Wireless Transmitter's frequency.
This is shown after hacking the Password. Go to the Wireless Transmitter for
more info.
- Modem's Phone Number.
This is also shown after hacking the Password. The Modem gives you additional
connections to the LAN, possible to the important systems. See the Modem.
- Subnet.
These will be it most frequently. A Subnet opens the connection to an
Authentication Server. How to Spoof a Subnet, see the section below.
These block your path. There are three ways to disable them:
- The Software LAN_Force.
This will hack the lock, but as soon as you do, the System Admin will log on
and an Active Trace will start.
- Authentication Server.
The most normal way. Hack the log-in security and disable the current lock.
See below.
- Isolation bridge.
One lock opens, one closes. See the section below.
Opens locks. Protected by a Password and Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher, so
you got some hacking to do. You're not detected however if you use the
Monitor Bypass. You can see which lock it unlocks, by yellow dots with the
text: Locks/Unlocks.
Always a Terminal. A Subnet opens the connection to an Authentication Server.
How to Spoof a Subnet, hack the corresponding Terminal, disconnect from it
and spoof the system. Now you can hack the Authentication Server. You can see
it it's a Subnet by clicking on the Authentication Server.
Second type of connection towards a LAN. By using the right Transmitter
frequency, you'll reach the Receiver. Frequency are stored on a, mostly,
stand alone Terminal. This connection won't reset the Admin's log on. See the
Main Server.
One lock opens, one closes. If you Enable the bridge, you'll be resetted to
the Router. Both locks that are (un)locked will mostly be together. The Bridge
has no log-in security, so easy to use.
These are the third connection systems. Only these are stand alone. Search
for a Phone Number on a Terminal (if you're stuck of course), disconnect, IP
Lookup, and reconnect. The System Admin's log on will start from the Modem.
Work the same as Central Mainframes. The security is explained in the
SECURITY TO HACK section above. Once connecting to these an Active Trace will
start and Admin will log on, searching for you. He will either log on to the
Router or Modem, that what is connected to the Main Server.
5.7 Others
These are three more systems, although they don't have a real purpose. All
different systems are explained in the Secrets and Glitches section.
Unable to hack, except for one. These systems are the same as your Gateway,
and can't be entered. Although You'll mostly use its IP for Trace a Hacker
Missions. To enter the only PC that you're possible to enter, see 8.2.
These are, I think, the Terminals from the company's LAN. There will be one
line if you connect to them: "No public log-ons permitted". Then there is
one thing left to do, disconnect.
See them as Phones in 2010. Connect to these to record the voice of the user.
Nothing further to do.
(Strangly enough, it's always the owner of the phone system that answers, in
this time that is different, at least at my home)
6.0 Admin Log-In and Security
I've explained in the important note above what the purpose is of this
section, explain all possible security systems. The summary:
Compromising Software: - Possible crackers
Best Software: Best cracker
Recommended CPU: The lowest amount of CPU that makes it possible to
hack it normally. Only for ID Verification and
the Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher.
Time: How long it takes:
- with the best software.
- with the recommended CPU.
- at full speed.
Systems: - Systems the security is on. This can be checked
above too, it's just a reminder.
Bypassed Monitor: If or when the current security is detected with
Monitor Bypass.
A full description.
6.1 ID Verification
Compromising Software: - Dictionary_Hacker
- Password_Breaker
Best Software: Password_Breaker
Recommended CPU: 60Ghz or above.
Time: 10 seconds.
Systems: - All hackable systems.
Bypassed Monitor: 99% of the times you'll be detected after proceeding,
Unless you hack a readwrite or readonly account. For
more info, see below (6.1.0).
The basic security. You need to give an Username and Password to proceed. To
hack the Admin, just run the Password Breaker and click on either the user or
Password section. There are a few systems which you either have the log-in info
for, or it can't be hacked. The Dictionary Hacker works, but only at the first
few systems.
As you can see, the Bypassed Monitor section changed. This, thanks go to Alex
for telling, because of the readwrite and readonly accounts at 4 of the
Goverment Systems (see also 5.3). The readonly isn't very useful, because you
can't add anything. The readwrite however, will grant you the same access,
except you can't view or delete logs, which is not needed.
But, in contrary to the admin account, if you have a Monitor Bypass running
while hacking the readwrite, you won't be traced. Social, Criminal, Acadamic,
Removal or Frame missions become very easy with this.
6.2 Voice Print Identification
Compromising Software: Voice_Analyser
Best Software: Voice_Analyser
Recommended CPU: N/A
Time: 10 seconds (both the CPU and Speed don't matter here)
Systems: - Central Mainframes, Banks and LANs.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection.
The second type of security to come across. Quite easy to compromise:
- Buy the Voice Analyser.
- Go to InterNIC and connect to the the company's Public Acces Server.
- Activate the Admin's Link.
- Call him and keep the Voice Analyser running.
- Once in the Voice Print Identification, play the Voice Analyser.
This security has one other exception: if you're not using a Monitor Bypass,
while the Admin says the line, you won't be detected, it will begin after you
6.3 Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cypher
Compromising Software: Decypher Version 1.0 - 3.0
Best Software: Decypher 3.0
Recommended CPU: 200 Ghz
Time: 20 seconds.
Systems: - Global Criminal Database, Banks and rarely LANs and
Central Mainframes.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection.
The last and most annoying way of security. It will slowly decypher the code
and make you ready for progress. But it takes ages and you can't really predict
when it's ready. To start, click the Decypher Tool, and click on the Encoding.
6.4 Proxy
Compromising Software: - Proxy_Disable version 1.0 - 5.0
- Proxy_Bypass Version 1.0 - 5.0
Best Software: Proxy_Bypass 5.0
Recommended CPU: N/A
Time: - Disable: 30 seconds
- Bypass: Instant
Systems: All high security systems.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection, neither with Disable and Bypass.
The basic "I protect from hackers" security. Proxy prevents you from:
- Using the Console.
- Delete Logs/Statements.
- Change Records (Goverment).
And maybe some more that aren't really important. But all of these are very
annoying. Proxy is a system you want to compromise almost every time. As
mentioned at the software, Proxy is based on Security Level. If you're using
Disabler without Monitor Bypass, in the beginning, start it before hacking
6.5 Firewall
Compromising Software: - Firewall_Disable version 1.0 - 5.0
- Firewall_Bypass Version 1.0 - 5.0
Best Software: Firewall_Bypass 5.0
Recommended CPU: N/A
Time: - Disable: 30 seconds
- Bypass: Instant
Systems: All systems with files, except for some Internal
Service Systems.
Bypassed Monitor: No detection, neither with Disable and Bypass.
The second basic "I protect from hackers" security. Firewall prevents you from:
- Deleting files.
- Copying files.
- Add files (File Server).
And maybe some more that aren't really important. Firewall is very annoying,
especially in the last story missions. If you know for sure that you need
anything with files, Bypass/Disable the Firewall. As mentioned at the software,
Firewall is based on Security Level. If you're using Disabler without Monitor
Bypass, in the beginning, start it before hacking anything.
6.6 Monitor
Compromising Software: Monitor_Bypass Version 1.0 - 5.0
Best Software: Monitor_Bypass 5.0
Recommended CPU: N/A
Time: Instant
Systems: All systems, except for those with no or very low
Bypassed Monitor: How can a bypassed monitor detect a monitor being
bypassed? In other words, it's the subject in question.
The most useful security to hack. If you hack this, you won't be detected by
some actions. Some systems won't detect you at all. This is all listed at the
specific systems. Monitor prevents you from:
- Hacking any type of Admin Security.
7.0 Random Missions
Now for the real work, all the missions you can attempt. I'll give this summary
before giving a mission description:
Mission Description: Any description that might give this mission.
Uplink Difficulty: Rated Uplink difficulty.
Lowest Uplink Rank: The first rank that makes you able to do this mission.
Sometimes you need to contact to accept the mission
with this rank.
Average Credits: The average amount of credits you'll get for these kind
of missions. The Average amounts are based on the
Uplink Difficulty, if there are two Difficulties,
there will be two average Credits.
Compromising system(s): Any system(s) you might be hacking for this mission.
For this you need Section 5 and 6.
Needed Software: Just a Reminder.
Neuromancer: If it goes up or down.
Alright. lets go.
7.1 Steal/Destroy One File
Mission Descriptions:
- Break into a rival computer system and sabotage files.
- Hack into a computer and delete key files.
- Find and destroy crucial data on a mainframe.
- Access a remote system and copy important data files.
- Steal important data from a rival companies file server.
- Gain Access to a rival system and steal research files.
Uplink Difficulty: 2
Lowest Uplink Rank: Beginner
Average Credits: $1500
Compromising system(s): Internal Service Systems
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- File Copier/Deleter
- RARE: Decrypter V1.0/2.0
Neuromancer: Up
The easiest there is. Once in the System, go to the File Server and Delete or
Copy what you need, then disconnect. Reply, with the data if you're doing the
copy mission, and you're done. Mutiple of these missions can be done at once,
if other missions have the same target. Sometimes you need to Decrypt a file,
7.2 Change Academic Records
Mission Descriptions:
- Improve our associates' academic standing.
- Help us prove a fellow employee is over-rated.
- Generate a University Degree for a friend.
- Qualifications required for wealthy professional.
Uplink Difficulty: 3
Lowest Uplink Rank: Novice
Average Credits: $2500
Compromising system(s): Academic Database
Needed Software: Password Breaker
Neuromancer: Down
Hack the system. You'll have much time, sometimes about 900 seconds. Search
for the name. Now you either have to:
- Add a Graduate Qualification with Class (Mechanical Engineering, Class 1).
- Change Graduate Class (Class 1 --> Class 3).
- Add an Other Qualification.
Commit the Update, disconnect. Reply the mission.
Mutiple of these mission can be done at once, because of the enormous trace.

7.3 Change Social Records
Mission Descriptions:
- Create part of a new identity.
- Falsify a Social Security Document.
Uplink Difficulty: 4/5
Lowest Uplink Rank: Confident
Average Credits: $4000/$6000
Compromising system(s): Social Security Database
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Proxy Disable/Bypass V1.0
Neuromancer: Down
Once connected, disable the Proxy or Bypass. Once the Trace starts, with
Disable, start hacking the ID. When ready, type the name. Now you either have
- Change Personal Status to Deceased.
- Change Personal Status to Employed.
Commit once the Proxy is disabled and disconnect. Reply the mission.
These missions can't be done mutiple times, because the Trace is way too fast.
Once you're ready to buy a HUD_ConnectionAnalysis and Proxy Bypass, they'll be
much easier.
7.4 Change Criminal Records
Mission Descriptions:
- Help to stop a hacker from ever working again.
- Help to discredit one of our rivals.
- Clear a criminal record.
Uplink Difficulty: 5
Lowest Uplink Rank: Intermediate
Average Credits: $9000
Compromising system(s): Global Criminal Database
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Decypher,
- Proxy Disable/Bypass V1.0
- Log Deleter V4.0 (ALWAYS FROM NOW ON)
Neuromancer: Down
Once connected, disable the Proxy or Bypass. Once the Trace starts, with
Disable, start hacking the ID and Decypher. When ready, type the name. Now you
either have to:
- Clear a Record.
- Add a specific Crime.
Commit. disconnect and reply. With these misions log deletion become a
priority. Buy the Log Deleter V4 now, before you can't buy it anymore.
The same counts for mutiple as with the Social Database, too fast trace.
Although later in the game, with Removal missions, I won't be talking about a
too fast trace, because your CPU will be so fast you can hack the system in
7.5 Check Account Info
Mission Descriptions:
- Client interested in financial data on an enemy.
- Find Financial Details of one of our associates.
Uplink Difficulty: 5
Lowest Uplink Rank: Intermediate
Average Credits: $6000
Compromising system(s): International Banks
Needed Software: Password Breaker
Neuromancer: Down
These are quite easy, just connect to the bank, give the Accountnumber, hack
the Password and check the info. Disconnect, delete logs and reply the email
with the data. It gets much easier with Monitor Bypass, you can make a double
connection (Gateway -> InterNIC -> Target).
Replying 0 in the email, especially with Lone, you'll have a high chance of
getting a completion reply.
7.6 Trace balance transfer
Mission Descriptions:
- Trace a recent balance transfer.
Uplink Difficulty: 5
Lowest Uplink Rank: Intermediate
Average Credits: $6000
Compromising system(s): International Banks
Needed Software: Password Breaker
Neuromancer: Down
Exactly the same as the "Check Account Info" missions, only that these have two
accounts, and mostly two banks, involved. Just hack the account given, write
down the IP and Accountno. of the last statement (200000C or above), go to the
target bank. Hack the account, check the name, delete both logs and reply the
mail with the name. Quite easy, eventually it's easier with a Monitor Bypass.
(You may want to keep the IP and Accountno. for hacking its money to your
account, see 10.0)
7.7 Steal/Destroy Mutiple Files
Mission Descriptions:
- Destroy corporate data of a rival company.
- Destroy customer records on a sales system.
- Destroy rival software in development.
- Copy large and secure corporate database.
- Copy proprietary source code database.
- Steal valuable scientific research documents.
- Break into high security system and steal customer records.
Uplink Difficulty: 5/6/7
Lowest Uplink Rank: Intermediate
Average Credits: Varies too much ($6000 - $11000).
Compromising system(s): Internal Service Systems, Central Mainframes or LANs.
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Proxy/Firewall Bypass V5.0 (Recommended from now on)
- Voice Analyser
(Decypher V3.0)
- Decrypter v7.0 (Recommended from now on)
- File Copier
Neuromancer: Up
To tell the truth, these missions are a kind of different. Hack the target
system, bypass Proxy and Firewall, then:
- Go to the console and type "cd usr", enter. Then "delete" enter. Wait until
all is deleted and disconnect.
- Delete logs.
- Go to the news, fast-forward for 3 hours and reply to the mission.
- Go to the File Server.
- Copy all DAT files, likely going up in numbers (Thean1.dat, TheaN2.dat)
- Disconnect and delete logs.
- Go to the File Server, copy the files, decrypt, disconnect and reply.
(You can delete any files currently present on the File Server)
Copying takes the most time here. Quite difficult missions, well not for
destroying that is. The Credits however, go fast up, hehehe.
7.8 Destroy System
Mission Descriptions:
- Elite agent required for destruction of a computer system.
Uplink Difficulty: 6/7
Lowest Uplink Rank: Skilled
Average Credits: $9000/$10000
Compromising system(s): Central Mainframes
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Voice Analyser
- Proxy/Firewall Bypass V5.0
Neuromancer: Up (Best)
Once you hacked the Mainframe and bypassed the security, go to the Console.
Type in:
- cd usr
- delete
- cd log
- delete
- cd sys
- delete (will take a while)
- shutdown
You don't have to wait for the other commands to be ready, you can type all
seven commands right after each other, and see the whole mainframe being
destroyed. Once the system is shutdown, you'll be disconnected, delete logs.
Go to the news, fast-forward 3 hours and reply.
7.9 Trace Hacker/Transfer
Mission Descriptions:
- Trace a hacker who recently broke into our systems.
- Trace an unauthorised money transfer.
Uplink Difficulty: Hacker: 7
Transfer: 9
Lowest Uplink Rank: Hacker: Experienced
Transfer: Professional
Average Credits: Hacker: $12000
Transfer: $16000
Compromising system(s): All (Starting at Central Mainframes/Banks)
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Voice Analyser
- Decypher V3.0
- Log Undeleter
- IP Lookup
- Proxy/(Monitor) Bypass V5.0
Neuromancer: Down
Go to the system that was compromised, hack until you're at the logs:
- Undelete the log that matches the time and date.
- IP Lookup the IP given.
- Now do the same at the system given by the IP Lookup.
- Go until you get to a Personal Computer, reply the mission with the name.
These missions have some notes to read carefully:
- If these missions are older then 6 hours or something, DON'T take them
anymore, the hacker has deleted his logs by now.
- For a Transfer, don't look at the Statements, but at the bank's logs. That's
the reason that with a "Make Donations" Mission you only have to delete the
- You can be the hacker they're talking about. In this case you're not able to
accept or contact the employer.
- If there isn't a log matching time and date, undelete all logs.
- If you want an easy way, see the mission "Mole???? (8.6)". Use the info you
need to steal there.
7.10 Make Donations
Mission Descriptions:
- Our Esteemed colleague wishes to make a donation.
Uplink Difficulty: 7
Lowest Uplink Rank: Experienced
Average Credits: $12000
Compromising system(s): International Banks
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Proxy/Monitor Bypass V5.0
Neuromancer: Down
Go to the target bank with quite a long connection. Bypass Monitor and Proxy,
both a must from now on. Hack the accountnumber given. Go to Transfer, and put
in all that is needed. Transfer the money and disconnect. Connect to InterNIC
while replying the mission, once a completion has returned, delete your logs.
Again some notes:
- As I mentioned at "Trace an unauthorised money transfer" missions, statements
don't have to be deleted.
- If you delete the InterNIC log before sending the mail, you'll have to
transfer again.
7.11 Removal
Mission Descriptions:
- Highly skilled agent required for removal job.
- Frame a user for computer crimes.
Uplink Difficulty: Removal: 7
Computer Crimes: 9
Lowest Uplink Rank: Removal: Knowledgeable
Computer Crimes: Uber-Skilled
Average Credits: Removal: $14000 - $18000 (Varies)
Computer Crimes: $19000
Compromising system(s): Global Criminal Database
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Decypher V3.0
- Proxy/Monitor Bypass V5.0
Neuromancer: Down
These are very, very easy. Hack the GCD, make sure you have a high connection.
Bypass Proxy and Monitor. Search for the name, now:
- Add 2 convictions (can be A and B if you want).
- Add something with Parole (only Parole is enough).
- Authorise Arrest.
- Disconnect.
Delete logs, fast-forward the news and reply the mission. You can do mutiple of
these at once. Computer Crimes is the same, because when you're arresting this
way, EVERYONE will be arrested for Computer Crimes.
7.12 Frame for bank/computer fraud
Mission Descriptions:
- Frame a user for destruction of data.
- Frame a man for bank fraud.
Uplink Difficulty: 9/10
Lowest Uplink Rank: Uber-Skilled
Average Credits: $21000
Compromising system(s): Banks, Internal Service Systems or Central Mainframes.
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Log Modifier V1.0
- Proxy/Firewall Bypass V5.0
(Decypher V3.0)
(Voice Analyser)
Neuromancer: Down (Worst)
These are both different, but also the same. I'll explain:
- Hack target system with about 5 bounces.
- Bypass Proxy/Firewall.
- Delete Files (Console, cd usr, delete)
- Disconnect, modify log at InterNIC with IP given.
- The same as above, only that you can stop after the first point. Hack the ID
Verification and Disconnect while doing it.
- Go to InterNIC and modify log with IP gives.
For both missions counts, fast-forward the news, reply the mission. Now some
notes for both missions:
- Don't make a too long bounce, has been my mistake for a long time.
- You can delete the logs after the arrest if you want a clean InterNIC.
8.0 Awards:
Storyline/Special Missions
This is the section what the whole game was about, the battle between ARC and
Arunmor. The story in small lines:
ARC is an evil organisation who wants to disable the Internet by spreading a
deadly virus, called Revelation. Arunmor, the counter-organisation, wants to
stop ARC in there path by producing the anti-virus software Faith. As time
continues, the goals of Arunmor aren't really trusted anymore, but the world
has no choice and must trust Arunmor in their ARC-defeating-power-taking
The missions will be devided by this summary:
Mission Type: Any Missions Type related to section 7. If it's a
different mission I'll state here "Other".
The mission description is quite big if it's an
"Other" mission, else it isn't.
Credits: How much credits the mission is worth.
Compromising system: Which system to hack.
Needed Software: Again just a reminder.
And again a full description.
Now, lets start with the storyline. Take position, get ready, GO!
8.1 Receive email from Agent
If you manage to follow the news in the first weeks of the game, you'll might
notice that the TopRank agent is working for ARC, but does not trust them.
Mostly on April 1st, you'll see a message that he died. A week later you'll
receive an email from him, stated that ARC cannot be trusted. Log-In at the
ARC Central Mainframe at least once to receive an email from ARC about a week
(Don't log in and your current game will skip the storyline)
8.2 Alternate Story Entry
There is another way to receive the ARC email:
Once the Hacker is dead, so BEFORE the email, write down the date and time he
died. Hack the ARC Central Mainframe and go to the logs, you'll see a "Copied
RevelationCore 0.7" log. The IP is unknown, but at the same someone has logged
on. Now make it a "Trace a Hacker" mission, undelete the logs and follow IP,
until you get to the Personal Computer. THIS IS THE ONLY PC YOU CAN CONNECT
TO. Break the Password (MySocratesNote, the password he gives you in the
email, that's why it didn't work at the ARC Central Mainframe), and you'll be
in his PC. It has a section "Filez" and "Emailz". "Emailz" will contain the
email he sents you after a week and one none important. "Filez", however,
will contain the RevelationCore0.7. How to activate the story in an other
way? Cancel the email, copy the Core and decrypt. ARC will sent you an email
about your incredible hack.
8.3 Receive email from ARC
So this can be two different ones. It doesn't matter anyway. Reply to the
email and you'll get your first ARC mission and Revelation V1.0. How can you
choose Arunmor? Slow-Forward until you get an Arunmor mail. This gets us to
the first Arunmor mission.
8.4 Arunmor
8.4.1: AWARD MISSION ARUNMOR 1: "Backfire"
Mission Type: Send file.
Credits: $15000
Compromising system: None
Needed Software: Revelation V1.0
The most easy one. Reply the Arunmor Mail with Revelation V1.0. Done.

8.4.2: AWARD MISSION ARUNMOR 2: "Tracer"

Mission Type: Upload file and run it.
Credits: $10000
Compromising system: ARC Internal Service System
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- File Copier
- Proxy/Firewall/Monitor Bypass V5.0
- RevelationTracer
(File Deleter)
This mission will come end April. Go to the Arunmor File Server and copy the
Tracer. Hack the ARC Internal Service System like you normally would, go to
File Server. Copy the Tracer in the Server, if there isn't any space, delete a
file. Go to the Console and type:
- cd usr
- run RevelationTracer
You'll get a bunch of messages in the console, but just disconenct. Delete
logs and reply to Arunmor.

8.4.3: AWARD MISSION ARUNMOR 3: "TakeMeToYourLeader"

Mission Type: Upload file and run it.
Credits: $30000
Compromising system: Arunmor Internal Service System
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- File Copier
- Proxy/Firewall/Monitor Bypass V5.0
- Revelation V1.0
(File Deleter)
This mission is almost exactly the same as the above, only now you need to hack
Arunmor itself, and run the virus Revelation itself. If you still have the copy
ARC sent you, use it, or else go to the File Server first. Reply the mission
instantly after the mission, not once the CEO is arrested.

8.4.4: AWARD MISSION ARUNMOR 4: "ARCInfiltration"

Mission Type: Steal mutiple files.
Credits: $30000
Compromising system: ARC Local Area Network
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Decypher V3.0
- Voice Analyser
- Decrypter V7.0
- File Copier
- LAN Scan/Spoof/Probe V3.0
- Proxy/Monitor Bypass V5.0
(File Deleter)
Just a basic copy a database mission. The ARC LAN will have Modem and
Transmitters, so you have to connect mutiple times. Take the ARC Admin Voice,
hack the Main Server and copy the 9 .dat files of 10Gqs (Revelation 0-8.dat).
Put them on the Arunmor File Server, delete anything in your way, Decrypt them.
Reply the email. It sounds easy, but this mission is quite annoying because
you have to hack a complete LAN.

8.4.5: AWARD MISSION ARUNMOR 5: FINAL: "CounterAttack"

Mission Type: Upload mutiple files and run them.
(Destroy System)
Credits: $50000
Compromising system: ARC Central Mainframe, mutiple Internal Service Systems
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Decypher V3.0
- Voice Analyser
- Proxy/Monitor Bypass V5.0
- File Copier/Deleter
- IP Lookup
- Faith V3.0 (<-- apperently)
- RevelationTracker
BEFORE the mission starts, would be around 20th of May, save your user.
Reconnect Uplink and make a connection with:
- InterNIC (1st)
- All Banks (2nd
- All Goverment Systems (3rd)
- Any File Server (4th)
Get a Voice Analyser ready with ARC the Admin, make sure the
ARC Internal Service System/Public Access Server and the ARC Central Mainframe
are on the World Map. Also, make sure a lot of Internal Service Systems are
on the map.
Now get ready for the Outbreak. Once it starts, go to the Arunmor File Server
and copy Faith and the RevelationTracker. Now load the connection and go to the
ARC Central Mainframe. Hack it and destroy it, by using the description at 7.8.
Now there will be no more Outbreaks. The mission follow-up:
- Go to the World Map and load the connection, try to connect to the Red Dots.
- If you can connect, go to the File Server of the system and copy Faith.
Delete anything in the way.
- Go to the Console and type:
- cd usr
- run Faith
- Disconnect and repeat the cycle.
If you can't connect to the system:
- Run RevelationTracker.
- IP Lookup the IP.
- Look on the World Map if it's a Internal System, otherwise let it spread.
Now Revelation will come to its end. Sometimes, with around 3 infections left,
Revelation will disappear by Arunmor Employers. Once it's gone delete all of
the routed logs. Leave your Motion Sensor open, you might never no what would
happen. Many see the hacking of the ARC CM as a secondary objective, but it
makes it much easier. Some other Hints & Tips:
- Don't hack other systems then Internal Service Systems. That's why it should
spread from higher systems. It takes way too much time to hack those.
- Sometimes Uplink crashes in this mission. You can't avoid it. Some say you
should not leave the IP Lookup open on the Full Screen World Map.
- If there are only one or two high security systems infected, don't waste
time and clear your logs at InterNIC for later.
Congratulations, ARC has been defeated. Follow the news to see the story end,
sometimes you must nuke your Gateway because of all the hacking and less time
to clear the logs. Now you've 5 of the Awards.
8.5 ARC
Some notes on ARC:
- Proceeding with ARC makes your Agent unavailable after the story, either
you or the Internet is disavowed.
- While proceeding with ARC, the second, third and fourth or the Arunmor
missions will be at the mission screen with always an Uplink Difficulty of
10. Can't be Auto-Accepted.
- The last mission is very difficult, I managed to make it twice, with an
unfailable strategy now.
8.5.1: AWARD MISSION ARC 1: "MaidenFlight"
Mission Type: Upload file and run it.
Credits: $10000
Compromising system: Arunmor Internal Service System
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- File Copier
- Proxy/Firewall/Monitor Bypass V5.0
- Revelation V1.0
(File Deleter)
See Arunmor Mission 3, 8.4.3.

8.5.2: AWARD MISSION ARC 2: "Darwin"

Mission Type: Steal mutiple files.
Credits: $15000
Compromising system: Darwin Local Area Network
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Decypher V3.0
- Voice Analyser
- Decrypter V7.0
- File Copier
- LAN Scan/Spoof/Probe V3.0
- Proxy/Monitor Bypass V5.0
(File Deleter)
See Arunmor Mission 4, 8.4.4. With a few differences of course:
- It's the Darwin LAN, not ARC.
- The files are called: Darw-DARWIN 0-8.dat, not Revelation 0-8.dat.
- It's the ARC File Server, not Arunmor.

8.5.3: AWARD MISSION ARC 3: "SaveItForTheJury"

Mission Type: Frame for bank fraud.
Credits: $20000
Compromising system: One Bank
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Log Modifier V1.0
(File Deleter)
Just a basic Frame mission. Go to the target bank with a few bounces, hack it
and disconnect. Go to InterNIC and modify the log with the Arunmor Technical
Director's IP. Reply the mission, MUST be done before he's arrested.
8.5.4: AWARD MISSION ARC 4: "SkinnyHammer"
Mission Type: Destroy Mutiple Files and System.
Credits: $30000
Compromising system: Arunmor Local Area Network
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Voice Analyser
- Decypher V3.0
- Proxy/Firewall/Monitor Bypass V5.0
This would be a normal destroy mission, if you had the target in your links.
To get the Arunmor LAN in your links, first hack the Internal Service System
and at the link to your links. Now hack the LAN and destroy all files. There
seems to be only one way to destroy the LAN, once the files are gone, copy
Revelation, and run it. Reply to ARC before it's in the news.

8.5.5: AWARD MISSION ARC 5: FINAL: "GrandTour"

Mission Type: Upload mutiple files and run them.
Credits: $50000 (*)
Compromising system: Mutiple Internal Service Systems
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- File Copier/Deleter
- Proxy/Firewall/Monitor Bypass V5.0
- Revelation V3.0 (<-- apperently)
(*): Money is only added to your score. You can't use it.
This is the same mission as Arunmor's last mission, only you're on the other
BEFORE the mission starts, would be around 20th of May, save your user.
Reconnect Uplink and make a connection with:
- InterNIC (1st)
- All Banks (2nd
- All Goverment Systems (3rd)
- Any File Server (4th)
The same as "CounterAttack". Now:
- Get a lot of Internal Service Systems in your links.
Get ready for the mission. Once it starts, start copying for about 10
Revelation V3.0. Once done, repeat this:
- Go to the World Map and load the connection.
- Connect to random Internal Service Systems.
- Bypass Firewall if present.
- Copy Revelation in the File Server. Delete any file if there is no space.
- Disconnect.
- Repeat for 10 - 15 systems.
That will take for about 5 minutes, now:
- Reconnect to one of the "pre-hacked" systems.
- If things are right, you can still login with the previous password.
- Bypass Proxy with 2 or 3 security, Monitor with 1 (for some reason, if you
don't bypass the Monitor if it's the only security, Revelation won't be
- Run Revelation.
- Repeat on all pre-hacked systems.
Now, with about 15 systems hacked almost at once, Arunmor can't stop it
anymore. If you want, fast-forward.
Congratulations, you destroyed the Internet. You saboteur :). If done things
right, you can have 10 Awards if playing with ARC:
- All ARC.
- Missions 2/3/4 of Arunmor.
- 2 Special Missions.
(If was once said, that you can have 11 Awards, all except "CounterAttack",
"Backfire" could be done after infecting the Arunmor ISS, but I was still
called a traitor when doing that :D).
8.6 Mole????
Mission Type: Steal mutiple files.
Credits: $50000 (*)
Compromising system: Uplink Internal Service Systems
Needed Software: - Password Breaker
- Decypher V3.0
- File Copier
- Proxy/Firewall/Monitor V5.0
(File Deleter)
(*): You won't get all, see below.
Be a mole in your own community. Bypass all security and hack the Uplink
Internal Service System as a normal Internal Service System. Go to the Admin
section and use the Decypher. Now copy the Uplink Agents List to your memory
and all UplinkAgents X.dat files (notice that 4 isn't there). Decrypt the
files. Delete logs. Fast-forward TWO WEEKS ! and receive an email from a random
company, and the link to there File Server. Copy all files to the File Server.
Reply mission. If your Neuromancer was high it will drop VERY HARD now. Receive
$45800, because the 4.dat wasn't there (it contains your info, and you don't
have a real name).

8.6 Wargames????
Mission Type: Blow up cities (???????).
Credits: $0
Compromising system: Protovision Game Server
Needed Software: The password to the Game Server
Just connect directly to the server. The password is the password from a
movie that has the same name as the mission. When you didn't see the movie:
Password: Joshua
Go to Games, and go to the only link possible there, Wargames. Click on a
single city and the Award will be yours.
9.0 Secrets/Easter-Eggs/Glitches
This section explains all cheats, secrets and weird things in Uplink.
9.1 TooManySecrets/CharlieBean
In Uplink Version 1.0 to 1.2 you could use Cheats.
Type as Agent Name: TooManySecrets. Now within the game you can activate some
cheats by pressing F1. This involves:
- go to the next rank.
- all links.
- and more.
In neott's FBI Mod this is still available by using the name CharlieBean.
9.2 Introversion Software
The creators of the game. They state futures for Uplink here. This one isn't
at InterNIC. I'll give two very easy hints to a number:
- The Uplink ISS its first IP number.
- Your Gateway's first IP number +1.
Use IP Lookup and use that number four times.
9.3 Protovision Game Server
See the mission "Wargames????".
9.4 Steve Jackson's Game Server
This site was seized, IN REAL LIFE, because they were making a hacking guide.
This wasn't true, it was for such a game as Uplink. If you connect to this
server you'll be told that your IP has been logged, but nothing will happen.
9.5 Meet the Makers
See some weird confessions here. I'll give two hints:
- Game Over isn't so bad.
- Saw "The Net"? Search for that little icon.
9.6 Gamebible
I only heard about this, the diary of a hacker or something. I got the game
from someone, so I can't help with it.
10.0 Bank Hacking
1.0 Table of Contents
Bank Hacking 10.0
Table of Contents 1.0
Requirements 2.0
Critical 2.1
Optional 2.2
Pre-Hacking 3.0
Getting high account 3.1
"High Transfer" mission 3.1.1
Hacking the bank's admin account 3.1.2
Create your own account 3.2
Safe user/Create connection 3.3
Transfer Money 4.0
Internal and External Tracing 4.1
Transfer + Delete statements + Delete routed log 4.2
Getting caught or not 4.3
Hacking complete bank at once 4.4
FAQ's 5.0
2.0 Requirements
2.1 Critical Requirements
Name Version Money
Connection HUD Analysis = N/A $20000
Monitor Bypass = 5.0 $25000
Proxy Bypass = 5.0 $20000
Password Breaker = N/A $ 1500
Log Deleter = 4.0 $ 4000
Total = N/A $70500
2.2 Optional Requirements
You need these if you're planning to hack the bank's admin, instead of
using the Transfer Mission.
Name Version Money
Decypher 3.0 $ 8000
Voice Analyser N/A $ 5000
Total = N/A $13000
3.0 Pre-Hacking
From this point you will be confronted with long connection or single
- Single connection:
I mentioned nothing about the connection, you can connect directly from
your IP to the target, no log deletion.
- Long connection:
This is from your account to InterNIC, through another 20 locations and
finally towards the target. After the required hacking has been done,
delete your Logs at InterNIC, check the FAQ's (6.0) why this is
InterNIC. I will write a long connection as:
BUALC: "by using a long connection"
3.1 Getting high account
First you need to have an account which is worth the money. For this you've
two options:
- A mission called: "We need an experienced hacker to trace a high balance
- Or hacking the bank's admin and check all the accounts on that bank.


This is IMO the easiest way to get an account with much money, because you
only have to hack password security. Go to the mission list and accept this
kind of mission. Now:
1. Go to the account's bank listed in the mission, BUALC.
2. Use Monitor Bypass.
3. Now go to "Manage existing account", type the account number, hack the
4. Look at "Statement", from the last transfer, mail the IP and accountnr to
5. Delete Logs at InterNIC.
6. Go to the IP bank, BUALC (either use IP Lookup or just go past every bank,
8 in total).
7. Do the second and third step again, but now for this bank and account.
8. If you want, complete the mission by sending the name.
9. Accountnr. and password will still be active at target bank.
10.Delete Logs again.
A more difficult way, which could result in mutiple high money accounts, or
1. Go to the public access server of the target bank, put the telephone
no. of the Administrator in your links.
2. Call him, use Voice Analyser.
3. Go to the target bank, BUALC.
4. Go to admin, monitor bypass.
5. Break password, use voice and decypher the code.
6. Put in a mail every accountnr. and password, send it.
7. Delete Logs at InterNIC.
8. Return to the bank, not BUALC.
9. Use every account, check their balance. 200000 or above will be enough.
10.Mail the accountnr. and password again. If there aren't any high
accounts, that's too bad.
11.One note here though, you should check their statements too. When they
transfered a high amount, use that account and IP given.
3.2 Create your own account
Go to the target bank, create your own. This makes the process a lot easier.
Now the last mail:
- Accountnr.
- Bank IP
- Amount (either use all, or the amount stated in the "Transfer mission"
to make it easier)
Used THE BANK'S ADMIN, also put:
- Target accountnr.
- Target password.
3.3 Save user/Create connection
Backup your save:
- Outside the game, go to user, your name.
- Copy ALL 3 files to another directory, your name, options and debug file.
- Restart game.
Create BUALC connection to the target bank, save it.
4.0 Transfer Money
Now for the real job. Chances that you're getting caught are high even if
you're fast. To prepare enough, read every step before doing the transfer.
This can be done one by one:
- Load the connection.
- Go to the target account.
- Go to "Transfer"
- Put in all that's needed (target bank IP, your accountnr and amount).
- Bypass Proxy and Monitor.
- Open the Log Deleter at most speed.
4.1 Internal and External Tracing
You might want to ask yourself, why do I have to be so fast? Well that's
like this:
- Because of the Monitor Bypass, you don't have an Internal Trace. This
is the one with the Trace Tracker.
- However, once you transfer, an External Trace will be started towards
your account. The game will go from system to system inside your Long
Connection, from Log to Log, until they find your account. The feds are
send, and you're down.
That's the whole point behind it.
4.2 Transfer + Delete statements
+ Delete Logs
You'll be caught within a minute! Does this mean you've a minute? No,
you've around 20 - 30 seconds to delete the statements and logs, because the
game found you within a minute, but the feds need to arrive :D.
The exact hacking:
- Transfer the money, press OK. If it failed will be clear once you want to
delete your statement, you haven't any yet.
- Go to the statements, delete the most upper statement.
- Go to your account, delete the statement.
- Go to InterNIC, use password, open log deleter, delete the routed log.
- Disconnect.
Now use the "per minute time", the second in the menu above in your screen.
4.3 Getting caught or not
This is a simple notification. If your screen goes black, you failed. You'll
be notified that you're account has been seized and you can't continue. Copy
your save. But, if you receive message, this will be from Uplink, you raised
about 6 Uplink levels! Congratulations, you hacked without fail. What is most
important for your caught: the statements. That gets us to the next and last
4.4 Hacking complete bank at once
Huh??? That isn't possible! Yes, it is. For this you can best use the BANK'S
ADMIN trick. Get all accounts from a bank (mail them, password and account),
create one of your own and connect BUALC to the bank and bypass systems.
- Connect to first account.
- Look how much money, go to Transfer and fill it all in.
- Transfer, delete both statements.
- Connect to second account....
- So on....
- Transfer and delete statements from last account.
- Go to InterNIC and delete the single routed log.
If not yet, this will get you to either Techno-Mage or TERMINAL.
5.0 FAQ's
Q: I'm getting caught every time.
A: The most known FAQ about this. You're just not fast enough, or doing a step
wrong. Both happen frequently, that is. By reading 5.3 and 5.4 you can see
that the most dangerous "logs" are the statements. Transfer, go immediatly
to statements and delete, do so at your account and if you're only hacking
one account, delete routed log at InterNIC.
Q: Why should I use InterNIC? I always use the Uplink Test Machine.
A: Three reasons for and one against it:
- InterNIC doesn't need the "admin" to be writtten in the
Admin section.
- The password is always the same with your user. But, when logged in on
another user it will be different.
- You're not traced internal AND external, so you can make a direct
If you really want to use the Test Machine, this is why:
- No matter what user, the password is always "Rosebud"
Q: What should I do with the money?
A: Buy yourself all equipment (best gateway etc.) and bying all software
(except for the disablers, you already have bypass).

Q: My game has no accounts with much money, I checked every bank. What shoud
I do?
A: Too bad then, you can't do anything about it. You can still use the
hacking trick to gain experience, but no money. Not much that is.

Q: When I'm hacking all accounts on a bank, I just caught in the middle of
transferring. How is it possible?
A: This means you deleted one of your previous statements too late. No matter
what you did (deleted routed log, etc.), you would always be caught.

Q: I hacked all accounts by using the "Hacking complete bank at once" trick.
Will they return with money on it?
A: I cannot verify this completely. After going fast forward for at least a
Month, only the Uplink Fees where payed. Most accounts I hacked gave -300,
One another obvious thing, all of the transfers occured, BEFORE you started
your game. I don't think they return, maybe for the "Transfer Mission", but
I doubt it.

Q: Can I use Disable instead of Bypass?

A: Of course it's possible. But, the chances are even more lower if you do
Chances of succeeding will be too low. This because of two things:
- You'll be traced inside the bank before Transfering.
_ The External trace will begin faster.

Q: Isn't this cheating?

A: Not to me. It's a in-game based trick, which can be used to complete the
game easier. If you don't want to use it and play the storyline without
it, that's up to you. But then you shouldn't be reading this Guide.

Q: After a fail, how do I restore a save?

A: Copy the three files back to the users file and overwrite.

Q: Did you fail many times?

A: Yeah, and I still do. It just calls speed and good reflexes. Chances of
failing are the best they should be. High, but it's possible to succeed a
hacking attempt.
This was the whole Walkthrough. I hope you needed it. You can mail me anytime,
if it's for the guide or my Gateway, it doesn't matter. Cya later!
11.0 Credits
- I thank Introversion for creating the game, and publishing it in Europe.
- I thank GameFAQs for posting.
- I thank Christoffer C. for notifying me of the LAN_Scan --> LAN_Force
- I thank GF User Alex for notifying me on two dirty mistakes:
- readwrite/only accounts have no detection with a Monitor Bypass.
- Elliptic-Curve Encryption Cyphers have no detection with a Monitor Bypass.
If there are any questions, improvements, additional info or info I forgot,
get in this list my mailing me at:
Yours truly,
Arno "TheaN" Middelkoop

Uplink: Hacker Elite: FAQ/Walkthrough by TheaN

Version 1.60, Last Updated 2006-10-02 View/Download Original File
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