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ELT Lesson plan template

Teacher Observer Level Date Length of lesson TP #

Class Profile

Teaching point: (what you will be working on in Target language items: (examples of TL)
terms of language / skills)

Context to use in teaching

Main lesson aims: (What you hope the learners will achieve or be able to do better after your lesson)

Subsidiary lesson aims: (Additional to the main aim (s) but not as important )

Evidence: (How you will know that your aims have been achieved)

ELT Lesson plan template
Personal Goals: (What you are trying to improve in your own skills as a teacher)

Assumptions: (What the students already know or can do)

Anticipated problems and solutions for these problems (Language, activities, materials, aids)

Materials / Teaching Aids used:

ELT Lesson plan template

Time Stage and Aims Procedure Interaction Observer comments


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