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English 8 Honors Name _________________________________

Independent Response: Reading “One-Pager” Due _______________ Class Period ________


Title of book _________________________________Author ____________________________________

Genre ___________________________________ Book Rating

I. Write a one to two sentence plot summary of your novel.





II. Complete four ACTIVE reading responses Your responses should be in complete sentences and must
include textual evidence and/or background knowledge to support your own thoughts about your novel.
Entries must be written chronologically.

Pages read & Reader Response & Reflection

pp. 1.

pp. 2.

Adapted from Readicide by Kelly Gallagher, © 2009.

English 8 Honors Name _________________________________
Independent Response: Reading “One-Pager” Due _______________ Class Period ________

pp 3.

pp. 4.

III. Identify and explain the central conflict of the story. Use textual evidence to support your explanation.
Remember to include the key plot stages (such as initiating event, climax, etc) to prove your understanding
of the story’s central conflict.

IV. Identify and explain the point of view of the story. Your response must include the correct type of point
of view used in the story and supporting textual evidence as proof.

Adapted from Readicide by Kelly Gallagher, © 2009.

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