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3G2 2010 : Apocalyptic Seed Vault

Michael Senkow, 3G2 2010

Plans 3D Model Studies

Michael Senkow, 3G2 2010

7200 sf on 2nd floor
2400 for classrooms(4)
2400 for specific research
2400 for Private Research(2)

Research Path Storage/Bathroom

Protected Semi-pub Public

7200 sf on 2nd floor (inside)

1100 more inside/outside
2400 for admin
2400 for Private Research(2)
1500 Temporary Display
2000 for perm display
(900 inside, 1100 outside)


Michael Senkow, 3G2 2010

Site-Op Diagram

Trellises could either take on the form of a set grid or grown over a convaluted surface.
Dimensions: Medium, 4-10’ width x 4-10’ height for set trellises varible for convoluted trellises
Materials: Metal bar trellis implanted in a concrete trough filled with the growing medium
Specific Benefits of Green Facades
Thermal protection, pollutant mitigation, and suface protection

¤ Dramatically reduce the maximum temperature of a building

with fluctuations being reduced by as much as 50%

¤ This is related to the total surface area covered, not the thick-
ness of the planting, so thinner vine covers can be used in less
structurally supported regions

¤ Evergreen climbers on non-windowed walls can also reduce

heatloss due to wind chill
P. tricuspidata or Japanese Creeper is an effective pollut-
ant comber, removing 4 grams of dust per square meter in ¤ Plantings can also provide effective traps for dusts, thereby
a growing season.
removing harmful pollutants from the air

¤ Being a living material, plantings can regenerate when harmed

by ultraviolet radiation, heavy rainfall, or hail. They’ll protect the
Bathroom underlying surface from the brunt of the force

Hedera Helix or English Ivy provides one of the best wind ¤ The wall of foliage will also provide an effective audio damper
insulators, in regards to a vine growing wall cover.


ARCH 589
System Research
Michael Senkow
Vertical Plantings, Vertical Gardens
A section of the overlying skin will have the glass left removed in the SouthEastern section of the site. The Green Facades
Fallopia baldschuanica is a hardy large leafed plant that

Fall 2010
laticework of the metal grid will provide an effective support structure.
can provide an effective noise damper. Care shoudl be
taken though since the heavy growth can become to much
Geoffrey Thun
for a lightly built structure.
Site Operations

Michael Senkow, 3G2 2010

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