Laodicea and The Great Falling Away

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I copied the above image several years ago from a website that
exposes mega preachers, referring to them as "pulpit pimps," thus
the mockery of the pimp clothing. I recognize 4 out of 5: Fred
Price, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, and Kenneth Copeland. I personally
no longer focus on individuals, as the prosperity gospel and other
false doctrines pre-date mega men and women of
today. Mega ministers are simply reaping the seeds planted by
their predecessors, and I don't mean ONLY money! Popular
evangelists are merely instruments of "the Great Falling Away"
that began more than a century ago.


MY 5TH BOOK, Allow me to share with you a rule of thumb that
CLICK THE BOOKCOVER should help you to cut through layers of
confusion. Any time you see a crowd of people
BUY NOW! who profess to be Christian, you need to be
both hesitant and watchful. Why? There is a
very simple answer that came directly from the
Lord. The way to salvation is narrow and FEW
there be that find it. The way to damnation is
broad. Many travel on the broad way because
people generally follow the crowd. To their
THE FOLLOWING VIDEO CLIP detriment, the crowd is usually going in the
IS A GOOD ONE ON wrong spiritual direction. Simple. Very simple.
SPEAKING IN TONGUES. We need to be weary of the crowd or what is

surnamed "mega".
TO VIEW IT. If you think as I once did, you have reasoned in
your mind that the great falling away is an
event where people overtly deny the Lord and
actually leave the Christian faith and become
either atheists or members of another religion.
My point of view has changed once the Lord
opened my eyes to really SEE the truth. I
suspect that we are at the end of the age of the
great falling away, because it began more than
a century ago. Those who have fallen away
have NOT literally "left" the organized church.
Their apostasy is that they are following those
who have either added to or detracted from the

For example, those who believe that the

prosperity gospel as it is preached by "the
megas" is the truth, they ALL are among "the
great fallen away." Then there are those who
exhort people to repeat a sinner's prayer and
walk an aisle as an indication that they have
"accepted and chosen Jesus." They comprise
the bulk of the great falling away. Picture
in your mind those long lines of what appeared
to be Christian converts on the televised Billy
Graham crusades and you will begin to see in
your minds eye the magnitude of the problem.

Add to the "I ACCEPT JESUS" crowd, those

who abide by the Pentecostal teaching that the
evidence of salvation is that you speak in
tongues. Then picture in your mind's eye
the broad way of those crowded lines as they
spread wider and deeper on all sides of those
who are among "the great fallen away."

Then multiply each line by over 100 years.

If you can catch my drift, then your jaw should

be dropped right now as you come to terms
with the evidence that the great falling away has
already happened. Far too numerous to
count are professing "Christian" followers of
those who have added to or detracted from the

gospel of Jesus Christ. They have already
"departed from the faith and given heed to
doctrines of devils."

If you have been watching and observing

religious practices for more than 3 decades as I
have, once the Holy Ghost opens your eyes,
it will not be difficult for you to figure out that
we are in the last of the last days of the 7th
church age that the Lord Himself symbolized
and surnamed "Laodicea." In my 4th book, "the
Fake Jesus," church history 101 is presented in
a way to cause the average layman to see and
understand "what's been goin on."

The deception of principalities and powers---

fallen angels who do Satan's bidding---began
with several key targets most of whom were
born in the late 19th century and died in the
early 20th century: Joseph Smith (1805-1844),
the founder of the Mormons, Charles Parham
(1873-1929), the founder of Caucasian
Pentecostalism, William Seymore (1870-1922),
the founder of African American Pentecostalism
and Marie Woodworth Etter (1844-1924) the
forerunner of the revival movement.

Certainly there were several other key players.

However, I see a special connection between
these 4. In the last century, speaking with other
tongues was and yet remains a crucial
component of Satan's overall agenda. When
millions simultaneously speak in unknown
languages for which there is no interpretation,
only God, the devil, angels and demons know
what is being said.

Consequently, with counterfeit tongues, the

enemy is in a position of power to use ignorant
Christians to speak curses and plagues upon
themselves, their families, their neighbors and
their nation---- because "their minds remain
unfruitful and they haven't a clue as to what
they have spoken that has justified a demonic
attack." The foolish believer thinks he is
magnifying God when he is actually giving

authority and power to the enemy to use
against God's people.

Furthermore, tongues is a doorway for demons

to enter into human flesh. Since the tongue
talker passively allows his or her mind to enter
into a passivity, speaking in tongues causes
Christians unknowingly to enter into an altered
state of consciousness. Under such
circumstances, spirit entities are provided an
opportunity to torment, oppress and even
possess ANYONE whose consciousness has
been altered by practices like transcendental
meditation, yoga, chanting, hypnosis, drugs
and the like.

Simply put, the enemy used Joseph Smith, a

19th century religious leader to get the ball
rolling on tongues. Most charismatic,
Pentecostal Christians are aware of the fact that
Joseph Smith was a false prophet who denied
the divinity of the Lord Jesus in more ways than
one. What they are unaware of is that this
heretic was the first to advocate tongues in the
organized church. Let us also not forget that
none of the elect spoke in tongues for 18

Smith believed that tongues opens the door to

visions and revelations and he was certainly
correct. After all, it was demonically inspired
visions and dreams that led him to write the
book of Mormon. Without a doubt, the source
of those very signs was Satan and not God. As
a result, these very supernatural revelations
caused Smith to "add to and detract from the
gospel of Jesus Christ" and so as Paul warned,
Joseph Smith opened the door wide to demonic
curses and plagues to enter into the fold of

You know I'm right when you consider that

Joseph Smith also preached that Jesus is the
brother of Satan, an elder brother of all people
on this planet. Mormons teach that Jesus was
born on an unnamed planet through God the

Father having sex with one of His many wives.
Regarding the Lord, Smith contended that
Jesus is merely one of many gods over his own
planet with many wives making spirit babies.
This is sheer blasphemy!!!

Yet Smith "spoke in tongues."

Since the fruit does not fall far from the tree,
when we consider that Joseph Smith is the first
American to proclaim tongues, then isn't it
obvious? As Jesus declared, an evil tree
cannot bring forth good fruit. If tongues began
as a counterfeit, then it remains a counterfeit

Born the year that Joseph Smith died, Marie

Woodworth Etter began speaking in tongues in
her revival/evangelistic meetings, also known
for healing, trances and visions. Etter was one
of the first mega preachers to conduct tent
revivals. Called "the Voodoo Priestess" by her
critics, she preached regularly for the Mormons,
the religion founded by the first tongues
advocate, Joseph Smith. Etter seems to also
be the preacher who started the phenomena
known today as "slain in the spirit."

Though 30 years younger than Etter, Charles

Parham was one of her contemporaries. An
extremely controversial figure, in my research I
found that Parham was known to be a
homosexual, a racist and a freemason. He was
actually arrested for lewdness in a public place
as he attempted to solicit sex from men. In
regards to tongues, in the fall of 1900, after
leading his students through a series of Bible
studies on repentance, justification by faith,
sanctification and healing, Parham also
instructed them on the baptism of the Holy
Ghost. By the end of December, they were
prepared to encounter the day of Pentecost in a
new way.

After the revival commenced on New Years Day,

Parham announced that the students had

spoken many languages. He himself claimed
he had received the capability of preaching in
German and Swedish. Then on January 1, 1901,
a Parham student by the name of Agnes Ozman
spoke in a tongue that sounded like Chinese,
though never actually verified. Ozman is
considered to be the first Pentecostal person to
ever speak in tongues. The problem with her
"gift" is that she spoke non stop for 3 days in
Chinese, actually physically unable to speak in
English until "she was released to do so.

Sounds like the devil to me.

Yet another of Parham's students, William

Seymore went to Los Angeles and taught about
tongues in a warehouse on Azusa street. On
4/4/1906, a revival began and thousands of
people came to 312 Azusa to receive the
baptism in the Holy Ghost, a revival that lasted
from 1906-1913.

I consider 1/1/1901 as the first day of the

Laodicean age, with Agnes Ozman's speaking
in tongues. Yet I mark this day also,--- 4/4/1906
---as the actual beginning of the 7th church
age, ---the age of spiritual deception on a much
grander scale than Parham's modest beginning.
In fact, Parham and Seymore struggled with
each other as to which one of them was the
actual father of Pentecostalism. Racism played
a prominent role in the debate. Though one of
Parham's students, Seymore was segregated
from the white students in Parham's
classroom. However, it is alleged that Seymore
got the goods on Parham's sexual
indiscretions, causing Parham to reluctantly
surrender in their divisive rivalry for

Regardless of which man is the actual founder,

Pentecostals and word of faith believers mark
Azusa Street as the genuine start of the
meteoric rise of their respective movements.
On the contrary, I perceive Azusa Street as an
even greater deception than the tower of Babel,

when God confounded the people and caused
each to speak in a language that could not be
understood by others. Satan has certainly
rewritten the script, causing some Pentecostals
to teach that only those who speak in tongues
are saved. Tongues also widens the road to
"the great falling away."

So your question is an obvious one. Is the true

and godly gift of tongues operative in our
generation? I would have to say that I do not
believe so. Certainly the fact that a
counterfeit has prominently surfaced does not
mean that God does not have a genuine
article to be used to fulfill a future purpose.
God's purpose for tongues in the first
century church was the fact that in just one
community, 17 different languages were
spoken. Tongues was important so that
everyone could hear the gospel in his own
native language.

In America, practically everyone speaks

English with a minority of the population can
only speak Spanish. Yet there are sufficient
numbers of bilingually capable translators that
override a need for supernatural utterances
and interpretations of Spanish. Actually the
issue is moot. The gospel of Jesus Christ has
been preached in America, in fact, I don't
suspect that there is a place on earth where the
Lord has not been proclaimed.

I spoke in tongues for 25 years. I could open up

my mouth and a language rolled out like flowing
water. I could speak in tongues for hours. Yet,
I know that the tongues that I spoke were NOT

You ask me "Pam, how do you know

that?!!!" Well, there was a time that I threw
away my commonsense like a baby with the
bath water so I could "walk in the spirit."
However, once I was undeceived, my
commonsense came flooding back to me.

So I'll now ask YOU a question. "If you asked
God for 25 years to give you an interpretation
of your gift of tongues and He never answered
that prayer, what would that suggest to YOU?"
What it suggests to me is that since God is NOT
the author of the tongue I spoke, He could not
answer such a prayer.

The second reason that I know that the tongue I

spoke was a counterfeit is because of what
happened when I willed myself to stop uttering
an unknown tongue. On a very miniscule scale
in comparison with the first Pentecostal tongue
talker Agnes Ozman, I too felt the pressure or
the compulsion to do so, something that I had
never felt before.

God does not FORCE His people to do

anything. Since I refuse to speak in tongues
anymore, the Gentleman that the Holy Ghost is
would not compel me to do so. Every once in
awhile, a syllable will un-expectedly try to
push itself out of my mouth and I have to take
every bit of my strength to restrain it. And I am
successful at holding it back but not without
some effort on my part.

Every one of God's people have been deceived

in the age of Laodicea simply because God
Himself has released the strong delusion that
the Apostle Paul predicted to the Thessalonian
believers would be indicative of endtimes. If
YOU think that YOU have not been deceived,
then YOU have been deceived already! The
sooner we are willing to face the truth, the
sooner the Holy Ghost will be released to
"undeceive us." We live in an age of spiritual
blindness. Jesus warns His people to buy gold
from Him that has been refined in the fire as
evidence of our repentance. To be refined in the
fires of God is first sparked by our willingness
to burn our idols.





It was my hope to release the New Idolatry by Dec. 31.

With only 11 day left in the month and the final chapter
yet un-written, it is NOT going to happen. So I am
setting Feb. 1, 2011 as the release date.
Here is an excerpt:

"Other Evidences of the Great Falling Away."

It was a century ago that the seeds of

charismatic witchcraft as manifested today
were originally planted in the early 20th century.
No different in the early 1900’s, the movement
emphasized supernatural manifestations,
spectacular crowds in the midst of deception,
delusion and confusion. The speaking in
tongues came to the forefront through the
ministries of two men, considered the fathers of
Caucasian and African American
Pentecostalism: Charles Parham of Topeka,
Kansas, and Parham’s black student, William
Seymore. Seymore is credited as the leader of
the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles while
Parham is the first to teach that tongues is the
initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy
Ghost, a dangerous false doctrine that has
filtered through the charismatic/Pentecostal
religion for more than a century.

A contemporary of both Parham and Seymore,

Jessie Penn Lewis, a prominent leader of the
Welsh revival, warned about this false doctrine

in her book, “Soul and Spirit”, ---a warning that
was clearly ignored both yesterday and today:”

“Again, in connection with the seeking of

‘manifestations’ as an evidence of a believer
having received the ‘baptism of the Spirit,’
methods have been used to bring these about,
that synchronize with methods of mesmerism,
and thus counterfeits have broken into the true
Church of Christ. In other cases, believers have
had a true influx of the Holy Spirit into their
human spirit, and then through ignorance, they
have developed the psychic power latent in the
human frame, and brought about mixture in
their own life and service for God, eg. If a
chorus is sung over and over again, they can
bring a meeting into a psychic condition, when
those present become incapable of intelligent
thinking, or any decisive action of will. Thus, on
a floodtide of psychic force in the world today,
the demons are carrying out their plans and
purposes. ”

Other charismatic leaders passed the baton

from one decade to another, introducing an
ever-increasing plethora of esoteric teachings
in what is labeled as “moves of God”. By the
1970’s, authoritarianism was widespread
through the predominant influence of what is
referred to as the Shepherding/Discipleship

The domination and control of the sheep for the

hidden motive of self aggrandizement of
various church leaders paved the way to the
suppression of God’s people through the
teaching called “spiritual covering” and the rise
of what is called the Apostolic Movement.
Connected to the “fivefold ministry” teaching
which dictates the ultimate power of the
apostles over the other ministry gifts and the
church at large, charismatic witchcraft
presupposes that apostles and bishops have
the power to provide what is referred to as
“spiritual covering” to all ministers and all
church members.

Implicit to spiritual covering is the false
teaching that God’s people cannot trust their
own spiritual discernment or judgment for even
the most mundane issues of life, defying the
scripture where the Apostle John wrote that we
all have an unction from the Holy Ghost, and as
such, we need no man to teach us. ( )

Consequently, domination, manipulation and

control are intrinsically built into charismatic
oversight---an open door for the sheep to be
spiritually abused in their dependent reliance
upon obtaining permission from appointed
elders about practically every aspect of their

“The abuse and exploitation occurring in

groups where these hyper-authoritarian
systems of governance are instituted come in
various shapes and shades. In a nutshell, the
‘dumb sheep’ are taught they cannot trust their
own judgment or ability to receive direction
from the Lord for even the most mundane
decisions of their lives, but rely instead upon
the supposed transcendent wisdom and
superior spirituality of their human

Typically, submitants must obtain the approval

of their group gurus for virtually all domestic
matters and decisions; matters of romance,
such as who members date and marry; health
and insurance matters, employment and career
matters, and most of all, regarding every detail
of members’ personal finances, which requires
their leaders’ approval for practically every
significant expenditure.”

Passivity and Charismatic Witchcraft

The passive condition of a churchgoer is when

he or she becomes like a puppet, a robot, even
a machine. Passivity can be obtained by a
wrong interpretation of scripture. For example,

consider a Christian woman who takes the
scriptures that say she must “submit to her
husband” which lead her to passively accept
persistent battery from her husband’s fists
because she believes also that because the
bible says that God hates divorce, she has no
other choice but to submit to her husband's
every wish and demand, regardless of how
demoralizing or revolting.

Some passive Christians are like helpless

zombies, unable to take corrective action where
necessary. On the charismatic side, good
people have been deceived into accepting all
things supernatural as “of the Lord" and
consequently, they have made “a voice from
God’ as the deciding factor in every matter,
both trivial and important. Passive believers
have also suppressed their personalities to
such an extent that they can’t distinguish their
own persona from the demonic influences that
bind them.

Dominion Theology

Yet another heresy crucial to the emergence of

a spiritual humanism component of Charismatic
Witchcraft is “Dominion Theology.” Crossing
several lines with diversified applications, one
central endtimes related issue is dominion
theology’s supposition that Jesus Christ cannot
or will not come back to earth until the
organized charismatic church has taken control
of the earth’s political and social institutions.
Strongly connected to New Age thought,
Charismatics teach that man’s self actualization
is his personal pursuit of freedom in his
progressive attainment of his own personal
state of Christ like divinity. In other words, if we
all develop our “Christ Consciousness” within,
we will become “gods” with a small “g.”

Dave Hunt, a best selling Christian author lays

it on the line:

“Peale, Schuller, Robertson, Hagin, Copeland

and others have brought into the church
ancient occultism as part of the ‘signs and
wonders’ and ‘prosperity’ movement foretold in
Scripture. Many Christians now assume that
our thought and words, not God, control our
destiny---that we are little gods capable of
creating our own world.”

Along these same lines, there is very little

difference between dominion theology and new
age occultism, as demonstrated by the words of
leading proponent Earl Paulk, the pastor of
Chapel Hill Harvest Church in Atlanta, as
compared to a message channeled through a
new age medium. Note the similarities in the
two statements:

“Christ in us must take over the dominion over

the earth. The next move of God cannot occur
until Christ in us take dominion.” (Paulk)

“One by one, great awakened souls are coming

forth who will become clearly conscious of
their own mighty, inherent God Power and such
as these will be placed in all official positions of
government.” (This is psychic medium’s
message from a fallen angel)



Also in the 1980's, yet another movement

appeared on the religious scene which made
the Pentecostal/ charismatic false teachings
even more appealing and dangerous. Why?
Because this movement promoted the same,
basic unscriptural doctrines held by
Pentecostals and Charismatics while, in its
inception, disclaiming any relationship to either
of these groups, thus making it especially
attractive to evangelicals and fundamentalists
who did not want to wear the charismatic label.

The impetus for this new movement came

largely from several widely circulated books
and many lectures to evangelical groups

around the world by Dr. John Wimber, founder
of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Now
deceased, Wimber was never healed of his
cancer, despite his supposed healing miracles
ministry. Also prominent is Dr. Peter Wagner of
Fuller Theological Seminary Institute of Church

Both men greatly influenced each other and, as

they experimented with various teachings and
practices related to "healing, miracles, signs
and wonders," they soon augmented the
Pentecostal and charismatic errors. They
claimed that the exorcising of so-called
"territorial spirits" was essential to complete
the task of world evangelization; and, that God
had re-established the offices of prophet and
apostle with those supposedly holding these
offices receiving direct messages from God for
the church, and exercising divine authority over
the church.

The “territorial spirits” teaching also combined

with the false teachings inherent in deliverance
ministry, exposed in the next chapter.
This newest movement is often referred to as
"Power Evangelism or the "Third Wave of the
Holy Spirit." Ecumenical in scope and decidedly
worldly in practice, the three so-called "waves
of the Holy Spirit" (Pentecostals, Charismatics
and Power Evangelism teachers) have now
blended into a powerful coalition which has
rapidly spread and become a political force to
reckon with. These are the present day “Tea
Party” antagonist to President Obama’s
administration. Even more destructive from a
biblical perspective, “the Third Wave” is a huge
part of the religious monstrosity predicted by
Paul to Timothy when he warned that in the last
days, some would depart from the faith because
they gave heed to doctrines of devils through
the ministry of seducing spirits..

The “Slain in the Spirit” Phenomena

A universally accepted experience to all
Charismatics, after what I witnessed in the
Cindy Trimm video clip, I suspect that the slain
in the spirit experience falls under the domain
of the fallen angel known as Ashtar. Christians
have fallen under the power since the 1760’s. It
was a common expression among the Shakers
and also one of the signs of the ministry of
Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924), known as
“the trance evangelist.” About 15 years before
the Azusa Street Revival that started the
Pentecostal Church, Etter began manifesting
the phenomena in her meetings in 1885.
The practice was not widespread in Pentecostal
circles after Etter’s death, until the advent of
another woman evangelist named Aimee
Semple McPherson. (1890-1944). Founder of the
charismatic church called Foursquare Gospel,
McPherson died of a barbiturate overdose.

The next major figure to manifest the falling of

multitudes in her meetings was not Benny Hinn,
but Kathryn Khulman, one of Hinn’s mentors. In
fact, I’ve heard Hinn testify that it was at
Khulman’s gravesite that he received “the
power.” In the 90’s, John and Carol Arnott of
the Toronto Airport Church laid hands on
people and they fell. The first time I witnessed
the phenomena on a “mega” scale was at the
Kenneth Copeland Believers Convention held in
Atlanta Ga in October, 1983. However the first
time was actually at my home church when a
Pentecostal woman evangelist from Buffalo NY
laid out our entire congregation on the floor, all
except me.

Even though I didn’t fall myself at that time, in

the first 10 years of my ministry I longed for that
same power, until I finally obtained it in the
90’s. For at least a decade, I not only laid my
hands on people and most of them fell, I also
could wave at a few, or look at them intensely
and they would fall slain to the ground or slump
in their seats, practically unconscious. What
caused me eventually to question the
phenomena was that as a pastor, I noticed that

the members who passed out slain the most
were the ones who also backslid the most.

For example, I could wave my hand or blow a

breath at one of them and he’d fall to the
ground like a limp dishrag. Yet, before the day
was over, he was drunk---and I don’t mean by
the Holy Ghost. And there were several others
that I observed who did not really abide in
Jesus. So I humbled myself to the fact that from
a personal perspective, this thing could not be
godly. Searching for how the slain in the spirit
practice might possibly fulfill Satan’s agenda, I
have connected it to the importance of the
altered state of consciousness. An altered state
provides demons and devils the opportunity to
“walk in” to our souls. Like yoga, hypnosis, TM,
chanting, and other practices that induce an
ASC, falling slain along with tongues fall into
this same category. Fallen angels are on stand-
by, patiently waiting for a charismatic to fall
slain. Once these entities spot an opening, they
seize the opportunity to enter one’s soul.

(In the book, the citations are at the bottom of

each page. When copied and pasted, they were
eliminated. However, there are several


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