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A Christiannewsle/ler dedicated 10 uniting and encouraging Ihe body of Christ in the Ozarh.

ISSUE#25 October 2008


hrOUgh thc intcrnct it's possiblc to find out how Ihey shallnotjind me." Isaiah 55, "Lellhe wicked
to do just about anything. Thcrc arc a numbcr of forsake his way, and Ihe unrighteous man his Ihoughts
~ wcbsitcs dcdicated to explaining how to do things; and leI him reIurn unlo Ihe Lord, and he will have
even such things as how to celebrate Hallowccn or how lIIercy... he will abundamly pardon" (verse 7).
to grow potatoes in a garbage can. What thc body of Jamcs 4:8. "Draw nigh 10 God and He will draw
Christ needs to know how to do more than anything is nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners and purify
how to stay true to Jesus in a depraved. sinful culture and your hearts, ye double-minded"
world. I know that many Amcrican Christians fully expect
What could be more important for us in this present to bc rapturcd out of here before any major trouble comes
agc with all that's happening in America and around the and. of course, there is a catching away for those who are
world than to cleanse oursclvcs and draw near to God? alive and remain at the coming of the Lord (I
A right rclationship with God is our only rcal hopc of Thcssalonians 4: 15 and 17). One thing we should
having our needs met in troubled times that sccm to bc certainly do though is be strong in the Lord now in case
hcading our way. we do experience turbulcncc in our lifetimc. We're told
The Lord reveals to us through His Word that He by Jcsus himsclf, "He Ihat shall endure ulllo l!Ie elld. Ihe
wants His peoplc to get closer to Him bcfore it's too late same shall be saved" (Matthew 24: 13).
- seek His face early. Isaiah 55:6. "Seek ye Ihe Lord It's imperative that we stay true to Jesus through
while he may befound call ye upon him while he is whatcvcr wc may have to go through in our lives. God
near. " This is so important for LIS to realize. Psalm has not givcn us the spirit of fear, but of powcr, lovc and
32:6-7. "For this shall everyone thaI is gudly pray 111110 a sound mind. We nced not bc in fcar, but placc our trust
thee in a lime when thou mayesl be found: sure!.v in the in Him. "Trust in Ihe Lord wilh all Ihine heart and lean
jloods of greal walers Ihey shallnol come nigh unlo him. nol ulllo Ihine own underslanding. In all Ihy ways
Thou are my hiding place; Ihou shall preserve me from acknowledge Hilll and He shall direcI Ihy
Irouble:. Ihou shalt compass me about with songs of palhs "(Proverbs 3:5).
deliverance. " The scriptures tell us in Philippians 4: 19 that "God
Psalm 9:9. "The Lord also will be a refuge jiJr Ihe shall SUPP~I' all our need, according 10 Ilis riches in
uppressed a refuge in lillles of trouble. And Ihey that glor)'." I bclicvc that there is one way we. as
know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou. Lord, ambassadors for Christ, can makc God richcr: We can
has nol forsaken Ihem that seek thee. " glorify Him with our words and our actions. As wc give
On thc flip side. if we arc not in right standing with Him glory, he becomcs richcr in glory and accordingly,
thc Lord, wc're told inl'roverhs I:27-28 that when He supplics all our needs.
distrcss and anguish comcs, "Then shall Ihey call upon We havc nothing to worry about if wc arc in right
me, but I willnol answer: they shall seek me ear~v.but standing with thc Lord and staying truc to Him.

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