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nd this is His commandmBnt.

that WB
should, b81i8V8 on th8 nam8 of His Son
JBSUS Christ and love one another
as HB gavB us commandmBnt.
-I John 3:23

rtL 1''''jacqL<e. l'vejL<st receV\.tLfj ",oveol to 8L<relZa sprLV\.gs, ArlZaV\.sas.

IV\.1.,3,3,3 1rece,veol a vLsLoV\.fro'" the uwol that ,V\.voLveola 1'0,V\.t OV\.a ",a1' eV\.co"'1'assL""0 the area
of Northwest ArlZaV\.sas aV\.ol the SL<rroL<V\.olLV\.g
TWO weelZs Later, a wo",aV\. that 1ol,olV\.'t lZV\.owwLLeol ",e. IV\.fact, I haol V\.ever ",et her L<V\.teL
jaV\.L<arfj' wheV\. she caLLeol I aslZeol her where she was fro'" aV\.ol she saLol rtarrLsoV\.. I aslZeol
"where 'S rtayyLsoV\.?" aV\.ol she aV\.swereol Northwest ArlZaV\.sas.
"oh'" 1saLol, "I have a heart for that area." she res1'0V\.oleol, "Y0L<'re SL<1'1'0seolto be here.jL<st co",e

DV\.! "
1 aslZeol:What a'" I SL<1'1'0seolto olD? I have a 1'osLtLoV\.wLth a V\.atLoV\.aL",LV\.Lstrfj!"
"I oloV\.'t lZV\.ow," she saLol, "bL<t, fj0L<'re SL<1'1'0seolto be here. co",e OV\.over, fj0L<jL<st co",e OV\.over:
ObV,oL<SLfj' I olLol V\.ot "co",e over" at that tL",e.
It wasV\.'t L<V\.t,LLast fjear that the Lorol reLeaseol ",e to beg'V\. sharLV\.g wLth others the vLsLoV\.1haol

LV\. 1.,3,3,3.wheV\. I was at a cOV\.fereV\.ce of a weLLlZV\.owV\.1'ro1'het'c ""V\.Lstrfj' the ""V\.Lster olecLareol, "A
1'eg has beeV\. set ,V\.the groL<V\.olaV\.ol a cLrcLe has beeV\. olrawV\.. yO! AV\.ol cLaL", fjOL<rterrLtorfj'"
Mfj fr,eV\.ol (who lZV\.ew"'fj vLsLoV\.bfj V\.ow) saLol "T\1at Ls fjoL<r v,sLoV\." Y°L<ve yOT to go wLth

II sa,ol "fjeah'" aV\.ol
V\.evere}(1'ecteol swrteol1'rafj,V\.g.
to LLveLV\. ArlZaV\.sas, ,V\.fact, I thOL<ght I'ol be ,V\.Israel' rtowever, wheV\.1'rafj,V\.g
the Lorol saLol "yo: (to the area eV\.c,rcLeol LV\.the vLsLoV\.) "aV\.ol fjw'LL lZV\.oWwhere fjOL<are SL<1'-

1'0seol to be bfj where fj0L< are weLco",eol:

I vLsLteol ",aV\.fj areas LV\.that c,rcLe of area, bL<t 8L<relZa s1'rLV\.gs Ls the 1'Lace that I trL<Lfj feLt

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0" )011 ended lip in the Ozark' --..,
IVrite or call . s. I
: Eddo" .,,,", T"'"" Th, Co,"" Go,h"',,. :
I P.O. Box 2313 • Harrison, ARK 72602 Assistant Editor: S.L. Rogers I
I _ . Phone (870) 420-3278 I
L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'J11a1~l~e@cornergathering.coJ11
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