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they must start corporation because their liability is limitted and that is count from the

advantage of corporation because sometime the business faill and the stakholder have
to incurse the loss if their liability is not limitted then they may loss their personal
properity it means it can be suid their personal liability too and in corporation they can
access to fund and transfer of ownership it means if they need money they can transfer
the share in the market.

A friend wants to start her own convenience store.

he must start sole propritietorship because it is eassy to register eassy to organize and
all earning go to sole proparitor (the owner of the business)if he need fund he can
borrow from creditors. and the one important thing is that coplete control it means there
is one owner no probleme ocure during the decission making and the lower tax , the
gowerment take a small amount of tax from the owners because the earning of sole
proparittorship cansidred to be personal income.

An entrepreneur wants to acquire a large U.S. business.

as he wants to have a big business but he is one person he must start sole
proparitorship because he is only one owner and he must be willing to accept full
responsibility for the firm performanceand he must be also willing to to work flexible
hours, if he starts th sole proparitoship it will be eassy to organize ,all earninig goto the
sole propritor,complete control and lower tax because it is considerd to be personal

Five friends want to build an apartment complex and are not concerned about
limited liability.

they must start partnership because they are not considered with limitted liabilittyand
their profit or loss are share and all of theme have unlimitted liabilityand if they start
partnership they will be able to get additional fund,and morespecializitionand the earning
distributed to each partner repreasent personal income and are subject to personal
income taxes collected by the IRS.

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