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Data Fabric™

Demands on market data infrastructures within investment firms have increased in

number and intensity, and the situation is set to continue. Market data volumes are
growing at faster rates and processing systems are being forced to deal with the deluge
of information that serves as input into today’s trading decisions. Legacy systems are
being strained, emphasizing the need for technological innovation.
Breakthrough Middleware
Customer Challenges Solution Benefits
Performance As markets become increasingly NYSE Technologies’ Data FabricTM
electronic, and the need for speed is a leading platform for low-latency,
FAST FACTS intensifies, an improved market data high-throughput application messaging.
solution is necessary: one that requires By fundamentally changing the approach
What is it?
a smaller hardware footprint, enables to middleware, Data Fabric simultaneously
NYSE Technologies’ Data FabricTM flexible deployment scenarios, and reduces benefits from, and maximizes the power
is a high-throughput application time to market for critical applications. of modern, multi-core CPUs with fast
messaging platform. memory access.
Today’s market data systems need
Who is it for? to demonstrate superior latency and
Breakthrough Performance
Financial institutions looking to throughput profiles if they are to add
value. End-users are looking for help from Data Fabric, using industry standard
improve the performance of
a trusted supplier to handle this complexity hardware, offers significant throughput
mission-critical applications.
and allow them to focus on their core with lower latency than traditional low-
What does it provide? business – defining and executing trading latency IP-based middleware. The Data
and investment strategies. Fabric platform achieves breakthrough
High performance real-time data
performance with low CPU overhead
distribution – and the foundation
Growing Volumes of Data because it eliminates the need for CPU
for a new generation of business
Technology systems today face the time to be spent on I/O. This enables
challenge of handling ever increasing business applications to do even more
volumes of real-time data. For example, critical work, faster and with less data
the Options Price Reporting Authority center real estate.
(OPRA) US options data feed hit a peak
Unparalleled Speed and Throughput
of 1.6 million messages per second in
October 2009, and forecasts predict From high-frequency trading to cloud
further rate increases. Market participants computing, Data Fabric is unparalleled
are under acute pressure to ensure their for real-time data distribution. Data Fabric
systems can withstand these kinds of is unique among market data middleware
volumes now and in the future. platforms in its ability to use Local Direct
Memory Access (LDMA) and Remote
Low Latency Direct Memory Access (RMDA) to feed
In market data quote platforms and client applications at appreciably higher
financial trading systems, micro-bursting of throughput and lower latency.
data (i.e. large quantities of simultaneous
A New World of Ideas
updates from many sources within a few
microseconds) happens regularly, forcing Data Fabric opens your team to a
standard IP-based middleware to buffer whole new world of opportunities.
messages. This causes significant latency The platform’s unsurpassed performance
spikes and leads to message outliers. uncovers possibilities that didn’t exist before,
Micro-bursts of data updates can highlight unleashing your talent to create market-
bottlenecks across various parts of the winning ideas, applications and strategies,
trading system, especially in the I/O stack giving your firm the competitive edge it needs.
and the middleware.
©2010 NYSE Euronext
All Rights Reserved

Data Fabric™

A New Approach
NYSE Technologies’ Data Fabric™ enables applications to leverage the CPU’s multiple
cores, without needing complex multi-threading code changes. Featuring both LDMA
Key Features
and RDMA capabilities, it seamlessly scales data intensive applications across multiple • Breakthrough application performance:
CPU-cores, as well as multiple machines. -O
 ver 8+ million 200 byte messages
per second, with nanosecond
Shared Memory – No Retransmissions latency when running one publisher
Data Fabric incorporates the revolutionary approach of a publish-and-subscribe, application and five subscriber
topic-based, application messaging platform that leverages Shared Memory Access. applications on a single, 8 core Intel
This unique design eliminates retransmission requests and multicast storms that occur Xeon 5500 server using Data Fabric’s
on IP platforms when there are network issues, or when a subscriber is unable to process Local Direct Memory transport
updates at the same rate as the publisher. By leveraging RDMA hardware acceleration -O
 ver 1.6 million 200 byte messages
to handle message delivery, Data Fabric also provides protection for the publisher from per second, with single-digit
misbehaving subscribers. microsecond latency between two
applications on two 8-core Intel Xeon
Flexibility and Choice 5500 servers, using Data Fabric’s
Data Fabric supports four message transportation types: LDMA; RDMA over 10Gigabit Infiniband Remote Direct Memory
Ethernet; RDMA over InfiniBand; and direct TCP sockets. By employing the Data Fabric transport
Daemon, clients can ‘bridge’ all of these transport types and filter traffic flowing between
• Flexible deployment options: LDMA,
them, both locally and over a WAN. This flexibility allows architects and administrators
RDMA 10GigE, RDMA Infiniband, TCP
to choose the ideal interconnection solution without requiring any code changes, and
ensures the best performance possible regardless of the deployment choice. • Simplified application design and
development: One API for all transports
Each transport method addresses a different performance goal:
• LDMA – trading venue co-location and other high latency sensitive applications • Predictable business application
performance: ‘Flat’ latency curve
• RDMA – latency sensitive applications requiring processing across multiple servers
• Greater data center efficiency:
• TCP – efficient enterprise fan-out to servers and desktops where only traditional Reduced CPU utilization
Ethernet is available

Diagram 1: Sample Data Fabric Deployment About NYSE Technologies

NYSE Technologies provides comprehensive
transaction, data and infrastructure services
and managed solutions for buy-side,
sell-side and exchange communities
that require next-generation performance

MAMA and expertise for mission critical and

value-added client services.
FH 1 MAG 1
Find Out More
Contact our Trading Solutions team now.
Data Fabric - RDMA Email:
or Visit

Data Fabric Client Client

Daemon & App App
MamaCache (e.g. Algo (e.g. Algo
Engine) Engine)


Copyright 2010 NYSE Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only. Measurements
are based upon independent tests; results may vary. NYSE Technologies does not guaranty any savings or level of performance.

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