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Consent form for un-accompanied under 18s for all events.

Please tick and cross out as appropriate.

I give consent for _________________________________ to participate in the following events

through Soul Purpose Christmas –

Advance preparation on 11th December – wrapping presents, making decorations, preparing

quizzes, possible Bookers trip (with CRB’d adults). 10am-12noon at Church of the Holy Spirit,


‘Deck the Halls’ on 23rd December at Sundorne School, 10am – 1pm

Veggie peeling on 24th Dec – 10am-1pm at Sundorne School. Peeling and chopping vegetables and

other foodie preparation.

Christmas Day on 25th Dec, 11am (ish) – 4.30pm at Sundorne School, with clearing up afterwards.

This may include serving, washing up, children’s work, clearing up.

I give consent for my child to attend and help with the above events and also to participate in other

relevant activities that may arise on the individual days.

Signed…………………………………………….. (Parent/ Guardian) Date…………………………………………..

Emergency contact No:................................................................

This form can be returned to Simon and Fi Iddon, 18a Meole Walk, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury, SY3 9EU

or brought to any of the pre-Christmas events. Please note that if you are attending without your

family on Christmas Day we will need your consent from by the 23rd December at the latest.

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